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1、理工大学学士学位论文I摘 要为了适应空间技术的发展,满足复杂航天器的数据处理需求,国际空间数据系统咨询委员会CCSDS开发了高级在轨系统AOS。AOS以标准化的方式进行数据处理与交换,能够在空间链路中双向传输音频、视频、科学实验等多种不同类型的数据。目前,AOS在航空航天技术领域中的作用越来越突出。AOS的核心技术之一是虚拟信道调度策略。合理的调度算法是保证AOS能够高效、有序的在同一物理信道上传输多种不同类型数据的关键。本文重点对AOS中虚拟信道调度算法进行研究。首先,对虚拟信道进行了严谨的分析,对信道的划分、包的研究都做了详细的研究,接着,对虚拟信道调度中的经典虚拟信道调度算法进行深度研究

2、。 最后,对传统的虚拟信道动态调度算法进行了分析研究 ,通过建立虚拟信道调度的仿真模型,分别研究了静态优先级算法,时间片轮转和先到先服务三种调度算法,最后对这些虚拟信道调度算法进行仿真实验,得到结果后进行了对比分析。关键词 CCSDS ;AOS;调度算法;虚拟信道理工大学学士学位论文IIAbstractIn order to adapt to the development of space technology,to meet the complex spacecraft data processing needs,CCSDS in 1986 developed advanced orbit

3、ing system. AOS in a standardized way for data processing and exchange,can in the space link in a variety of bidirectional transmission of audio,video,scientific experiment data of different types.At present,the AOS and role in the field of aerospace technology in more prominent.One of the core tech

4、nology of AOS is the virtual channel scheduling strategy.Rational scheduling algorithm is to guarantee that AOS can be efficient,orderly transfer key to many different types of data in the same physical channel. This paper focuses on the study of virtual channels in AOS scheduling algorithm,the main

5、 contents include:first,The virtual channel is studied, and the research on the channel division and package are both introduced in detail, then, we also study the classical virtual channel scheduling algorithm in the virtual channel scheduling. Finally, the virtual channel scheduling algorithm of t

6、raditional is analyzed, through carrying out the simulation model for the establishment of virtual channel scheduling, we do some simulation experiment on the classical virtual channel scheduling algorithm.Study the static priority algorithm, time slice rotation and first come first serve three sche

7、duling algorithms, and then we make the simulation experiment of the virtual channel scheduling algorithm, the results obtained are compared and analyzed.Keywords: CCSDS ;AOS;dispatching algorithm;Virtual channel 理工大学学士学位论文III目 录1 绪论.11.1 课题研究的背景和意义.11.2 国内外研究现状.11.2.1 国外研究现状.11.2.2 国内研究现状.21.3 本论文的

8、结构安排.22 CCSDS 协议及其应用分析研究.42.1 CCSDS 协议结构分析与应用研究.42.1.1 CCSDS 协议层次模型.42.1.2 CCSDS 空间数据链路协议.52.2 高级在轨系统.62.2.1 AOS 的特点.62.2.2 服务类型.72.2.3 AOS 数据单元格式.92.2.4 多路复用技术与虚拟信道.132.3 本章小结.153 AOS 虚拟信道的研究.163.1 源包模型.163.2 虚拟信道的划分.173.2.1 虚拟信道的划分.173.3 虚拟信道动态调度算法.183.3.1 传统的虚拟信道动态调度算法.183.3.2 基于帧的紧迫度的 AOS 虚拟信道动态调度算法.193.4 本章小结.204 AOS 虚拟信道调度算法的研究.214.1 静态优先级调度算法的性能分析.214.1.2 系统缓存容量为无限大时 VC2 性能参数分析.214.1.3 性能分析与仿真.



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