(北师大版)六年级英语上册练习题 Unit 4(1) Period 1

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1、(北师大版)六年级英语上册练习题(北师大版)六年级英语上册练习题 Unit4 Choosing a gift Period 1一、中英文搭配连线。1belt A音乐2expensive B皮带3baseball cap C手套4sweatpants D贵的5style E爆米花6clothes F棒球帽7sunglasses G风格,样式8popcorn H衣服9gloves I运动裤10music J太阳镜 二、选合适动词,搭配词组。1play Ashopping2go Ba gift3find Ca video game4cost Dskiing5love E$25三、选词义。 1太阳镜

2、Aa pair of socks2毛衣 Ba pair of shoes3一副手套 Ca pair of sunglasses4一条宽松的运动裤 Da sweater5一双袜子 Ea pair of gloves6一双鞋 Fa pair of sweatpants7棒球帽 Ga skirt8一条裙子 Ha baseball cap 四、听课文录音,将人物所需要的礼物与价格连线。 Belt $25Basketball cap (Daniel) $30Sunglasses $13Jazz music CD $10Ski gloves $10 五、请你从下列物品中选出 Ann,Ken,Sue 为 D

3、aniel 买的礼物。 Baseball cap ( ) Belt ( )Sunglasses ( )Pop music CD ( )Jazz music CD ( )Ski gloves ( )Sweatpants ( )Ice-cream ( )Popcorn ( )Ties ( )Tennis cap ( )Cool clothes ( )六、根据课文,选择正确答案。 1Its for people to buy giftsAeasy Bnot easy2Daniel shoppingAlikes Bdoesnt like3They have hour to find the giftA

4、one Bhalf an4The belt is A$20 B$305Daniels baseball caps are A$10 B$256Daniel likes eating Aice-cream Bpopcorn7They buy for DanielApopcorn and CD Bsunglasses and ski gloves 七、根据课文,判断句子正确,T 表示正确,F 表示错误。 1Buying gifts for people is easy 2Daniel doesnt like shopping 3They have two hours to find the gif

5、t 4The belt is too expensive for them 5Daniels baseball caps are $25 6They buy sunglasses for Daniel 7They dont buy ski gloves for Daniel 8The latest Jazz music CD costs $10参考答案参考答案 课前预习 一、1B 2D 3F 4I 5G 6H 7J 8E 9C 10A 二、1C 2A 3B 4E 5D 课堂练习三、1C 2D 3E 4F 5A 6B 7H 8G 四、略 五、Sunglasses() Ski gloves() 课后测试 六、1B 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B 7B七、1F 2T 3F 4T 5T 6T 7F 8F


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