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1、2012 年 1 月寒假中译英 100 句 1.只要你穿适合自己的衣服, 你就会看起来很棒。(as long as) As long as you wear what suits you/is suitable for you, youll look great/best. As long as you wear clothes that suit you, youll look great/best. 2.学校的午餐虽然不是色香味俱全,但是营养、安全、健康。(although) Although school lunch doesnt look good in colour, flavour

2、 and taste, it is nutritious, safe and healthful. Although school lunch doesnt look good, taste delicious or smell good, it is nutritious, safe and healthful. 3.尽量少吃垃圾食品,勤锻炼,你就会很快康复。(and) Have as little junk food as possible and do exercise/exercise regular/often and you will recover (your health)/b

3、e recovered soon. 4.要过相当长一段时间,校园暴力事件才会得到完全控制。(before) It will be quite a long time before campus violence is brought under total/full control. 5.每次我建议爸爸戒烟,他都不开心。(every time) Every time I suggest that my father stopping/giving up driving, he will get upset/unhappy/annoyed. Every time I suggest that m

4、y father (should) stop/give up driving, he will get upset/unhappy/annoyed. 6.第一次我遭遇失败的时候,我的同桌鼓励我以积极的态度面对人生。(the first time) The first time I suffered from/encounter failure/loss, my deskmate encouraged/inspired me to take a positive attitude towards life/to face life with a positive attitude. 7.他努力追

5、随时尚惟恐落伍。(for fear that) He tries to keep up with fashion for fear that he may/might go out of style/fashion/be out. 8.我们多么渴望过一个无忧无虑没有作业的暑假呀!(How) How we look forward to a care-free -free summer holiday without any homework! How keen/eager we are to spend a care-free and home-free summer vacation! 9.

6、你随身带些备用衣服,以防天气变凉。(in case) Take/Bring/Carry some spare clothes with you in case it gets cool. 10. 既然你是班长,就应该有你组织这次班会。(Now that) Now that you are monitor, it is up to you to organize this class meeting. 11. 无论你有什么疑难问题,你都可以再网上找到答案。(no matter) No matter what puzzles you, you can check/refer to/consult/

7、turn to the Internet for an answer. No matter what puzzling problems you have, you can check/refer to/consult/turn to the Internet for an answer. 12. 直到他参加校游泳队,他才开始接受正规训练。(Not until) Not until he joined the school swimming team did he begin to take/have formal training. 13. 只要你能保养好我的自行车,我就借给你两天。(on

8、condition that) On condition that you keep my bicycle/bike in good condition, you can keep it for two days. 14. 一旦你对某一科目感兴趣,你就会全力以赴地学习它,直至掌握。(Once) Once you are interested in a certain subject, you will go all out/go to any length/make every effort means to learn it until you master/grasp/have a goo

9、d command of it. 15. 年轻的父母如此溺爱孩子以至于他们要什么给什么。(so) Young parents spoil their children so much that they give them whatever the children want/desire ask for.16. 他现在节食目的是减轻体重,有个好身材。(so that) He is on a diet/going on a diet so that he can lose weight and have a good figure/be in a good shape. 17. 有时你花越多时

10、间做笔记,你越无法专心(听课) ,然后你就错过了重点。(the more) Sometimes/Under some circumstances/In some cases, the more time you spend writing/taking notes, the less you are paying attention/focusing, and so you miss the important parts. 18. 她对那件漂亮的衣服一见钟情。(the moment) The moment she caught sight of the beautiful dress/the

11、 piece of beautiful clothes, she couldnt help falling in love with it. 19. 除非我有别的安排,否则我星期五请你吃饭。(unless) Unless I have some other plants/arrangements, I will invite you for dinner/treat you to dinner on Friday. 20. 使他痛苦的是,他和同学相处不融洽。(what) What makes him painful is that he doesnt get on well with his

12、classmates. 21. 遇到困难时,我们不要灰心丧气、向困难低头,也不能放弃。(when) When we meet with/run into/come across difficulties, we shall/should neither lose heart, nor give in to them or give up. 22. 不管你喜欢还是厌恶,你都要长大,学会独立面对一切。(whether) Whether you like it or hate it, you will have to grow up and learn to face up to everythin

13、g on your own/by yourself/alone. 23. 是否应该强制中学生参加长跑曾一度引起学生和家长的热议。(whether) Whether students should be forced to have a long-distance run/running caused/aroused heated discussions among students and parents. 24. 同龄人志趣相投,易于沟通。(It) It is easy for peers/the people of an age/the same age to communicate wi

14、th each other because/for they share interests/have similar interests/think alike. 25. 真遗憾,因为下大雨,体育活动课被取消。(It) It is a pity that the physical activity class was called off/cancelled because of the heavy rain. 26. 我最讨厌父母提醒我做作业。(it) I hate it when my parents remind me to do my homework. 27. 学生上大学的目的之一

15、就是毕业后找份理想的工作。(It is) It is to find an ideal/a desired job after graduation that is one of the aims/purposes of students attending college/going to college. 28. 据估计,今夏南方大部分地区将遭受有史以来最严重水灾。(It) It is estimated that most parts of the South will suffer the most severe/worst flood in history this summer.

16、It is estimated that the most severe/worst flood in history will hit/strike most parts of the south this summer. 29. 下课铃一响,同学们就吵闹地冲出了教室。(hardly) Hardly had the bell dismissing/to dismiss class rung when the students rushed out of the classroom with great noises. 30. 只有当资源短缺时,人们才会意识到它的宝贵。(Only) Only when resources run out will people be aware/conscious of their value. Only when resources are in short supply/are scarce, will people realize they are valuable/precious.31.


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