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1、外研版(一起)六年级英语下册期末综合练习六外研版(一起)六年级英语下册期末综合练习六小学资源网 http:/ is my new p_ in the U_. Now he lives in N_Y_. Its in the e_of America. Its the b_ city in America. So Simon can s_ English. And he can w_a letter in E_. S_ songs is Simons hobby. He likes playing the f_too. His a_is Flat 5A, Vennis Garden. He pr

2、efers C_ food very much. He says:“Someday hell v_ Beijing and the G_ Wall.” Ill introduce my f_to him. Theyll say :“p_ to m_you, Simon.”二、选择正确的词,画圈。二、选择正确的词,画圈。1.He likelikes playingplay the piano.2.They havehas some stamps about Mexican. They isare looking at them now.3.Father Christmas givesgive t

3、he presents to the childchildren.4.RidingRide bikes is theirthey hobby.5.Is therethey a postcard from your cousin? 6.Shanghai ishas got about 20 million people. And there areis lots of tall buildings in it.7.Mexico is northsouth of America. San Francisco in in the eastwest of the USA.8.Lots of peopl

4、e areis riding bicycles to walkwork.9.We eat tangyuanjiaozi on Lantern Festival. We eat zongzijiaozi on Dragon Boat race.10.He can play _football, and he cant play _ violin.(填“the”或用“ ” )三、完成下列表格,并根据表格选择你喜欢的笔友。三、完成下列表格,并根据表格选择你喜欢的笔友。NameJimMike LindaAnnaAge _(11)12_(9)10AddressLondon,_(英国)Sydney_(厦门

5、)_(香港)Hobbies_(游泳)and singing_(弹)the guitarsending the _(邮件) and _(卡片)_(画画)and _(跳舞)painting and _(做)the mooncakeWho can be your penfriend? Why?_ _四四 、情景写话。、情景写话。1.We use the _(刀子)and _(叉子)when we have a big _.(晚餐)2.I _(有)got a _(篮球). So I like _(玩)it very much.3.Which do you _?(更喜欢) I like _(足球)and _ _.(乒乓球)4.Who can be his _?(笔友)I think David can because hes a _.(司机)5.He _ _(不喜欢)dacing, but he likes _(画画).6.The _(农民)work in the field, _they feel _(有趣).7.I want to go _(游泳)_Ive got a bad _.(感冒)8.Sam has got a _(宠物)dog, _he _(总是)play with it.小学资源网 http:/


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