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1、(人教(人教 PEP)四年级英语下册期末综合模拟)四年级英语下册期末综合模拟小学资源网 http:/ 一、一、 听力。听力。 略二、二、 判断语音:判断语音:5% 1. can cant( ) 2. umbrella eraser( ) 3. big like( )4. mop doctor( ) 5. study conductor( )三、三、 按括号内的要求写词:按括号内的要求写词:5% 1. this(复数) 2. fly(三单) 3. scarf(复数) 4. you(宾格) 5. he(复数) 6. we(名物) 7. they(形物) 8. are not(缩写) 9. she(

2、宾格) 10. have(三单) 四、四、 选择填空:选择填空:15% ( )1. story book is on the desk . A. I B. Mine C. My ( )2. Is this pen yours ? No , its . A. she B. shes C. her D. Marys ( )3. they your erasers ? Yes , . A. Are , they are B. Are , it is C. Are , it isnt D. Is , it is ( )4. My brother like my father . A. looks B.

3、 look C. does ( )5. beautiful your sister is ! A. What B. How C. Where ( )6. What your brother do ? A. is B. do C. are D. does ( )7. Shes good maths . A. in B. on C. at ( )8. your mother an actress ? A. Are B. Is C. Does D. Do ( )9. His mother dances very . A. good B. fine C. well D. / ( )10. My bro

4、ther is a postman . He letters every day . A. teach B. grow C. sends D. works ( )11. Go back your seat , please . A. in B. on C. to ( )12. Is the girl your daughter ? Yes , is . A. he B. she C. it D. its ( )13. Whose camera is that ? , I dont know . A. Sorry B. No C. Yes D. / ( )14. Please write you

5、r mother . A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )15. Welcome China . A. in B. to C. about D. from五、五、 用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:10% 1. (be)her pens red ? 2. Tell (I)a story . 3. We should (learn)from Lei Feng . 4. Give (he)book . 5. Whose books are these ? They are (Li Yan). 6. He (go)to the park on weekdays . 7

6、. Do you like (dance)? 8. How many (hippo)are there in the zoo ? 9. Bob (live)at No.1 Apple Street . 六、六、 句型转换:句型转换:20% 1. These are my letters .(划线提问)these ? 2. They are umbrellas .(单数形式). 3. These are Toms candles .(一般疑问句)candles ? 4. Is this English book yours ?(肯定句)This mine . 5. mother , teach

7、, my , English(.)? 6. Those dolls are Lucys .(否定句)Those .七、七、 回答问题:回答问题:5% 1. Whose knives are those ?Peters . 2. Is your uncle a driver ?No , . 3. What does your sister do ?an actress . 八、八、 看图填词,完成短文:看图填词,完成短文:10%There are four people in my family . My father is a . He in a . My mother is a . The

8、(女孩)in a is my sister . The funny is me . I often a kite after school . My sister likes (跳舞)very much . She wants to be a in the future . 【试题答案试题答案】一、 听力。 略二、 判断语音:5% 1. can cant( ) 2. umbrella eraser( ) 3. big like( )4. mop doctor( ) 5. study conductor( )三、 按括号内的要求写词:5% 1. this(复数) these 2. fly(三单)

9、 flies 3. scarf(复数) scarves 4. you(宾格) you 5. he(复数) they 6. we(名物) ours 7. they(形物) their 8. are not(缩写) arent 9. she(宾格) her 10. have(三单) has 四、 选择填空:15% ( C )1. story book is on the desk . A. I B. Mine C. My ( D )2. Is this pen yours ? No , its . A. she B. shes C. her D. Marys ( A )3. they your e

10、rasers ? Yes , . A. Are , they are B. Are , it is C. Are , it isnt D. Is , it is ( A )4. My brother like my father . A. looks B. look C. does ( B )5. beautiful your sister is ! A. What B. How C. Where ( D )6. What your brother do ? A. is B. do C. are D. does( C )7. Shes good maths . A. in B. on C. a

11、t ( B )8. your mother an actress ? A. Are B. Is . Does D. Do ( C )9. His mother dances very . A. good B. fine C. well D. / ( C )10. My brother is a postman . He letters every day . A. teach B. grow C. sends D. works ( C )11. Go back your seat , please . A. in B. on C. to ( B )12. Is the girl your da

12、ughter ? Yes , is . A. he B. she C. it D. its ( A )13. Whose camera is that ? , I dont know . A. Sorry B. No C. Yes D. / ( D )14. Please write your mother . A. in B. on C. at D. to ( B )15. Welcome China . A. in B. to C. about D. from五、 用所给词的适当形式填空:10% 1. Are (be)her pens red ? 2. Tell me (I)a story

13、 . 3. We should learn (learn)from Lei Feng . 4. Give him his (he)book . 5. Whose books are these ? They are LiYans (Li Yan). 6. He goes (go)to the park on weekdays . 7. Do you like dancing (dance)? 8. How many hippos (hippo)are there in the zoo ? 9. Bob lives (live)at No.1 Apple Street . 六、 句型转换:20% 1. These are my letters .(划线提问)Whose letters are these ? 2. They are umbrellas .(单数形式)It is



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