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1、 工. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1. The Russians were the (先驱) of spacetravel.2. Do you like the (款式) of the T-shirt?3. Our new (项目)-is to build anew hospital inthe city centeF.4. Some important things were (提到) in hisreport,S$.She (列举) all the good restaurants in this cityyesterday morning. 本E本开. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

2、。6. Mrs. Green bought a pair of shoes with special(heel) yesterday.Euii (day) lives, we should pay attention to Our actions,8. Music can offer (please) to us, so manypeople like listening to it.9. I think the light bulb is one of the most important(invent).10. Please write down two useful (website),

3、2病E4天亚. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 这个锅是用来做汤的。This pot making soup,12. 他们说的似乎有道理。What they said seemed to13. 你能在黑暗中看见我们吗?Can you see us ?14. 那个机器人是她叔叔两年前发明的。That robot _ her uncle two yearsago.15. 难道你就没有考虑过别人吗?Dont you ever others? 玉 . 阅读理解。Think about the different ways that people usethe wind,. You can us

4、e it to fly a kite or to sail a boat,Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources,as well as one of the oldest, Something shows thatwindmills(风车) began to be used in ancient Iran backin the seventh century BC. THhey were first intro-duced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies Te-turned fr

5、om the Middle East with knowledge of usingwind power. For many centuries, people used windmills tomake wheat into flour(面粉) or get water from deepunderground. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s,people living in faraway areas began to usethem to produce electricity. This allowed them t

6、o haveelectric lights and radio. However, by the 1940s whenelectricity was available to people in almost all areas ofthe United Statesywindmills were hardly used.During the 19708, people started becoming morecared about the pollution that is created when coal andgas are burned to produce electricity

7、. People also real-ized that the supply of coal and gas would run out oneday. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means本higher costs, Today, there is a global movement tosupply more and more of our electricity through theuse of wind. )16. From the first paragraph, what can we knowabout wind and w

8、indmills?A.Windis theeleanestyTichast and nevwestpower source,B. Windmills were first introduced to Mid-dle East during 1100s.C. Windmills were used in ancient Iran inthe 7th Century BC.D, Armies used windmills in Europe andthe Middle East. ()17. What did people use windmills to do formany centuries

9、?A. To help make flour from wheat.B. To help get water from the river。CC 工o -help make electric ligbts.D. Tohelpdig wells 于 年raway areas,)18. When were the windmills used to produceelectricity in some places?A. In the 1100s. B. In the 1940s.C. In the 1970s. D. In the 1800s.( )19. Why was wind redisc

10、overed during the 1970s?人A. Because coal and gas had been used up.也. Because it was cheaper to produce electricity.C. Because its cleaner than other sources.D. Because it could only be used in farawayareas: )20. What was the correct Order for the passage?a. Windmills were used in ancient Iran.b. People used windmills to produce electricity.c. People used windmills to make flour.d. Windmills were hardly used.办.下一攻一6一记 |二一让 D. a一d一b一c



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