(人教PEP)四年级英语上册 Unit 4 Lesson 23-24

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1、(人教(人教 PEP)四年级英语上册)四年级英语上册 UnitUnit 4 4 LessonLesson 23-2423-24【模拟试题模拟试题】 (答题时间:60 分钟)一、根据所给情景说出英文句子:一、根据所给情景说出英文句子:1. 如果你想询问今天的天气怎样,你应如何表达: 2. 如果今天的天气很晴朗,你会怎样回答: 3. 你想让你的同伴与你去踢足球,你应怎样说: 4. 今天的天气很凉爽,你建议妈妈去动物园,你应怎样表达: 5. 在动物园里你看到了很多动物,你想告诉妈妈:“你喜欢老虎、猴子和象。 ”你应 怎样表达: 6. 春天到了,你想说:“我喜欢温暖的天气。 ”你应怎样表达: 7. 天

2、很冷,你想让妈妈给你杯热水喝,你应怎样表达: 8. 天气很热,你给哥哥提了个建议:“我们去游泳好吗?”你应怎样说: 9. 哥哥说你的建议真是个好主意,并表示这就去,哥哥会怎样说呢? 10. 你建议妈妈去购物,临行前你问妈妈,我能买一件新衬衫吗?你应怎样表达: 11. 妈妈告诉 Peter,今天下雪了,并让 Peter 穿上件大衣,妈妈应怎样说: 12. Peter 出门后觉得今天的天气太冷了,Peter 会说:二、把下列天气标识与对应单词连线:二、把下列天气标识与对应单词连线:snowy windy sunny cloudy rainy三、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划三、判断下列

3、单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划“”“” ,不同的划,不同的划“”“”:1. skirt shirt ( ) 2. hot cold ( ) 3. sunny put ( ) 4. weather teacher ( ) 5. you cloudy ( ) 6. great please ( ) 7. shopping hot ( ) 8. monkey today ( ) 9. nice fine ( ) 10. with kite ( ) 11. bear pear ( ) 12. panda elephant ( )四、看图写单词:四、看图写单词:五、填字母组单词,译中文:五、填字母组

4、单词,译中文:1. w th ( )2. t d y( ) 3. n wy( )4. s nn ( ) 5. r ny( )6. c l ( ) 7. h t( )8. p t n( ) 9. g ess( )10. l udy( ) 11. w nd ( )12. sh pp ng( ) 13. c n( )14. n w( ) 15. pl se( )16. s m ( ) 17. d a( ) 18. w r ( ) 19. t g ( )20. m nk y( )六、选择:六、选择:( )1. the weather today?A. HowB. Hows C. Whos ( )2.

5、Its today. A. fine B. five C. four ( )3. Lets .A. play the football B. play football ( )4. Lets play my kite. A. in B. on C. with ( )5. Can I have water?A. come B. some C. same ( )6. Lets go .A. shopping B. shoping C. shop ( )7. Put your shirt.A. in B. on C. at ( )8. Its today. A. sun B. hot C. snow

6、七、用本单元重点句型造句:七、用本单元重点句型造句:例:Hows the weather today? Its rainy. 1. 2. 八、用同类词替换划线词:八、用同类词替换划线词:1. Its fine today. 2. Lets play football. 3. Shall we go to the zoo? 4. I like bears. 5. Shall we go swimming? 6. Put on your coat. 九、组句:九、组句:1. weather, the, how, today, is(?) 2. so, today, hot, is, it(.) 3

7、. go, zoo, to, shall, the, we(?) 4. your, skirt, on, put(.) 【试题答案试题答案】一、根据所给情景说出英文句子: 1. 如果你想询问今天的天气怎样,你应如何表达:Hows the weather today? 2. 如果今天的天气很晴朗,你会怎样回答:Its fine today. / Its nice today. / Its sunny today. 3. 你想让你的同伴与你去踢足球,你应怎样说:Lets play football. 4. 今天的天气很凉爽,你建议妈妈去动物园,你应怎样表达:Its cool today. Shal

8、l we go to the zoo? 5. 在动物园里你看到了很多动物,你想告诉妈妈:“你喜欢老虎、猴子和象。 ”你应 怎样表达:I like tigers. monkeys and elephants. 6. 春天到了,你想说:“我喜欢温暖的天气。 ”你应怎样表达:I like warm weather. 7. 天很冷,你想让妈妈给你杯热水喝,你应怎样表达:Its cold today. Mum, can I have some hot water, please? 8. 天气很热,你给哥哥提了个建议:“我们去游泳好吗?”你应怎样说:Its hot today. Shall we go s

9、wimming? 9. 哥哥说你的建议真是个好主意,并表示这就去,哥哥会怎样说呢?Good idea. Lets go. 10. 你建议妈妈去购物,临行前你问妈妈,我能买一件新衬衫吗?你应怎样表达:Can I have a new shirt, please? 11. 妈妈告诉 Peter,今天下雪了,并让 Peter 穿上件大衣,妈妈应怎样说:Its snowy today. Put on your coat. 12. Peter 出门后觉得今天的天气太冷了,Peter 会说:Its so cold today.二、把下列天气标识与对应单词连线:snowy windy sunny cloud

10、y rainy三、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划“” ,不同的划“”: 1. skirt shirt ( )2. hot cold ( ) 3. sunny put ( )4. weather teacher ( ) 5. you cloudy ( )6. great please ( ) 7. shopping hot ( )8. monkey today ( ) 9. nice fine ( )10. with kite ( ) 11. bear pear ( ) 12. panda elephant ( )四、看图写单词:a kitea pandasome watera sk

11、irta shirt五、填字母组单词,译中文: 1. w e a th e r ( 天气 )2. t o d a y( 今天 ) 3. s n o wy( 下雪的 )4. s u nn y ( 晴朗的 ) 5. r a i ny( 下雨的 )6. c o l d( 寒冷的 ) 7. h o t( 炎热的 ) 8. p u t o n( 穿上 ) 9. g u ess( 猜 )10. c l o udy( 多云的 ) 11. w i nd y ( 有风的 )12. sh o pp i ng( 购物 ) 13. c a n( 能 )14. n e w( 新的 ) 15. pl e a se( 请

12、)16. s o m e ( 一些 ) 17. i d e a( 主意 )18. w a r m ( 温暖的 ) 19. t i g e r( 老虎 )20. m o nk e y( 猴子 )六、选择: ( B )1. the weather today?A. HowB. HowsC. Whos ( A )2. Its today. A. fineB. fiveC. four( B )3. Lets .A. play the footballB. play football ( C )4. Lets play my kite. A. in B. onC. with ( B )5. Can I

13、have water?A. comeB. someC. same ( A )6. Lets go .A. shoppingB. shopingC. shop ( B )7. Put your shirt.A. inB. onC. at ( B )8. Its today. A. sunB. hotC. snow七、用本单元重点句型造句:例:Hows the weather today? Its rainy. 1. Hows the weather today? Its snowy. 2. Hows the weather today? Its sunny. 八、用同类词替换划线词: 1. It

14、s fine today. nice sunny 2. Lets play football. basketball baseball 3. Shall we go to the zoo? park bank 4. I like bears. pandas dogs 5. Shall we go swimming? shopping skating 6. Put on your coat. skirt shirt 九、组句: 1. weather, the, how, today, is(?) Hows the weather today? 2. so, today, hot, is, it(.) Its so hot today. 3. go, zoo, to, shall, the, we(?) S


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