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1、分类号:U41; U2 10710-20078173程硕士学位论文农村公路设计阶段工程造价控翻杨宏虹王选仓教授工程硕士工程领域名称交通运输工程论文提交日期 2010 年 4 月 15 日论文答辩日期 2010 年 5 月 31 曰学位授予单位长安大学、导师姓名职称 申请学位级别童申家教授姚玉玲教授答辩委员会主席 学位论文评阅人刘良副教授Y1730146 Y1730146Project Cost Control of Rural Highway in Design PhaseA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate: Y

2、ang HonghongSupervisor: Prof. Wang XuancangChangan University, Xian, China论文独创性声明本人声明:本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工 作所取得的成果。除论文中已经注明引用的内容外,对论文的研究做出重 要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本论文中不包含任何 未加明确注明的其他个人或集体已经公开发表的成果。 本声明的法律责任由本人承担。2 20 0( (0 0年月V日论文知识产权权属声明本人在导师指导下所完成的论文及相关的职务作品,知识产权归属学 校。学校享有以任何方式发表、复制、公开阅览、借阅以

3、及申请专利等权 利。本人离校后发表或使用学位论文或与该论文直接相关的学术论文或成 果时,署名单位仍然为长安大学。 (保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定)7 7O OI I0 0年斤月日 年月)/曰论文作者签名:论文作者签名:导师签名:摘要农村公路建设等级低,建设期集中,资金有限,国家和地方每年对公路建设的资金 投入是有限的,为了保证农村公路的建设质量,延长其使用寿命,就必须充分、合理、 科学地利用有限的资金投入,去发挥它的最大经济效益,而要想科学合理地使用资金, 就必须有效地控制好工程造价。本文介绍了我国现行的农村公路技术标准:交通部县级及农村公路改造工程实施意 见、交通部关于农村公路建设标准指导

4、意见。比较分析了我国东部地区、西部地区和中 部地区典型省市现行农村公路技术标准,包括吉林省、甘肃省、青海省、山西、山东德 州和河北省的技术标准。本文介绍了我国农村公路路面的基本类型:铺装路面、简易铺装路面以及砂石路面; 提出了确定路面结构类型时应考虑的几点因素;分析了我国路面典型结构研究的意义、 优点、原则和方法。根据西安市交通量和土基等级的划分,利用路面结构优化设计方法, 借鉴国内各省份路面结构设计原则,结合西安市现有沥青、水泥路面实际设计和使用经 验,对路面结构组合和厚度进行分析,最终提出适合西安市的农村公路路面典型结构。 从系统的角度利用木桶理论构建公路工程造价管理体系:公路工程造价管理

5、体系的 各个环节、活动和要素是相互依存、相互影响和制约的,是必须紧密联系在一起的,不允许相互间出现缝隙和裂痕,构成不同公路工程的造价管理体系都不能是“漏水的木 IB” Tffl。本文论述了农村公路设计阶段控制造价的重要意义:设计阶段造价控制是建设项目 全过程投资控制的重中之重,其控制成果的好坏直接影响整个建设项目的投资效果。并 结合工作实践,就农村公路设计阶段的造价控制进行了一些探讨。阐述了如何优化设计 以降低或控制工程造价,提出了农村公路建设中设计阶段控制造价的几点措施。关键词:农村公路设计阶段造价控制 AbstractThe construction level of rural high

6、way is low, construction period is focused,and the financial resources is limited, national and local annual capital investment in highway construction is limited, in order to ensure the quality of the constiiiction of rural roads to extend its service period, the limited capital investment must be

7、fully, rational and scientific used of, to exert its economies of scale. In order to use the final resources scientific and rational f the project cost must be effectively controlled.This thesis described Chinas current technical standards for rural highway: The suggestion of county and rural highwa

8、y upgrade projects, the implementation of the views of the Ministry of Communications on the rural road construction standards for guidance. A comparative analysis of technical standards of existing rural highway was done for the typical provinces and cities in Chinas eastern region, western region

9、and the central region, including the technical standards from Jilin, Gansu, Qinghai, Shanxi, Shandong and Hebei Province.This thesis describes basic types of pavement for rural highway in China: paved roads, easy road and gravel road; proposed several factors to determine the type of pavement struc

10、ture; analysis of the significance, advantages, principles and methods of research for typical pavement structure in China. According to traffic and soil-based class division in Xian, using of pavement structure optimization design method, drawing on pavement structure design principles in domestic

11、provinces, combined with design and practical experience of existing asphalt and concrete pavement in Xian, analyzed the composition and thickness of pavement structure, proposed typical pavement structure of the rural highway in Xian.Highway project cost management system was built from the system

12、theory point of view using the barrel theory. All aspects, activities and elements of highway project cost management system are interdependent and constrained that must be closely linked, and not allowed to appear gaps and cracks. Project cost management system of highway can not be a “leaky bucket

13、.“This thesis discussed the importance of cost control in design phase of the rural roads. The construction cost control in design phase is the top priority of the whole process of investment control, it will affect the entire construction investment results. Combined with work practice in rural hig

14、hway design phase,some cost control methods are discussed. How to optimize the design in order to reduce or control the project cost was described, several measures to control costs in the design phase of rural highway construction were proposed.Keywords: rural highway; design phase; cost control目录第一章绪论 .11.1 问题的提出.11.2 研究的意义与必要性.11.3 我国农村公路建设概况.21.3.1 我国农村公路建设状况 .21.3.2 我国农村公路建设特点 .61.4 我国部分省份农村公路建设资金的费用组成.61.4.1 东部地区部分省份农村公路建设情况及资金组成 .61.4.2 中部地区部分省份农村公路建设情况及资金组成 .91.4.3 西部地区部分省份农村公路建设情况及资金组成 .91.5 本文研究的内容及框架.13第二章公路工程造价管理基础 .142.1 公路工程造价原理 .142.1.1 公路工程造价的定义 .


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