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1、1复习专题复习专题 完成句子练习完成句子练习 班级班级_ 姓名姓名_ 学号学号_ M11. _(不要忘记查看) your notes every day.2. How about _(写下) the useful sentences?3. Try _all the new words while reading. (不要查找)4. He never _(向父母要)money to buy candies. 5. He is in trouble. Would you please _(给他一些建议)?6. Why not _ (带他参观) your school?7. I find it im

2、portant_(发现改正错误很重要)。8. Thank you _(帮助我提高)my English. 9. Its a good idea _(深呼吸) before starting a conversation in English.10. I enjoy _ (翻译小说).M21. Have you ever _(参加过比赛)?2. When you go to sleep, _(经常会梦到什么)?3. When will this plane _(起飞) and _(着陆)in London?4. He has _(从未邀请我)his home to play.5. My mum

3、_(去过全中国旅游)by plane.6. I often _ (去国外去吃美味的西餐).7. The captains_(主意听起来好极了).8. My most exciting experience is_ (独自一人居住在另一个国家)9. Its very interesting_ (飞往不同的国家)for a holiday。10. 这场演唱会的票价很低,所以票已经卖光了The price of the ticket to the concert is_. M31. They _ (还没有去过) Shanghai _.2. Tony _(刚刚听说)the bad news.3. It

4、 is hard _ the universe is. (弄清楚宇宙有多大)4. I hear your parents _ Beijing _. (到北京出差去了)5. _(至今),_(科学家从未发现) life on other planets. 26. It has taken _(花费几个月到达) to the moon。 7. It is such a good book that _. (我已经请求图书馆为我保留下一本)。8. Scientists think that _ years(地球上的生命已有几百万年的历史)。9. Our teacher told us that the

5、 Earth _(围绕运转)the Sun. 10.Lots of _(宇航员一直在宇宙空间站工作) for many years.M41. Its very important _(与相处得好) your classmates.2. Have you ever_(听说过希望工程吗)?3. He _ (非常了解我)。4. _(你们筹集了多少钱) for this Hope School?5. _ (在老师的帮助下) , I have made great progress.6. I find it interesting _(住在乡下).7. _ (因为) the bad weather, h

6、e _(生病)again.8. There are _ (成千上万的) students_ (戴眼镜).9. 他们太穷了,所以只能让孩子辍学。They were _ that they had to make their child _school. 10. 那位善良的女士不仅照顾那个可怜的男孩,而且为他支付教育费用。That kind lady_ the poor boy, _his education. M5 1. His waltzes _(使他出名) all over Europe. 2. His family _ (带他环游) Europe and he gave concerts

7、in many cities.3. 她不仅是我们的老师也是我们的朋友。She is _ our teacher _ our friends.4. 冼星海是我国伟大的古典音乐和传统音乐作曲家之一。Xian Xinghai was _ of the classical and traditional music. 5. He was _(更成功而且更受欢迎) than his father.6. 他在 14 岁时写了第一个剧本。He _his first opera _of 14. 7. They have_before,_?(从未去过演唱会,是吗)8. Mozart 的音乐太难演奏了,所以他们得

8、坚持训练。Mozarts music is _that they have to _.39. 到底谁是你最喜爱的音乐家?Who _ is your favorite _?M6 1. Suddenly all the lights in my house _(灭了). 2. He _ the field _ the rabbit (跟着那只兔子穿过田野).3. She _ her homework _ his school bag and began to do it (拿出). 4. Our city _ (一直在变化).5. Alice 看见一只有粉红色眼睛的白兔从她身边跑过。Alice s

9、aw a white rabbit _her.6. There is _ in his _(口袋里有些奇怪的东西).7. 我想知道我长大后会发生什么事情。I am wondering what will _me after I _.8. 当我发现我的车有问题时,我从车上跳了下来。When I found there _my car, I _it.9. 当我们正在野餐的时候,一只小鸟从树上掉了下来。While we _, a bird _the tree.10. 当我从她身边走过时,她正在对着我微笑。When I _her, she _me. M7 1. The chocolate cookie

10、s _. (闻起来甜甜的)2. How does your sweater feel? -Im afraid it_.(感觉有点紧)3. Sallys always sorry when she _.(做错事情) 4. Every weekends Dad _(花许多时间和在一起)us.5. 感谢你到机场接我 Thank you_ at the airport. 6. -你母亲怎么了? -她还在生我的气。-Whats _mum? She is still _ me. 7. 我迫不及待要收到他的来信。I cant _you. 8. Tom 正在为取得了好成绩而兴奋。Tom is _ good marks. 9. Lily always feels _(十分紧张)when she_. (与陌生人呆在一起) 10. 他同样也很喜爱运动,特别是网球。He _tennis. 11. 我父亲在工作上非常努力,


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