(人教PEP)五年级英语上册 Unit1试题练习

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1、五年级英语上册五年级英语上册 Unit1 试题练习试题练习班级 姓名 分数 1、翻译。 年轻的 有趣的 高的 强壮的 kind old short thin 2、句型练习。 1. Who is your art teacher? (改成缩略形式)2. Hes short or thin. (改错)3. my hes know I father (. .)(连词成句)4. Hes my English teacher. (改为一般疑问问句)5. Is he your math teacher? (做肯定和否定回答)3、选择。 ( ) 1. -I have four teachers.-Who ?

2、-An English teacher, a math teacher, a Chinese teacher and an artteacher. A. is,it B. are,it C. are,they D. /,they ( ) 2. -Look at that man! Is he your math teacher?-Yes, . A. he isnt B. he is C. she isnt D. she is ( ) 3. -Who is Johns new teacher?- . A. It is Mr. Zhao B. She is Miss. White C. He is

3、 Mr. Black ( ) 4. -Whats Miss. White like?- young. A. Hes B. Its C. / D. Shes 四、连线题。 She is young. He is my English teacher. Whats he like? Miss. White is my art teacher. I like my teacher. My English teacher is funny. Is your math teacher kind? 五、仿照。 Our math teacher is very young. Hes short and th

4、in. Hes very funny. We all like him.他是个怎么样的人?他是个怎么样的人? 你的数学老师是不是很和蔼?你的数学老师是不是很和蔼? 我喜欢我的老师我喜欢我的老师 他是年轻的。他是年轻的。 他是我的英语老师。他是我的英语老师。 我的英语老师是有趣的。我的英语老师是有趣的。 白女士是我的英语老师。白女士是我的英语老师。Unit1 B1、翻译。 校长 大学生 聪明的 积极的 年轻的 滑稽可笑的 tall strong kind old short thin 2、辨音题。 1. ( ) A. peach B. tea C. bee D. egg 2. ( ) A. bl

5、ue B. blow C. bread D. black 3. ( ) A. bad B. apple C. ear D. bag 4. ( ) A. ice-cream B. big C. it D. in 5. ( ) A. sleep B. it C. beef D.beer 3、连词成句。 1. she like really whats (? ?)2. a student is she university (?)3. very no isnt shes she active (. .)4. but kind is yes she shes very (, .)5. so much

6、her fun class is (.)4、修改病句。 1. Whats that young lady?2. No, she is. She is very quite.3. Shes we teacher.4. Who is you math teacher?5、翻译句子。 1. 我有一个新的数学老师,我很喜欢他。2. 你的英语老师文静吗?是的,她是。3. 我的体育老师又高又强壮。4. 你的语文老师是个怎么样的人?她很年轻,而且很积极。提示:这里只要更改句子中划横线的部分。提示:这里只要更改句子中划横线的部分。介绍的是女老师就要把介绍的是女老师就要把 Hes 或或 He is 改成改成 S

7、hes 或或 She is, him 改成改成 her。6、根据意思,完成句子。 - ?你的美术老师是个怎么样的人 - He is very .他很滑稽可笑。 - Do you like ?你喜欢他吗? - Yes, .是的,我是。7、阅读理解。 (判断题,对的打,错的打) Our new teacher Animals has a new teacher, a P.E. teacher. He was a football player. But they dont know is the teacher tall and strong. This time, a rabbit come h

8、ere. It is short and thin. Zoom want play football with him. The rabbit is good at football, it always kicked the ball into the goal. Zoom said:“Wow, you are very great!“ Dog said:“Our P.E. teacher can football, too. It is just like you!“ Rabbit said:“Im your new P.E. teacher.“New words and Expressi

9、ons 单词和短语: football player 足球运动员 said 说 It always kicked the ball into the goal 它总是把球踢进球门 just like you 就像你一样1. Animals has a new Chinese teacher.( ) 2. The P.E. teacher was a football player.( ) 3. The teacher isnt short and thin, he is strong and tall.( ) 4. The P.E. teacher is a monkey.( ) 5. Teacher always kicked the ball into the goal.( )


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