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1、六年级英语下学期期中测试六年级英语下学期期中测试姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、你认识下列物品吗?写出它们的英文名字吧。一、你认识下列物品吗?写出它们的英文名字吧。15 分分_ _ _ _ _二、按要求填空。二、按要求填空。10 分分1.easy (反义词)_ 2. old (反义词) _ 3.hit (现在分词) _ 4. teach (名词) _ 5.foot (复数) _ 6.think (过去式)_ 7.hurt (过去式) _ 8.play (名词) _ 9.win (过去式)_ 10.team (复数)_三、根据汉语提示填空。三、根据汉语提示填空。10 分分1. They are

2、 _( 打比赛) . 2. Did you have fun _ (观看比赛)。 3. I _ (打篮球) with my friend every day . 4. He can _(教)me to fly a kite. 5. Im going to a _ (运动) store. 6. Breakfast is _ _ (有好处)you. 7. I want go be _ (健康)。 8. She goes to school _ _ (六次) every week. 9. He plays ping-pong ball _( 一天两次) 。 10. _ (多久一次) does she

3、 take a shower?四、用你的聪明才智补全下面的句子吧!四、用你的聪明才智补全下面的句子吧!10 分分( )1. Li Ming _ hard at school.A. work B. works C. worked( )2. Look, Li Ming _ his home work.A. does B. is doing C. did ( )3.I have breakfast seven _ a week.A. time B. times C. a time ( )4. He _ an apple yesterday.A. eat B. eats C. ate ( )5. We

4、 get up at 6:00 every _.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( )6.Did he play basketball _?A. to B. too C. two ( )7.LiMing _ to learn to play football.A. wants B. want C. to want ( ) 8.- Did you have fun today ?- Yes ,we _.A. do B. does C. did( )9. My book is _,not heavy.A. light B. young C. hard( ) 1

5、0.You hit the ping-pong ball with the _.A. hand B. foot C. paddle.五、根据句意用单词的适当形式填空五、根据句意用单词的适当形式填空 。15 分分1. look !The bird_(fly)in the sky. 2. There _(be)a pen and two pencils on the desk. 3. I am _ ( hit ) the ball to Jenny. 4. Yesterday my mother_(hurt)her arm. 5. My mother _ banana very much.(lik

6、e) 6. He _ (play) on a team.六、将下面问句和答语搭配。六、将下面问句和答语搭配。10 分分( ) 1. What did you do ?( ) 2. What are you doing?( ) 3.How often do you exercise, Danny?( ) 4.Whats your favourite fruit?( ) 5.Would you like to go with me ?A. My favourite fruit is apple.B. Sure .Lets go. C. I bought a book. D. Thats twice

7、 a day. E. I am playing basketball.七、好好想一下,如何把下面的单词排好队。七、好好想一下,如何把下面的单词排好队。10 分分1. my minutes clean for I bedroom thirty about (.)_ 2. your do have you fun friends with (?) _ 3. always clean I my house help (.) _ 4.for are good vegetables you (.) _ 5.is basketball he player a good too (.) _ 6. heavy

8、 we a ball new bought (.) _八、根据课文内容判断对错。八、根据课文内容判断对错。10 分分1. Badminton ,ping- pong, and soccer are sports. ( ).2.You need slippers and T-shirt to play basketball ( )3. Danny can play basketball easily. ( )4. Bob is a basketball player .( ) 5. Jenny and Li Ming taught each other a sport. ( ).九、阅读短文,选

9、择正确答案。九、阅读短文,选择正确答案。10 分分This is my friend. His name is Tom. He is from the U.S. His favourite sport is football. But he is playing basketball with his friends at the gym now. Look, he is throwing the basketball at the net. I dont like basketball . I think its hard . I think ping-pong is easy. ( ) 1

10、. My friends name is _.A. Jim B. Tom C. merry( ) 2. Toms favourite sport is a _.A. soccer B. football C. basketball ( ) 3. Tom is playing _ now.A. football B. basketball C. soccer ( ) 4. I think _is hard .A. football B. basketball C. ping-pong ( ) 5. Tom is from _.A. the U.S. B. China C. Canada答案:答案

11、:.1.runners 2.basketball 3.T shirt 4.melon 5.peas 6.cabbage.1. hard 2. new 3. hitting 4. teacher 5. feet 6. thought 7.hurt 8. player 9.won 10.teams.1. playing a game 2. watching the game 3.play basketball 4.teach 5.sports 6. good for 7. healthy 8. six times 9. twice a day 10.How often. BBBCABACAC. 1.is flying 2.is 3.hitting 4. hurt 5. likes 6.plays.CEDAB.1.I clean my bedroom for about thirty minutes.2.Do you have fun with your friends.3. I always help clean my house.4. Vegetable are good for you.5.He is a good basketball player, too.6. We bought a new heavy ball. . BBBBA


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