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1、奥巴马 2013 年 6 月 29 日演讲译文Hi everybody. A few days ago, I unveiled a new national plan to confront the growing threat of a changing climate.大家好。几天前,我推出了一个新的国家计划应对日益增长的气候变化威胁。Decades of carefully reviewed science tells us our planet is changing in ways that will have profound impacts on the world we lea

2、ve to our children. Already, we know that the 12 warmest years in recorded history have all come in the last 15, and that last year was the warmest in American history. And while we know no single weather event is caused solely by climate change, we also know that in a world thats getting warmer tha

3、n it used to be, all weather events are affected by it more extreme droughts, floods, wildfires, and hurricanes.几十年反复审视的科学告诉我们我们的星球正在改变,这种改变将对我们留给 我们的后代的世界产生重大的冲击。我们已经知道历史上有记录的最热的 12 年 都发生在最近的 15 年里,去年是美国历史上最热的一年。尽管我们知道没有一 个天气事件是唯一地由气候变化造成的,我们还知道在一个比过去变暖的世界 所有天气事件更多的大旱、洪水、森林大火和飓风,都受它影响。Those who alr

4、eady feel the effects of a changing climate dont have time to deny it theyre busy dealing with it. The firefighters who brave longer wild fire seasons. The farmers who see crops wilted one year, and washed away the next. Western families worried about water that s drying up.那些已经感觉到气候变化影响的人们没有时间否认了他们

5、正在忙于应对它。 消防队员们在更长的森林大火季节奋勇灭火。农场主们眼看着他们的庄稼一年 枯萎,另一年水淹。西部的家庭担心水资源枯竭。The cost of these events can be measured in lost lives and livelihoods, lost homes and businesses, and hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency services and disaster relief. And Americans across the country are already paying the

6、price of inaction in higher food costs, insurance premiums, and the tab for rebuilding.这些事件的损失是用人民的生命财产损失、企业和住房的损失和数以千万计的 紧急救援和灾难救济支出来度量的。全国人民已经在以更高的食品价格、保险 金和重建开销为这些行动付出了代价。The question is not whether we need to act. The question is whether we will have the courage to act before its too late. 问题不是我

7、们是否需要行动。问题是我们是否有勇气防止病入膏肓。The national Climate Action Plan I unveiled will cut carbon pollution, protect our country from the impacts of climate change, and lead the world in a coordinated assault on a changing climate.我推出的第一号全国气候行动计划将减少碳污染,保护国家不受气候变化冲击, 引领世界协调地应对气候变化。To reduce carbon pollution, Ive

8、directed the Environmental Protection Agency to work with states and businesses to set new standards that put an end to the limitless dumping of carbon pollution from our power plants. We ll use more clean energy and waste less energy throughout our economy.为了减少碳污染,我已经责成环境保护署与各州和企业合作制定新的标准来结 束发电厂无休止

9、碳污染排放。我们将使用清洁能源和无废物能源来驱动我们的 整个经济。To prepare Americans for the impacts of climate change we cant stop, we ll work with communities to build smarter, more resilient infrastructure to protect our homes and businesses, and withstand more powerful storms.为了让美国人民准备好应对无法制止的气候变化的冲击,我们将与社区合作打 造更加智能化、更加弹性的基础设

10、施来保护我们的住房和企业、使其可以抵御 更强的风暴。And America will lead global efforts to combat the threat of a changing climate by encouraging developing nations to transition to cleaner sources of energy, and by engaging our international partners in this fight for while we compete for business, we also share a planet.

11、And we must all shoulder the responsibility for its future together.美国将通过鼓励发展中国家实现向清洁能源的转型,共同参与国际合作应对来 领导全球应对气候变化威胁的努力因为尽管我们的企业在竞争,我们仍然共 享一个地球。我们必须共同承担它的未来的责任。This is the fight America can and will lead in the 21st century. But it will require all of us, as citizens, to do our part. Well need scient

12、ists to design new fuels, and farmers to grow them. Well need engineers to devise new technologies, and businesses to make and sell them. Well need workers to man assembly lines that hum with high-tech, zero-carbon components, and builders to hammer into place the foundations for a new clean energy

13、age. We ll need to give special care to people and communities unsettled by this transition. And those of us in positions of responsibility will need to be less concerned with the judgment of special interests and well-connected donors, and more concerned with the judgment of our children.美国能够也应该领导

14、21 世纪的这场战斗。但是它要求我们所有人,作为公民, 尽我们的义务。我们需要科学家们设计新燃料、农场主们种植它们。我们需要 工程师们构思新技术,企业生产和销售它们。我们需要工人们操作满是高技术、 零碳的部件的装配线,建筑工人们为新清洁能源时代奠基。我们需要给予在这 场转型中处于困境的人们和社区特殊的关爱。而我们这些在责任岗位的人们需 要少考虑特殊利益集团和神通广大的捐赠者们的公平,多考虑孩子们的公平。If you agree with me, Ill need you to act. Educate your classmates and colleagues, your family an

15、d friends. Speak up in your communities. Remind everyone who represents you, at every level of government, that there is no contradiction between a sound environment and a strong economy and that sheltering future generations against the ravages of climate change is a prerequisite for your vote.如果你们

16、赞同我,我想要你们行动。开导你们的同学和同事们、家人和朋友们。 在你们的社区呼吁。提醒每一个在每一级政府代表你们的人健全的环境和强劲 的经济没有矛盾保护未来的后代不受气候变化的报复是你们投票的前提。We will be judged as a people, as a society, and as a country on where we go from here. The plan I have put forward to reduce carbon pollution and protect our country from the effects of climate change is the path we need to take. And if we remember whats at stake the world we leave to our children Im convinced that this is a challenge that we



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