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1、宝鸡市信念家教六年级下册英语期中测试题(密卷)(考试时间:4040 分钟,满分:100100 分) 评分: 一、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。(5 分)( )(1)ababy btake cday d,cat( )(2)afly bwhy cyellow dsky( )(3)aknow bhow ccow dnow( )(4)ahere bcheer cwhere dear( )(5)amum buse cbut dbus二、英汉互译。(10 分)(1)have a headache_ (6)感冒_ (2)take pictures_ (7)滑冰_(3)eat good food_ (8)更强壮

2、的_(4)row a boat_ (9)更大的_ (5)funnier_ (10)喉咙疼_三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 (10 分)(1)watch(过去式)_ (2)go(过去式)_(3)see(过去式)_ (4)sing(过去式)_(5)buy(过去式)_(6)teach(第三人称单数形式)_(7)make(现在分词)_(8)swim(现在分词)_(9)thin(比较级)_(10)do(第三人称单数形式)_四、用所给词的适当形式填空 (5 分) 1.A sperm whale is than a killer whale.( long)2. The rabbits tail i

3、s than the monkeys.( short) 3. What you do last weekend ? (do) 4. I to a park yesterday. (go) 5. How big are your ? (foot)五、选择(10 分)( )1. -How are you, Mike? You look so_.-Its raining outside. I cant play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ( )2.-Whats the matter? -My leg _. A. hurts B. sore C. is

4、hurts ( )3.-_did you go on your holiday? - Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ( )4.-Did you _ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking ( ) 5. I my room and watched TV . A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning 六、按要求改写句子(10 分)1. He studied in a middle school last year. (改为否定句) 2. You can take bus NO.5(改为一

5、般疑问句) 3. We went to Hangzhou because my grandma was ill. (对划线部分提问)4. The boy swims faster than the girl. (改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ faster than the girl? 5. Tom runs faster than Helen. (对话线部分提问)_ runs faster than Helen? 七、读一读,选择正确答句(20 分) ( ) 1. Does she teach math? A. I am 160 cm tall. ( ) 2. How tall ar

6、e you? B. I feel sick. ( ) 3. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus. ( ) 4. What did you do last weekend? D. Yes, she does. ( ) 5. How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? E. I visited my grandparents. ( ) 6. What day is it today? F. Its Wednesday. ( ) 7. Where did you go yesterday? G. It

7、s on January 1st. ( ) 8. Is she playing the violin now? H. Come in, please.( ) 9. May I come in? I. I went to shanghai ( ) 10. When is your birthday? J. Yes, she is. 八、连词组句,自己加标点。 (10 分)(1)than,shorter,me,youre _ (2)big,your,how,are,feet _ (3)on,did,the,you,do,weekend,what _ (4)on,did,go,you,weekend

8、,swimming,the _ (5)go,where,you,holiday,on,your,did _ 九、根据短文内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (每题1 分,计 10 分)(一) My name is Jim. There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in No.

9、3 Middle School. Now she is making a cake in the kitchen. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time.My sister, Lucy, is 12. We are twins. Were in the same school, but in different classes.We have a lot of friends here. We are doing our homework now. ( )1. There are_ pe

10、ople in Jims family.A. five B. four C. six ( )2. Jims mother is a _.A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse ( )3. Now Jims mother is _.A. at school B. at home C. in the shop ( )4. Jim and his sister are _now.A. watching TV B. making a cake C. doing their homework ( )5. Jim is _ years old.A. 14 B. 12 C. 13(二)I

11、t is Saturday morning. Mrs Black and her daughter Kate go to the bookshop Near their house. Mrs Black wants to buy some picture books for her grandson. Kate wants to buy some storybooks. In the bookshop Kate meets her old classmate, Sue. They are good friends. They talk and talk for a long time and

12、forge to buy books. At twelve oclock Mrs Black finds them and asks Sue to go and have lunch in their house, Sue says: “Yes.” The two girls are very happy. ( ) 1. Mrs Black and her daughter go to the bookshop on Sunday Morning. ( ) 2. The bookshop is near the school. ( ) 3. The two girls meet in the bookshop. ( ) 4. Kate forget to buy books. ( ) 5. The two girls go and have lunch at twelve oclock.



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