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1、苏教牛津版第三次月考试卷(苏教牛津版第三次月考试卷(Unit1-9Unit1-9)姓名姓名_班级班级_成绩成绩_听力部分听力部分(30(30 分分) ) 一、听录音,选择你听到的内容,将序号写在题前的括号内一、听录音,选择你听到的内容,将序号写在题前的括号内(10(10 分分) ) A A B B C C ( )1. GPR DBA PGR ( )2. this that what ( )3. radio computer camera ( )4. look copybook storybook ( )5. some rice some bread soft drinks ( )6. fath

2、er brother mother ( )7. hat cap cat ( )8. 12+2 12-2 12+20 ( )9. desk cake panda ( )10. aunt uncle friend 二、听录音,判断你听到的句子和所给中文含义是否相符二、听录音,判断你听到的句子和所给中文含义是否相符(5(5 分分) )。 1.他是谁?他是我的爸爸。 ( )2.几点钟了?七点了。 ( ) 3.现在是起床的时间了。 ( ) 4.书桌上的那个东西是什么? ( ) 5.你想要什么?我想要一个三明治。 ( ) 三、听句子,排序,在题前的括号内写序号(三、听句子,排序,在题前的括号内写序号(9

3、9 分)分) 。 ( )Whats seven plus thirteen? ( )How many apples can you see? ( )He is in the kitchen. ( )Whats that in English? ( )Youre wrong. ( )Can I help you? ( )What would you like ? ( )Im thirsty. ( )Id like some bread. 四、听录音,填写所缺单词四、听录音,填写所缺单词(6(6 分分) ) 1.Whats _? Its a _. 2.Whats that in English?

4、Its a _. 3.Is this a_? No, Its a _. 4.Whats the time? Its _oclock.笔试部分笔试部分(70(70 分分) ) 一、英汉互译。一、英汉互译。(10)(10)分分 1.what time 2.in English 3.I think 4.family photo 5.what colour 6.我的书桌 7.三个女孩 8.four plus seven 9.a bar of chocolate 10. a yellow vest 二、写出所给字母的左邻右舍。二、写出所给字母的左邻右舍。(8(8 分分) ) _ Ee _ _ Ii_ _

5、Yy _ _ Rr _ 三、单项选择。三、单项选择。(10(10 分分) )( ) 1.What is this English?A. at B. in C. on ( ) 2.Is this your brother? Yes, .A he is B she is C it is( ) 3. Whats eleven minus five? Its .A. six B. sixteen C. fifteen( ) 4.Time to go to bed. A. OK. Goodbye. B. OK. Good night. C. Sure. Here you are.( ) 5. Whats

6、 twelve four? Its eight.A. plus B. and C. minus ( ) 6. - -Great! Lets go!A. Shall we go to the park? B. Can I have a look?C. Thats my new coat. ( ) 7.- Whos he? - .A. Hes my mother. B. Hes my brother. C. Shes my aunt. ( ) 8.-Is this a ? - No. Its a watermelon.A. watermelon B. pineapple C. pears ( )

7、9.-Its five oclock. Lets .A. go to home B. have lunch C. go home ( ) 10. nice computer!A. Whats B. What C. What a 四、会话配对。四、会话配对。 (1010 分)分)A ( )1.Is this your grandmother? ( )2.Can I have a look? ( )3.Whats the time now? ( )4.Whats that? ( )5.Goodbye. ( )6.Lets go to the zoo. ( )7.May I come in? ( )

8、8.How many birds can you see? ( )9.Whats ten plus one? ( )10.Whats ten minus one? B A. Its eleven. B. All right. C.Yes, she is. D. I can see seven. E. Its nine. F. Sure. Here you are. G.Come in, lease. H. Goodbye. I. Its three oclock. J. Its a stapler. 五、给中英文配对,在括号内填上序号。五、给中英文配对,在括号内填上序号。 (1010 分)分)

9、 ( )1 .May I come in? A. 我们一起看电视,好吗? ( )2.Whats the time, Liu Tao? B. 你现在可以回家了。 ( )3. What a nice camera! C. 我可以进来吗? ( )4. You can go home now. D. 多么漂亮的照相机呀! ( )5. Shall we watch TV? E. 我们现在去上学吧! ( )6. Lets go to school now. F. 刘涛,几点了? ( )7.What about some juice? G. 我找不到我的包了。 ( )8.Can I help you? H.

10、 绿色的这个怎么样? ( )9.What about the green one? I. 来一些果汁怎么样? ( )10.I cant find my bag. J. 我能为你效劳吗?六、根据情景选择合适的答案。六、根据情景选择合适的答案。 (1010 分)分) ( ) 1.你有问题想请教别人,有礼貌地说: A. Excuse me. B. Oh, I see. C. Sorry, youre wrong. ( ) 2.现在已是晚上 9:30 了,爸爸对你说: A. Its time to get up. B. Time to have lunch. C. Its time to go to

11、bed. ( ) 3.当你想知道远处桌子上是什么时,应问: A. Whats that on the desk? B. Whats this on the desk? C. Whats that in the desk? ( ) 4.去朋友家作客,敲门时说: A. Can I have a look? B. May I come in? C. Thank you. ( ) 5.当别人问你, “这是你爷爷吗” ,你可以这样回答: A. Is this your grandfather? B. Who is he? C. Yes, he is.( ) 6.你猜测这是对方的姐姐时,你说: A. Sh

12、es a girl. B. This is your sister, I think. C. Is this your mother? ( ) 7.当别人正确回答问题时,你可以说: A. Thats right. B. Youre wrong. C. Thats wrong. ( ) 8.当别人问你这是什么,你回答: A. Its a . B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt. ( ) 9.你想看一看苏洋的照相机,你对苏洋说: A. Is this your aunt? B. Can I have a look?C. Whos she? ( )10.你想要一顶帽子时,你说: A. I like a cap. B.What about the red one . C. A cap, please.七将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。七将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(7(7 分分) ) ( )Yes



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