(人教新版) 一年级英语上册 期末试卷

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1、Listening (听力部分听力部分) 60 分分 I.Listen and circle (圈出所听到的字母) 6 分 1. BE BD 2. ec ea 3. mn mh 4. pq bq 5. st xt 6. I L II.Listen and tick (在含有所听到字母的单词下面打) 6 分 1. pen bag 2. me can 3. take melon4. not leaf 5. sing jump 6. run hair III.Listen and number (听音标号) 4 分( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) IV. Listen and judge

2、(听音判断,正确写,错误写) 4 分1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )V. Listen and match(听音连线) 4 分 write doll lemon grandmother VI. Listen and circle(圈出所听到的单词 ) 8 分 1. 2.3. 4.VII.Listen and tick(在听到的句子前打) 8 分 ( )1. A. Is this an apple? ( ) B. It is an apple. ( )2. A. I can read. ( )B. Put it down. ( )3.A. How old are you? ( )

3、B. How are you? ( )4.A. Raise your hand. ( ) B. Wave your hand.eye ear eight fourslide swing bean taro小学一年级上册期末英语试卷小学一年级上册期末英语试卷班级:班级:_ 姓名:姓名:_ 成绩:成绩:_VIII. Listen and match (听音连线) 8 分1. Is this your pear? 2. Sit down, please. 3. Hi, May. This is Tim. 4.Whats this ? Its an apple. IX. Listen and writ

4、e the letters(听音写字母 ) 6 分X. Listen and write the words (听音写单词) 6 分Writing (笔试部分笔试部分 ) 40 分分 II. Read and match (把图片的标号写在括号中) 8 分A Apple ( ) two( ) bag ( ) moon ( ) III. Read and circle the correct sentence(看图,圈句子)12 分 1. A. He has got a balloon. 2. A. Smell the lemon. B. He has got a bag. B. Smell t

5、he pear.BDB CB 3.A. Give me a book, please. B. This is a tree.4. A. This is a taro. B. Give me a pen, please. 5 A. Im six years old. 6. A. Go to the swing. B. Im four years old. B. Go to the moon.IV. Read and choose(选择填空) 8 分 1. I have got apple. A. a B. an 2. do you like to eat? A. What B. How 3. H

6、e got a pencil. A. have B. has 4. Is this a banana? , it is. A. Yes B. No V. Read and choose the words (选词填空) 12 分 1.( Eat, Wash) a cake. 2. ( Smell, Feel) the apple.3. Touch your ( toes, arms) 4. (Raise, Show) me your hand.5. (Open, Close) your book. 6.(Stand, Sit) up.附加题: 10 分 1. 过圣诞节,人们互道祝福时要说: A

7、. Happy New Year. B. Merry Christmas. 2你能在下列单词中圈出另一个单词吗?balloon mooncake pearGrade One Listening I.Listen and circle (圈出所听到的字母) 1. BD 2. ec 3. mh 4. pq 5. xt 6. I L II. Listen and tick (在含有所听到字母的单词下打) 1b 2. c 3. t 4. l 5. s 6. r III.Listen and number (听音标号) 1. peach 2. mother 3. bicycle 4. leaf IV.

8、Listen and judge ( 听音判断,正确写,错误写) 1.This is a book. 2.This is a mooncake. 3.This is an orange. 4.This is a mouth. V. Listen and match(听音连线) 1. I have a grand mother. 2. Touch the lemon. 3. I can write. 4. It is a doll. VI. Listen and circle(圈出所听到的单词 ) 1. My brother is four. 2. Touch your ear. 3. Show

9、 me a bean. 4. Go to the swing. VII. Listen and tick(在听到的句子前打) 1. It is an apple. 2. I can read. 3. How are you? 4. Wave your hand. VIII. Listen and match (听音连线) 1. Is this your pear? 2. Sit down, please. 3. Hi, May. This is Tim. 4.Whats this ? Its an apple. IX. Listen and write the letters(听音写字母 )

10、1. Write the small letter i. 2. Write the big letter “Q”. 3. Write the big letter “U”. 4. Write the small letter “y”. 5. Write the small letter “ k”. 6. Write the small letter “G”. X. Listen and write the words (听音写单词) 1. Write the word “melon”. 2. Write the word” pen”. 3. Write the word “six” 4. Write the word “ nose”. 5. Write the word “ ball”. 6. Write the word “ father”.


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