(人教PEP)五年级英语下册 期中模拟试卷

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1、五年级英语下学期期中检测五年级英语下学期期中检测(实验小学英语组)(实验小学英语组)听力部分听力部分(60分分)一、Listen and choose (选出你所听到的句子里包含的单词或词组)(10分)1、 A when B work C watch2、 A get up B eat dinner C go to bed3、 A go shopping B go hiking C go skating4、 A play sports B play football C play the piano5、 A spring B summer C fall6、 A morning B afterno

2、on C evening7、 A swim B skate C sleep8、 A June B July C January9、 A 1st B 2nd C 3rd 10、A father B mother C grandpa二、Listen, choose and write (听音,填入所缺的单词)(10分)(1)At 10:00 on , I have a class.(2)There is a class at 8:50 on .(3)I have a class at 9:30 on .(4)There is a class at 8:10 on .(5)I can on and

3、Sunday. 三、请根据问句找出相应的答句,将其标号填在题前括号内。(10分)( )1、A. Hes tall and strong. B、Yes, he is.( )2. A. Yes, there is. B Yes, there are.( )3. A. I often do homework. B. I like playing football.( )4. A. No, I cant. B. Yes, he can.( )5. A. Its Monday. B. Its Apr. 1st. 四、Listen and judge(仔细听,判断,记得用和表示。 ) (10分)( ) 1

4、. Jack is eleven years old.( )2. His favourite day is Friday.( ) 3. Jacks art teacher is his favourite teacher.( ) 4. Jack has music, math and art on Fridays.( ) 5. Jack has cabbage and pork every day. 六、Listen and number.(听音,排序) (14 分)笔试部分(40分)一、下面哪些单词划线部分的发音是与众不同的哦!(5分)( ) 1. A. river B. like C. b

5、ridge( ) 2. A. use B. under C. much( ) 3. A. now B. cow C. snowy( ) 4. A. meal B. clean C. really( ) 5. A. potato B. tomato C. Path二、连词成句? (10分)1. lunch, for, What, you, have, do, Mondays, on, (?)_ 2. season, do, like, which, you, best (?)_3. are, end tables, the, there, near, bed, two, (?)_4. your,

6、 birthday, in , is June, too(?)_5. hany, birthdays, are, in, there, how, May (?)_ 四、选择填空。 (10分)( ) 1. What do you do _ the weekend?A. in B at C on( ) 2. Spring is from_ to _.A Jan. Mar. B Feb. Apr. C Mar. May( ) 3. Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is _.A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Friday( ) 4. Are there _

7、trees near the river?A. any B./ C. some ( ) 5. When is our National Day? Its _.A Oct. 1st B June 1st C Aug. 1st( ) 6. _ you helpful at home?A. Can B. Are C. Is ( ) 7. Id like some_ and eggplant.A. potatos B. potatoes C. potato ( ) 8. Let _ clean the classroom.A. I B. me C. my( ) 9. I usually get up

8、_ 6:30 _ the morning.A. in at B at in C at on( ) 10. Whats the date? Its Apr. the _A one B oneth C first五、阅读理解,判断下列句子,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”(10分)Hello. My name is Gordon. I am a student in Willow school. I get up at 6:30 and go to school at 7 oclock in the morning. We have three classes in the morning and

9、one in the afternoon. On Monday, we have P.E. and art. I can draw beautiful pictures. I love Tuesday. On Tuesday. I have science. Science is fun. And our science teacher is very funny. But my favourite class is computer. What about you?We have three English classes every week, on Monday, Wednesday,

10、and Friday. Our English teacher comes from the USA. He is tall and strong. He likes sports. Boys sometimes play football with him. My father and mother are not at home on Thursday, so I have lunch at school. The food at my school is so yummy.( ) 1. There are six classes in one day.( ) 2. Gordon has no English class on Friday.( ) 3. Gordon likes science and computer.( ) 4. The food in Gordons school is good. ( ) 5、Gordons parents eat lunch at home on Thursday.附加题。My Day(谈论你一天的时间安排,不少于五句话) (10分)_



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