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1、第工课时Section A(3a一3c)工. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Mike,can you make a small (对话)to _ practice the new words?2. Please (关闭) the door and windows when yougo out3. The (纪录片)sHOwS as what the citywas like twenty years ago.4. His cousin (粘贴) some sports stars on thewall.S$. They have (大量) of time to prepare for th

2、edancing party. 开. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6.I like classical music and Beethoven is my favorite music),7. The old story has asad (end),8.I savw a lot of famous (sing) at the concert,9. Mr. Browns daughter doesnt like watchng(Cdrama).10. Stick to (speak) English every day, andyoul find you are good at it so

3、on. 下E4焉. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 我坚持我昨天说过的话。I what I said yesterday。12. 务必马上关掉这人台机器。Be sure to that machine right away。13. 他们偶尔一起去钓鱼。They go fishing together 加的14. 陪伴我们的家人和朋友是很重要的。time with our family and friends ”very im- Portant.15. 我的表弟今晚不想工作到很晚。My cousin doesnt very late to-night. .阅读理解。Everyone ha

4、s different music tastes,Many re-searchers believe that music has a calming effect and isgood for the people who enjoy it, Here are some kindsof music and their effects on the body.人Classical musicThis kind of music has been found to reduce(减缓) stress(even for people who are not too interestedin cla

5、ssical music) and improve certain kinds of intelli-gence. Listening to classical music also has a very cal-ming effect on heart rate and can be helpful for peoplewith heart disease. 急Indian classical musicIndian classical music therapy(疗法) is often usedfor insomnia. A study found that listening to I

6、ndianclassical music can improve the quality of sleep in pa-tients who experience depression(精神忧郁).急Hip hop musicHip hop music has a different effect on a lot ofteenagers. On the one hand, this kind of music cancause bad feelings, and on the other hand,it is suchenergetic music that it makes you wan

7、t to get up anddance.全Rock musicIf you dont like listening to rock music,then lis-tening to it can make you feel angry and increase yoOurheart rate and blood pressure. However, if you enjoylistening to this kind of music, it can help you to re-duce Stress without affecting your beart rate or bloodDr

8、essure.( )16. How many kinds of music are mentioned inthe passage?A.Two. B. Three.C. Four. D. Five.过仅)18.Which kind of music is good for most people?A. Rock mnusic.B. Classical music,C. Hip hop music.D.: Indian classical music.Who can Indian classicahimusic be helpful for?A. People with low intellig

9、ence,B. People with heart disease.C. People who have high blood pressure.D. People who have trouble sleeping. ()20. Which of the following is TRUE accordingto the passage?A. Listening to Indian classical music canincrease blood pressure.B. Hip hop music always has a great influ-ence on Deople.C. Rock music is good for people who enjoylistening to it,D. For people who arent too interested inclassical music,its hard to reduceStTress.



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