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1、辽师大版(一起)五年级英语上册 Unit 1 单元测试一、圈出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个选项。 1.lake gate album cake 2.evening she elephant we 3.ice-cream insect kite ice lolly 4.orange old nose cone 5.umbrella uniform cute music 二、写出下列各词的反义词。 young _ new _ tall _ thin _ early _ small _ black _ no _ come _三、写出下列各词的缩写形式。I am= she is=he is=

2、is not= that is= are not=we are= it is=who is= what is=四、单项选择。1._ he? Hes Henry. A.Whats B.Hows C.Whos D.Whose2.Whos that boy? _ The big one. A.What is he? B.How is he? C.How old is he? D.Which one?3.Who _? Theyre my teachers. A.is he B.is she C.are they D.is the girl4.Are they giraffes? _ A.Yes, it

3、 is. B.No,it isnt. C.Yes,they are. D.No,they are.5.They are playing _ a ball. A.to B.in C.under D.with6.Im scared. Take _ easy. A.them B.he C.she D.it7.What are those? _ hippos. A.Hes B.Shes C.Its D.Theyre8.Please call _ Jane. A.my B.mine C.me D.I9.Is she Zhang Hong? _ A.Yes,he is. B.No,he isnt. C.N

4、o,she is. D.Yes, she is.10.Animals _ our friends. A.is B.am C.are D./五、选出下列句子正确的译文。( )1.Please call me. A.请叫我B.请给我打电话.( )2.Yes!You got it!A.是的!你得到它了!B.是的!你答对了!( )3.Take it easy. A.轻松地把它带走。B.放轻松点。( )4.Animals are our friends.A.动物是我们的朋友。B.动物是我的朋友。( )5.Its never too old to learn.A.学习就不会老。B.活到老,学到老。六、短文

5、理解。A: Are they dolphins?B: Yes,they are. Theyre very clever. I like them very much.A: Me,too. But I like white whales best. B: Why?A: Theyre very kind and friendly to people. Theyre clever,too.They can sing and dance.B: Listen! Are they singing now?A: Yes,they are.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T) 误(F)。1.They are not dolphins. ( )2.“A” likes white whales best. ( )3.Dolphins are very kind and friendly to people. ( )4.Dolphins cant sing and dance. ( )5.They are singing now. ( )


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