托福口语task6 模板及高分答案

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1、TOEFL Speaking Task6题目类型及答题要点题目类型及答题要点题目类型题目类型第 6 题是学术讲座学术讲座,题目主要包括 2 个部分:LISTENING PART在听力部分中,一名教授会讲授某个学术的定义,概念,现象或过程,并 举例说明。听力的长度约为 230-280 词,听力时间为 90 到 120s 不等,此 时考生需要根据对听力内容的理解进行笔记。ANSWERING PART在答题部分中,首先是 20s 的准备时间,然后 60s 的答题时间。此时考生 需要: 审题确定答题重点。 浏览笔记标记答题重点,划掉冗余部分。 整理思路快速理清答题重点的逻辑顺序。话题类型 Task 6

2、 和 Task 4 一样,涉及学术话题。 涵盖的领域很广,不过最高频的话题是 4 大类。 biology 生物学 psychology 心理学 sociology 社会学 economics 经济学Task 6 听力结构很简单, 说白了,就像小学时学过的三段式作文一样。 第一段引出概念或定义 第二段1st 子标题+例子 第三段2nd 子标题+例子那第六题说白了,就是一个复述题目。 同学们复述的重点是 两个子标题以及 例子。 这样子 第六题的答题模板也出来了。 Part 1改写题目 Part 2复述 1st 子标题+例子 Part 3复述 2nd 子标题+例子真题演练( 托福口语生物学经典例子)

3、 Question:Task 6 using points and examples from the lecture,explain the two different types of physical variations some animals use to defend themselves. ListeningMost animals have ways to protect themselves. They require defenses since virtually every animal is potential prey for another animal hig

4、her on the food chain. So, over countless generations, animals have developed various ways to protect themselves. Interestingly, some are categorized as defensive while others are considered offensive adaptations. Lets look at the defensive adaptations first. Look at the picture in your book on page

5、 242. It is a turtle, right? You have all seen them. Some of you may even have had pet turtles. But did you know theyve actually developed two defensive methods? The first is the most obvious. It is the shell. The shell covers the turtles entire body, including its vital organs. The shell is very ha

6、rd. Most predators give up trying to bite through it. But take a look at the neck. Its really long. Oh, a weak point, right? Wrong. The turtle has a flexible neck, so it can easily fold its neck back into its shell when danger comes along. But remember, some adaptations are offensive. Look at the pi

7、cture on the opposite page. You may not be familiar with the animal. It is a hedgehog. Now, look at those spines on its back. Nasty looking, arent they? These spines are offensive weapon the hedgehog can use against much larger animals. First, it wraps itself up in a ball. This makes it hard to atta

8、ck. Sometimes the hedgehog might even ram its attacker. And those spines hurt. Oh, but there is more. Those spines, unlike the porcupines, are hard to remove. So the attacking animal suffers twice-when it gets stuck with the spines and when it tries to remove them. Sample Answer In the listening, th

9、e professor talks about 2 ways that animals use to protect themselves. The first way is defensive adaptation. The professor uses turtle for an example. Turtles shell is so hard that its enemy will give up trying to bite through it. In addition, Turtle has a long neck. When danger comes along, it wil

10、l fold back its neck into its body. The second way is offensive adaptation. For example, hedgehog uses spines as a weapon against its enemy. And spine hurts. The attacking animal will suffer twice, one is get stuck with it and the other is trying to remove it. 下面是 TPO 1-TASK 6 参考答案。 6. Using the res

11、earch described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies. In the lecture the professor describes how scientists learn about babys mathematical abilities. Researchers did an experiment to test babys ability to add that baby knows one plus one e

12、quals two. They first put a doll in front of a baby and lowered the screen to hide the doll. So the baby knows its there. Then they clearly put another doll behind the screen so there should be two dolls. But researchers secretly took one away and when they lift the screen up, the baby was surprised

13、 because it expected to see two dolls but there was only one. We know when a baby is surprised, it stares at the thing that makes it feel surprised. The researchers recorded the babys eye-movement with a camera and found that the baby stared. So the baby has the ability to add. It knows one doll plu

14、s one doll equals two dolls. TPO3-TASK 6 参考答案。 6. Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising. The professor talks about two kinds of persuasive strategies in advertising. The first strategy is repetition. When a slogan is repeated enough times, we ten

15、d to believe what the slogan says. The example is a car commercial. A guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people, each time a narrative says“Plenty of room for friends”,“Plenty of room for family” and so on. If we hear the slogan so many times, we tend to believe the car is

16、 spacious even if its not. The second strategy is using celebrities. We believe celebrities are trustworthy. For example, in a car commercial, If a famous race-car driver is shown in a car and says“I like my car fast.”, people will believe the car is fast even if its actually not a very fast car从参考答案中,大家可以看出来第一句话改写题目是多么容易操作! Frontier 前沿教育 Esther 老师 托福口语独家资料 qq: 397862712



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