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1、 1天天阅读学案(天天阅读学案(Module 4 of Book 5)编制人:编制人: 教师赠言:得阅读者得天下教师赠言:得阅读者得天下 班级:班级:_ 小组:小组:_ 姓名:姓名:_ADear Leela,How are you getting on? My parents and I went to Bangkok last month. We visited a snake farm and saw two keepers milking a poisonous (有毒的) snake. They were drawing poison from it.One of the keeper

2、s had caught the snake by the back of its head. Then he squeezed its head until the snakes poison started dropping from its poison teeth. The poison was collected in a glass dish. The second keeper pushed some pieces of meat into the snakes mouth, using a special tool. Then the snake was set free. T

3、he keepers told us that the poison is made into medicine which is used to treat snake bites.If only you were there, Leela! Im sure you would want to visit the snake farm too. Do write and tell me what you did last weekend.Yours,Anne1. The underlined word “squeezed” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meani

4、ng to “_”. A. pressed tightly B. held carefully C. touched softly D. shook suddenly2. Which of the following is the correct order in which the snake poison was collected?a. One keeper caught the snake by the back of its head.b. The snake was set free. c. Some pieces of meat were pushed into the snak

5、es mouth.d. The poison was collected in a glass dish.e. The snakes head was squeezed.A. abcde B. aedcb C. adceb D. acbde3. The snake keepers collect snake poison in order to _.A. save the snakes lives B. attract more visitorsC. make a kind of medicine D. prevent snakes biting peopleBThere were two c

6、hildhood friends who went through school and college and even 2joined the army together. War broke out and they were fighting in the same unit. One night, they were ambushed (伏击). There was firing throughout the night. Bullets (子弹) were flying all over and out of the darkness came a voice, “Harry, p

7、lease come and help me.”Harry immediately recognized the voice of his friend, Bill. He asked the captain if he could go. The captain said, “No. I am already short-handed and I cannot afford to lose one more person.”Again and again, the voice came. Harry could not contain himself any longer and told

8、the captain, “Captain, this is my childhood friend and I have to go and help.” Harry crawled (爬行) through the darkness and found that Bill was dead.Now the captain got angry and shouted at Harry, “Didnt I tell you he was not going to survive? You could have been killed!”Harry replied, “Captain, I di

9、d the right thing. When I reached Bill, he was still alive and his last words were, Harry, I knew you would come.”Harry did not regret risking his life to see his friend for the last time.1. Why did the captain refuse to let Harry go to help his friend?A. Because he disliked Harrys friend. B. Becaus

10、e his friend was already dead.C. Because his friend was too far away. D. Because it was too dangerous.2. Which of the following can be inferred (推断) from the passage?A. Bill felt happy to see Harry for the last time. B. The captain shot Harry for not obeying him.C. Harrys unit finally defeated the e

11、nemies. D. Bill came back to life the next day.3. What is the best title for the passage?A. A Captain and His Soldiers B. A Night BattleC. A Lifelong Friendship D. A Complete DefeatC3第五部分:阅读表达(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 l5 分)阅读下面短文,用英语简要回答文后所给的 5 个问题。(注意:每题答案不超过15 个单词)I am writing this story because it is no

12、t too late for me to talk to my parents. I realized this last night when visiting their house while they were away. I went to freshen it up for their return, and being at their house without them home made me sad.As I went into their bedroom, I saw little reminders of themsome Christmas gifts still

13、in boxes and family photos that must have a special meaning to them. What took my breath away was seeing my dads medals from his military (军事的) service to our country.My father never talked about the war. As I looked at those medals hanging proudly with all the photos that he treasures, I realized t

14、hat this was an important part of his life, and I never took the time to talk with him about it. The photos of my mom with friends made me realize that she had a life before she was “my mom”. My life has been so busy in raising my own family that I missed experiencing who my parents were.I am gratef

15、ul to have both of my parents. I still have time to talkI hope that others will benefit from my story and find the time to really talk to those in their life that mean so much to them, such as their parents.1. How did the writer feel when she found her parents not at home?_2. What were the three things she found in the bedroom?_3. For what did her father receive those medals?_4. What did the writer realize whe



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