天津市南开区小学六年级英语下册Lesson 11-12练习

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《天津市南开区小学六年级英语下册Lesson 11-12练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《天津市南开区小学六年级英语下册Lesson 11-12练习(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、天津市南开区小学六年级英语下册天津市南开区小学六年级英语下册 Lesson 11-12 练习练习姓名姓名 班级班级 知识回顾知识回顾一、本周教学内容: Lesson 11Lesson 12 & Revision (一)单词: 1. sunny 晴朗的 2. plant 植物;种植 3. dig 挖 4. hole 坑 5. water 浇水(二)词组: 1. plant trees 2. last Saturday 3. Tree Planting Day 4. useto do 5. dig holes 6. in the ground 7. put into 8. water the yo

2、ung trees 9. be important to 10. Mothers Day(三)句型: 1. Last Saturday was Tree Planting Day . It was sunny. 2. Did you go to plant trees yesterday ? Yes ,I did.(四)语音:ou二、语法: 一般过去时、动词的过去式三、重难点分析: 1. The animals wanted to make their homeland more beautiful. 动物们想把它们的家园变得更美丽。 这里 more beautiful 是 beautiful

3、 的比较级。当形容词或副词是三个或三个以上音节 时,其比较级要在该词前加 more,最高级在该词前加 the most.例如:interestingmore interestingthe most interesting 2. The panda wanted to see who planted the most trees. 熊猫想知道谁植的树最多。此句是宾语从句。 3. They can make the air fresh and clean. 它们可以使空气变得新鲜,变干净。 make something+形容词表示“使成”或“变成” 4. Micky and the rabbit

4、worked the hardest. Micky 和兔子干得最努力。hardest 是 hard 的最高级。 5. They used spades to dig holes in the ground. 他们用铲子在地上挖洞。 useto do用某物做某事。 Can you use a pencil to write down your name? 你能用铅笔写下你的名字吗? 注意:use 即可以当动词又可以当名词。但要注意的是 use 作为动词意思是“使用” 读作ju:z,作为名词意思是“用;用途”读作ju:s。模拟试题(答题时间:模拟试题(答题时间:45 分钟)分钟)一、找出划线部分读

5、音不同的单词:一、找出划线部分读音不同的单词:( )1. A. last B. was C. grass D. dance ( )2. A. March B. quarter C. park D. mark ( )3. A. use B. huge C. student D. study ( )4. A. you B. young C. southern D. country ( )5. A. air B. hair C. bear D. hear ( )6. A. nearby B. by C. sunny D. fly ( )7. A. hole B. got C. stop D. lot

6、 ( )8. A. ground B. soup C. you D. group ( )9.A. clean B. meat C. leader D. really ( )10. A. Saturday B. nurse C. Thursday D. turn二、写出下列单词的适当形式:二、写出下列单词的适当形式:1. wind(形容词)_ 2. sunny(名词)_ 3. young(反义词)_ 4. stop(现在分词)_5. important(比较级)_ 6. bring(过去式)_7. use(形容词)_ 8. water(过去式)_9. dig(现在分词)_ 10. country

7、(复数)_三、用括号中的单词的适当形式填空:三、用括号中的单词的适当形式填空:1. In autumn you can see a lot of_(leaf)on the ground. 2. Im twenty years old . Its my_(twenty)birthday today. 3. Computer_(be)one of the most important inventions in the world. 4. They_(buy)four footballs for the students in this school a week ago. 5. My grand

8、pa_(water)the flowers in the garden every morning. 6. Its important to everyone to_(plant)trees.7. Tree Planting Day_(be)on March 12th.8. Our country gets _and_(strong).四、根据括号中的汉语用适当的词语填空:四、根据括号中的汉语用适当的词语填空:1. Please stop_(吃)chocolate , its bad for your teeth.2. If you take more exercise , youll be

9、much_(健康).3. That girl_(看上去)beautiful. 4. They _(种植)several trees in the garden three years ago . Look , the trees are growing up. 5. He _(带)his son to the hospital half an hour ago. 6. How is the weather today ? Its _(晴).7. She came from a_(附近的)city.8. Trees can make the air_(新鲜的)and clean.五、单项选择:五

10、、单项选择:( )1. What _ this is!A. important news B. a important newsC. important the news D. important newes ( )2. There _ a party in an hour.A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ( )3. The party _three hours last Sunday.A. lasted B. is lasting C. lasts D. last ( )4. We _ on Tree Pla

11、nting Day last year.A. went to plant trees B. go to plantC. go to planted D. are going to plant ( )5. Im sorry to keep you_ for a long time.A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited ( )6. The students are busy_ trees and flowers.A. to plant B. plant C. plants D. planting ( )7. Their house is made _ wo

12、od.A. to B. from C. of D. with ( )8. He _ on his coat and _ out.A. put , go B. put , went C. puts , go D. put , going ( )9. Stop_ , please . Lets go on with our lesson.A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked ( )10. She _ up late this morning.A. got B. get C. gets D. is getting六、根据文意及首字母填空:六、根据文意及首字母

13、填空:Mrs. Black was a famous musician(音乐家)several years ago . She t 1 music at a school and her students did well in their lesson . They liked her very much . Later , the old woman was retired (退休的)and stayed at home with her husband . The old man looked after his wife well and she was n 2 worried abo

14、ut anything . And she was h 3 . Just like some old people , Mrs. Black found that her m 4 was falling . Sometimes she forgot what she did or would do . It often got her into trouble . Her h 5 noticed(注 意到)it and asked her to see a famous doctor . He bought two tickets f 6 London and told her to put t 7 in her handbag when she was playing the piano(钢琴).The next morning . when they go to the a 8 just on time to


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