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1、(人教(人教 PEP)四年级英语下册期中质量检测)四年级英语下册期中质量检测小学资源网 http:/ 、写单词。、写单词。 (15 分)分)1)看图写单词。)看图写单词。2)写出五个颜色单词。)写出五个颜色单词。3)写出五个数字单词。)写出五个数字单词。二二 、从下列单词中选择不同类的一个。、从下列单词中选择不同类的一个。 (注:最后一题选择划线部分发音(注:最后一题选择划线部分发音不同的一个)不同的一个) (10 分)分)( )1.A.dress B.blue C. jeans ( ) 2.A.dinner B.lunch C.classroom ( ) 3.A. music B.math

2、C.gym ( ) 4.A.garden B.TV room C.two ( ) 5.A.bag B.cat C.face三三 、单项选择。、单项选择。 (15 分)分)( )1.School is over. Let A.go to school B.go to the home C.go home ( )2.My socks new. A.am B.is C.are ( )3.Look at my , Its 8 . A.oclock clock B.clock clock C.clock oclock ( )4.Its the first floor A.at B.in C.on ( )

3、5.Its 9:45 . Its time English class. A.at B. for C. to五五 、情景对话。、情景对话。 (15 分)分)( )1.这件衣服到底是谁的呢?我们一起来找失主吧。A:Whose is it?B: . A.Its my B.Its my brother C.Its my brothers ( ) 2.有同学来你的学校参观,他想知道音乐教室在哪儿,你怎么告诉他? A:Wheres the music room? B: A.Welcome to my school. B.The art room is on the second floor. C.The

4、 music room is on the first floor. ( )3.朋友想知道你衣服的颜色,你该怎样告诉他? A:What colour is it? B: A.Yes, it is B.Its red C.Thank you ( )4.A:Is this a playground? B: A.Yes, it is B.No, it is C.Yes, it isnt ( )5.A: ?B:Yes, it is A.Is this a gym? B.Is this a library? C.Is this a computer room六、从六、从 B 栏中选择与栏中选择与 A 栏

5、相适应的答语。栏相适应的答语。 (15 分)分)七七 、根据图画,发挥想象,试着写几句话。、根据图画,发挥想象,试着写几句话。 (疑问句(疑问句.陈述句均可)陈述句均可) (12 分)分)八、根据八、根据 John 的作息时间表,判断正误。的作息时间表,判断正误。 (18 分)分) 小学资源网http:/ ( )1.What colour is the dress? ( )2.Where is my shirt? ( )3.Whose shoes are these? ( )4.What colour are your new pants? ( )5.Is this your jacket?B A.Theyre my sisters B.They are blue C.Yes,it is D.Its bule E.Its in the box


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