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1、 I . 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. You look very upset. What (发生) ,Tom?2. TI was twelve when we first met,and from that dayon OUuUT (友谊) began.3. His words 二一(迫使)-me crazy Iceant stand himany more.4. Look! The children are having (乐趣) with theirteachers.Greg and Dannv are good friends. They always go toschool (在

2、一起).开. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Grace doesn t feel like eating any food (Clate)because of the coming exams.。7. Paul thinks Sam is (strong) than any otherstudent in Our class.8. Why dont Yo (go) Gut foralDiciiic with them?9. The show was so funny that it made everyone(laugh) again and again.。10. Susan was

3、(happy) because she lost herwatch.。可E4亚. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 如果我们不邀请她参加晚会,好会感觉被冷落。I we dont invite her to the party, she will12. 你越细心,你烦的错误就越少。careful you are, mistakes youwill maKe。. 整天做这种工作会使我发疯。Doing this kind of work all day is going to共同点。Anna and Tara “We have a lot in com-mon,. 她明天宁愿和奈莉去游泳。Sh

4、e go swimming with Nelly tomorrow. T. 完形填空。It was one of the hottest days of the dry season。We had not seen rain in almosta 16 .Ifwedidntsee some rain soon we would lose 17 .It was onthis day that TI_ 18 _ the true lesson of sharing andwitnessed(目击) the only miracle L have seen with myOwn eyes.I was

5、 in the kitchen making lunch 19 Isawmy Six-year-old son,Billy,walking toward the woods.Minutes after he disappeared into the woods,he camerunning out again,tovward the house. I went back to making sandwiches,thinking thatwhatever task he had been doing was completed. Mo-ments later, 20 ,he was once

6、again walking toward| the woods. This 21 went on for an hour: walk j 22 to the woods,run back to the house. Finally 】23 takeit anylongerand Ierept(路手路脚地走)out of the house and 24 “him on his journey。As I leaned in to watch over him,I saw the most25 sight. Several large deer moved in front of him. Bil

7、ly walked right up to them. And I saw a tinydeer 26 on the ground,obviously suffering fromdehydration(脱水) and heat exhaustion , lift its headwith great effort to lap up(栈)the water cupped in mybeautiful boy s hands. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to runback to the house. I followed him bac

8、k to a water tapthat we had shut off the water to. Billy opened it allthe way up anda 27 drop began to creep out. Heknelt there, letting the drip (水滴) slowly 28makeshift“cup交When he stood -up_and began thetravel back,I was there in front ofhim. His little eyesjust filled with tears。“ITm not wasting,

9、”was all he said.As the tears that rolled down my face began tohit the ground, they were suddenly ”29 ”by otherdropsmore dropsand more.All I can say is that the 30 that came thatday saved our farmjust like the actions of one littleboy saved another.( )16. A. year “B. month C. day ”D. week ( )17. A.

10、everything B. nothingCC. something D. anything )18. A.taughi B.gaveC. learned D. accepted( )19. A. while B.before C.as D. when)20. A. therefore B. howeverCC, anyway D. anywhere( )21. A. condition B. disasterC. conversation D. activity)22.)23.)24.)25.)20.27.A. carefullyC. bravelyA. wouldntC. couldntA

11、. wentGC, searchedA. excitirgCC. dangerousA.jumpingC. lyingA. quickC. largeB. carelesslyD. naturallyB. mustntD. shouldntB. sawD.followedB. amazingD. terribleB. walkingD. runningB. smallD. big 园()28. A. come upC.fill up)29. A. joinedC. invented)30. A. cloudGrainB. run awayD. take awayB. designedD. created了B. waterD, wind



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