天津市和平区小学五年级英语下册Unit 4练习1

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1、天津市和平区小学五年级英语下册天津市和平区小学五年级英语下册 Unit 4 练习练习 1姓名姓名 班级班级 知识回顾知识回顾一、本周教学内容: Unit 4 Is there a library in your class ? Lesson 19Lesson 21二、教学重难点: (一)单词: 1. there 2. corner : 3. project work e :4. study 5. plant a:6. printing i 7. on 8. paper ei 9. speak i:10. read i: 11. write ai12. football u : 13. bask

2、etball a:i14. volleyball i 15. hockey 16. rugby i(二)词组: 1. come from2. show to 3. in groups 4. in your class / classroom 5. a science corner 6. read story books 7. in the library 8. study plants and animals 9. on the paper 10. be famous for 11. ball games 12. on the field 13. play football / basketb

3、all / volleyball (三)句型: 1. Is there a library in your classroom ? Yes , there is . / No , there isnt . 2. What do you do in the library ? We read storybooks . 3. Mark comes from Britain . 4. Are there any computers in your class ? Yes , there are . / No , there arent . 5. There is also a science cor

4、ner . 6. Where do you play football ? We play football on the field .(四)语法: 1. There be 句型的肯定句,一般疑问句及回答。 2. 一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其回答。模拟试题(答题时间:模拟试题(答题时间:45 分钟)分钟)一、语音判断:一、语音判断:1. cartoon food( )2. chair there( ) 3. photo of( )4. plant father( ) 5. corner tailor( ) 6. project photo( ) 7. study shy( )8. many h

5、eadmaster( ) 9. so do( )10. science sing( )二、用所给词的适当形式填空:二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Do you often play ?(ball game) 2. Are there over there ?(some sheep) 3. There are two in the circus .(monkey) 4. Are the with their mother ?(baby calf) 5. The boys like .(play hockey) 6. All the in the world welcome New Year .

6、(family) 7. Please show the new video to .(she) 8. There are no in our school .(car)三、填空:三、填空:1. there any meat on the table ? Yes . 2. There any storybooks in my bag . 3. Are there desks and chairs there ? Yes , there are a lot of . 4. the plants green ? Sorry , I dont know . 5. There some white sh

7、eep under the tree . 6. I have two new friends . One is from Britain . is from Japan . 7. Now , lets do it groups . 8. Can you give the dictionary Miss Wang ? 9. Mary and I are in Grade Five . Were in Class 2 . 10. do you usually go on Sunday ?四、选择填空:四、选择填空:( )1. These pictures the beautiful Xinjian

8、g .A. shows B. show C. showing ( )2. there any food in the bag ?A. Are B. Be C. Is ( )3. There arent people in the hall .A. many B. a lot of C. much ( )4. All come to the library now .A. us B. of you C. young the girls ( )5. Is there a singing group in your class , ?A. also B. too C. either ( )6. To

9、m , show our familys photos Uncle Li .A. for B. to C. at ( )7. My sister English hard .A. studies B. studys C. studying ( )8. Sorry , I dont know .A. who are you B. who you are C. you are who ( )9. There is a this afternoon .A. sport meeting B. sports meeting C. sport meetings ( )10. We must help an

10、d learn from other .A. very B. one C. each ( )11. Chen Xingshen is famous maths .A. with B. for C. of ( )12. Water is good everyone .A. of B. to C. for ( )13. Dont play volleyball , play piano .A. / , the B. the , / C. the , the ( )14. Gao Wei is watching TV his parents .A. and B. with C. to ( )15.

11、Rugby is one of our .A. game B. games C. gameses五、句型转换:五、句型转换:1. There are some boys in the bookshop .(否定句)There boys in the bookshop . 2. There is an animal hospital near here .(一般疑问句)an animal hospital near here ? 3. There are two pet cats in my room .(划线提问)in your room ?4. How many people are the

12、re in your family ?(回答)people . 5. Is there any orange in the cup ?(肯定句)orange in the cup . 6. There is a lot of bread on the table .(否定句)There bread on the table . 7. Are there any groups of girls under the tree ?(单数)there of under the tree ? 8. There is a box of milk on the table .(复数) There two o

13、f on the table .六、改错。将错误选项序号填入题前的括号中,将改正后正确答案填入题六、改错。将错误选项序号填入题前的括号中,将改正后正确答案填入题后的括号内:后的括号内:( )1. There isnt some tea in the cup .( )A B C ( )2. Are there a sheep over there ?( )A B C ( )3. There arent a lot of books here .( )A B C ( )4. Please show they some new books .( )A B C ( )5. Are there two

14、tigers there ? Yes , therere .( )A B C七、补全对话:七、补全对话:A: under the chair over there ? B: go and see . Oh , its a watch . new . A:Yes , its new . is it ? it Toms . B:I think its his . Toms is not new . A:Is it Peters ? B:Yes , is .八、阅读理解:八、阅读理解:Mr. Brown lives in a small town , but he gets a job in a big city .


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