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1、慧灵网【双语】去巴西看球不可不尝的巴西美食When visiting Brazil for the World Cup, soccer fans will be able to seize the chance to try out the local delicacies. Reflecting its warm climate and multicultural heritage, Brazils cuisine is a colorful blend of Portuguese, African and Native American ingredients and influences

2、. Here are eight must-try Brazilian culinary treats you can eat while watching the tournament.到巴西去看世界杯,足球迷们可有机会去品尝当地美食了。由于其温和的气候和多元的文化,巴西美食汇聚多方特色,综合了葡萄牙、非洲和印第安的食材和精髓。以下是你在观看世界杯期间非尝不可的八大巴西美食。ChurrascoChurrasco 巴西烤肉巴西烤肉In Brazil, churrasco is a Portuguese and Spanish term for a type of barbecue which

3、originated in southern Brazil. It features different kinds of meat, pork, sausage and chicken which may be cooked over an open fire. The Brazilians have been barbecuing meat for a long time. Churrasco varies not only because of the variety of meat but also because of the sauces. One common way to se

4、rve churrasco in Brazil is ata buffet, with waiters 慧灵网carrying trays of meat around the room and patrons choosing which cuts they want.Churrasco(巴西烤肉)这词源自葡萄牙语和西班牙语,用来表示一种起源于巴西南部的烤肉。其特点是把各种不同的肉猪肉,香肠和鸡肉混在一起架在篝火上烧烤。巴西人的烤肉习俗历史悠久。巴西烤肉种类多样不仅是因为其所烤的肉类多样,而且佐料也各种各样。在巴西吃巴西烤肉的一种普遍方式是自助,就是服务员会端出一盘盘肉,食客们自己选择要吃哪

5、一块。FeijoadaFeijoada 巴西肉烧豆巴西肉烧豆Feijoada, the national dish in Brazil, is a black bean stew with various types of beef and sausage. The modern feijoada completa is anelaborated version of a simple dish of beans flavored with meat. The sliced meats are displayed on a large platter, accompanied by these

6、miliquid beans, rice, toasted farofa, sliced oranges, sliced onions, cooked cabbage, and a hot-pepper sauce.巴西肉烧豆是巴西的“国菜”,将黑豆与各式各样的烟熏干肉,以小火炖煮而成。现在的“全套腓秀雅杂”是简单肉烧豆的豪华升级版。切薄的肉盛放在一个大浅盘上,拌上豆汁,米饭,木署粉,橙子片,洋葱片,熟的卷心菜和胡椒粉。CamaroesCamaroes JangaderiroJangaderiro 巴西风味椰奶虾巴西风味椰奶虾慧灵网One of the most popular dishes

7、in Brazil is Camaro Jangadeiro, a large plate of crispy breaded prawns stuffed with creamy Catupirycheese.巴西风味椰奶虾是巴西最受欢迎的佳肴之一,一大盘裹着脆面包皮的大虾,咬下去满口香浓的巴西奶油。BrazilianBrazilian hothot saucesauce 巴西辣椒酱巴西辣椒酱慧灵网Brazil is home to some pretty hot things, but nothing may be hotter than the malagueta pepper. Mal

8、agueta pepper is a type of chilli used inBrazil, Portugal and Mozambique. It is heavily used in the Bahia state of Brazil. It is widely used in Brazilian cuisine, going especially wellwith poultry dishes.巴西盛产火辣的食材,但是没有什么会比马拉盖塔椒辣。马拉盖塔椒是一种红辣椒,在巴西,葡萄牙和莫桑比克广为使用。在巴西北部的巴伊亚,非常普遍。它被广泛地用在巴西菜肴中,尤其与家禽肉类搭配口味最佳。GalinhadaGalinhada 巴西炖鸡饭巴西炖鸡饭Galinhada is a stew of rice with chicken, which is a typical Brazilian dish in the states of Minas Gerais and Gois.Galinhada 是一道鸡肉炖饭,在米纳斯吉拉斯州和戈亚斯州,这是一道典型的巴西菜肴。



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