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1、四年级英语下册四年级英语下册 Unit1-2 练习卷练习卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、中英互译。一、中英互译。(10 分分) 1.我的学生 _ _ 2.两位男孩 3.他的祖父 _ _ 4.一只耳朵 5.让我看一看 6.Come down. 7.长着一张小嘴的女孩 8.the one in the white skirt 9.in the tree 10.Shes new here 二、选择填空。二、选择填空。(20 分分) ( )1.Welcome _our school. Thank you. A. too B. to C. two D. in ( )2.Whos that man?

2、 _Mr Green. A. Hes B. hes C. his D. His ( )3.Excuse me, _ you a doctor? Yes, I am. A. are B. Is C. is D. Are ( )4._Mr Black a teacher? No, _ isnt. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, he D. Its, she ( )5.Is that woman your mother? Which _one? one in the blue dress. A. the, The B. , C. , The D. the, ( )6._the

3、 girl _the red T-shirt. A. Whos, in B. Whose, on C. Whos, on D. Whose, in ( )7.Whos the boy _ big_? A. with, ear B. with, ears C. in, ear D. in, ears ( )8.We _late_the party. A. is, of B. is, for C. are, of D. are, for ( )9.May I _your name? Sure. _ name is Dick. A. no, My B. know, My C. no, I D. kn

4、ow, I ( )10.Look, that is_. Its four _now. A. a clock, oclock B. oclock, a clock C. oclock, oclock D. a clock, a clock 三、连词成句。三、连词成句。 (10 分)分) 1.for, late, the, we, party, are, 2.hair, short, whos, boy, the, with, 3.teacher, is, not, she , your, 4.trees, do, not, again, climb, 5.is, your , grandfath

5、er, that, man, 四、完成句子。四、完成句子。 (20 分)分) A: Good afternoon, David. B: _ _. A: _ the _ with big eyes? B: _ my sister. A: _ that woman your mother? B: Which _ ? A: The one _ the white dress. B: Yes , _ _. Mum , _ _ my friend, Mike. C: Nice _ meet you, Mike. A: _ to meet you, _ . 五、阅读文章,判断正误。五、阅读文章,判断正误。

6、(10 分分) Molly: Good evening, Helen. Welcome to my party. Helen: Thank you,Molly. Is that boy your brother? Molly: Which one? Helen: The one in the blue shirt. Molly: No, he isnt. The one in the white shirt is my brother. Helen: Whos the girl with long hair? Molly: Shes my sister. Helen , What would you like? Helen: Id like some water, please. ( )1.Its Helens party. ( )2.Molly has a brother and a sister. ( )3.Mollys brother is in the blue shirt. ( )4.Mollys sister has got long hair. ( )5.Helen likes juice.


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