江西省赣州市兴国县四年级英语下册 Unit 5-6 单元测试

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《江西省赣州市兴国县四年级英语下册 Unit 5-6 单元测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西省赣州市兴国县四年级英语下册 Unit 5-6 单元测试(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江西省赣州市江西省赣州市兴兴国国县县四四年年级级英英语语下下册册Unit 5-6 单单元元测测试试小学资源网 http:/ )1.sm A. all B. lal C. lla ( )2.l g A. no B. on C. en( )3.sh t A. er B. ar C. or( )4.h A. wo B. ew C. ow( )5.f tball A. oo B. ee C. ou 二、单项选择。(二、单项选择。(1分)分)( ) 1.Can I wear my today?-Yes, you can. Its very hot.A. T-shirt B. jacket C. swea

2、ter( ) 2.Its today. Lets make a snowman.A. sunny B. snowy C. cloudy( ) 3.Look at the paints. They are 10 yuan. They are .A. cheap B. pretty C. expensive( ) 4.How cows do you have?A. many B. much C. old( ) 5. I see eleven .A. sheep B. sheeps C. the sheep三、从三、从栏中找出栏中找出栏的答语。(栏的答语。(15 分)分) ( ) 1. Is it

3、warm today? A. Yes, please.( ) 2. Can I wear my dress today? B. Its 9 yuan.( ) 3. Can I help you? C. No, its cool.( ) 4. How much is it? D. No, you cant.( ) 5. What are these? E.Theyre cucumbers.四、连词成句。(分)四、连词成句。(分)1.you, help, can, I(?)2.five, I, red, want, apples(.)3.is, the, colourful, shirt(.)4.

4、many, are, how, sheep, there(?)5.are, tomatoes, red, these(?)五、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(分)五、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(分)There is a farm near our school. Nancy and I go to the farm and milk the cows today. There are many cows and sheep there. The cows are white and black. The sheep are white. We like white sheep very much.(

5、) 1. Where is our school?A. Near the farm. B. On the farm C. At the farm( ) 2. go to the farm.A. Amy and I B. Nancy and I C. I and Nancy( ) 3.The cows are .A. white B. white and black C. black( ) 4.The sheep are .A. white B. white and black C. black( ) 5.We like very much.A. black sheep B. white cows C. white sheep小学资源网 http:/ 小学资源网 http:/



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