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1、1广东外语外贸大学英文学院硕士学位研究生复试入学考试语言学及应用语言学专业(050211)语言学及应用语言学试卷语言学及应用语言学试卷本试卷共9页(不含本页) ;其中问卷(Question Booklet)3页(1-3) , 答题纸(Answer Sheet)6页(4-9) 。本试卷共10个题目。这10个题目考生必须全部回答。答题必须使用英文,书写必须工整、美观。答案写在答题纸上,写在问卷上无效。考生必须把准考证号填写在答题纸左边密封装订线内,不得在试卷的 任何其它地方书写姓名、准考证号,或做任何标记。答卷时间为3个小时。考试时不得使用任何工具书、参考书及其它种类的辅助工具和文献资 料。考试结

2、束后,问卷和答题纸全部交回。考试须知0MA Entrance ExaminationLinguistics and Applied Linguistics1. Provide a description, in terms of manner of articulation and voicing (if necessary), of your pronunciation of the initial consonants of the list of English words. (10%)Examples: 1) mist +NASAL 2) bat+PLOSIVE, +VOICED (a

3、) far (b) rope (c) thin (d) joke (e) gun2. In the following sentences there are seven verbs. Give their subcategorization frames and classify them accordingly. (10%)(a) He eats at home. (b) They slept in the cave. (c) I hit the man in the face. (d) She studies in a British school. (e) He worked in a

4、 small company. (f) She put a flower pot on the TV set. (g) We studied several subjects at school. (h) I like the car in that garage very much. (i) They ate a kind of wild fruit in the woods.3. State whether each pronoun in the following sentences is (i) free, (ii) bound or (iii) either free or boun

5、d. Consider each sentence independently. (10%)Example: John said that he loved her. he: bound or free; her: free(a) Whenever I see you, I think of her. (b) Louise said to herself in the mirror: “Im so ugly.” (c) The fact that he considers her pretty pleases Maria. (d) It seems that she and he will n

6、ever stop arguing with them. (e) John discovered that a picture of himself was hanging in the post office, and that fact bugged him, but it pleased her.14. Study the given data and do the two tasks. (10%)(A) John hit the dog with a bone. (B) (a) What did John hit the dog with? (b) *What did John hit

7、 the dog with?Tasks: (1) The sentence in (A) is ambiguous. Draw a complete tree diagram to show the structure of the sentence for each interpretation. (2) As shown in (B), in one interpretation we can ask about the phrase a bone, but in the other we cannot. Give your explanation. 5. In English, the

8、idea of possession can be marked by an inflectional suffix (-s) on the noun representing the possessor, placed before the noun that is possessed (as in Johns car). Other languages work differently. The data below are from a West African language called Basari, spoken in Ghana. Study them and do the

9、two tasks that follow. (10%) (A) (a) (chief) uboti (b) (wife) unimpu (c) (farm) kusaau (B) (a) (a mans chief)uninja botiu (b) (a mans wife)uninja nimpuu (c) (one wife)unimpu ubo (d) (this mans one wife)uninja-nee nimpuu ubo (e) (one farm)kusaau kubo (f) (a mans farm)uninja saaku (g) (a mans one farm

10、)uninja saaku kubo (h) (one mans farm)uninja ubo saakuTasks: (1) Describe how possession is expressed in these Basari examples. (2) If the Basari word for mortar is kukuntuu, then how would you translate uninja-nee nimpuu kuntuuku?6. A famous example of a sentence that is syntactically good but sema

11、ntically odd was Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, suggested by Noam Chomsky (1957). How many mismatches of meaning are present in this one sentence? Can it be interpreted at all? Explain why or why not. (10%)27. Below are samples of speech from children at three different stages in the acquisi

12、tion process. Identify the most likely order (from least to most advanced) of these three stages and describe the features in each group of utterances which you would use as evidence to support your ordering. (10%)(A) Stage X: You want eat? I cant see my book Why you waking me up? (B) Stage Y: Where

13、 those dogs goed? You didnt eat supper Does lions walk? (C) Stage Z: No picture in there Where monna boot? Have some?8. All of the following expressions have deictic elements in them. What aspects of context have to be considered in order to interpret such expressions? State these aspects respective

14、ly. (10%)(a) Back in one hour (Notice on office door) (b) Im not here now (Telephone answering machine) (c) Just do it (Advertisement for sports shoes) (d) Oh, no, Im in last place! (Watching a horse race) (e) Oh, its you (Answering a telephone) (f) YOU ARE HERE (On a map/directory) (g) Maybe Im out

15、 of gas (In a car that wont start) (h) Where is she today? (Pointing to an empty chair)9. Observe the following interaction between two people who are working at nearby desks. Annes first turn is an opening sequence. What does it signal, and what does Eds response indicate? Why did Anne not merely open with Do you have a ruler? (10%)Anne: Ed? Ed:Yeah? Anne: Do you have a ruler?10. Answer ONE of the following two questions. (10%)(A) What is the difference between human language and animal language? (B) Linguistics is a leading science in the modern time and will be so in the future. Defend.



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