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1、第一部分第一部分 考研英语核心词汇考研英语核心词汇记住吴老师的建议:按规定每天晚上看记住吴老师的建议:按规定每天晚上看 1 页,把自己已经记住的暂时划出来,无论多页,把自己已经记住的暂时划出来,无论多 忙,当天晚上睡觉前和第二天早上都要把学习的单词复习一遍,然后再分别过忙,当天晚上睡觉前和第二天早上都要把学习的单词复习一遍,然后再分别过 3 天、天、7 天、天、 15 天、天、30 天、天、60 天各复习一遍,坚持下来,到考前一周看最后一遍时,你会觉得大部分天各复习一遍,坚持下来,到考前一周看最后一遍时,你会觉得大部分 单词都已经很熟悉了。另外,务必要把自己做过的历年真题或模拟题中阅读里遇到的

2、生词单词都已经很熟悉了。另外,务必要把自己做过的历年真题或模拟题中阅读里遇到的生词 集中整理起来,这样坚持学习,双管齐下,一定会取得良好学习效果!集中整理起来,这样坚持学习,双管齐下,一定会取得良好学习效果!第第 1 天任务天任务Rape n.强奸;破坏,蹂躏 vt.强奸;破坏,蹂躏 rash a.轻率的,鲁莽的 反deliberate n.皮疹 guideline n.指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准 gut n.pl.胆量;内脏 a.本能的 vt.取出内脏 habitat n.(动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地 harassment n.骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱 recycle vt./vi.重

3、复利用(用过的物资),循环使用 redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的 refugee n.(政治上的)避难者,难民 refund n.v. 退款;赔偿relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口 v.爱好,喜欢 remnant n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分 renaissance n.the R-文艺复兴(时期);新生,复兴 ritual a.宗教仪式的,典礼的 n.仪式,典礼;惯例 robust a.强健的,茁壮的;有力的 反feeble salvation n.(尤指基督)救世,超度;拯救,解困 sanction v.同意(某事),批准,认可 n.批准,国际制裁 sane a.

4、心智健全的,神志清醒的;明断的,理智的 sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的 saturate vt.使湿透,浸透;使充满,使饱和 repertoire n.全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能 repression n.压抑,压制,镇压 retention n.保留;保持;记忆(力) retort n.v.报复;反击;反驳 boost n.促进,激励;一抬;一推 vt.推动,增强 bowel n.肠;pl.内部,深处 retrieve vt.重新得到,取回;挽回,补救;检索 retrospect v.n.回顾,回想,追溯反foresee revelation n.揭示,透露,显示;被揭示的

5、真相,新发现 第第 2 天任务天任务rigorous a.严格的,严厉的,严酷的(气候条件) riot n.暴(骚)乱;(色彩等)极度丰富 vi.聚众闹事 rip v.猛撕开;扯开;被撕开;裂开 scandal n.丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语;反感,愤慨 scramble vi.(快速地)爬,攀登;互相争夺,争先 siege n.包围,围攻,围困 sip v.小口地喝,抿,呷 n.一小口的量 sceptical/skeptical a.怀疑的 skim vt.撇去(液体表面)之漂浮物 vi.轻轻掠过 skip vi.略过,跳过 n.跳跃 vt.故意忽略;略过 texture n.(织物)质地;(材料

6、)构造;结构;肌理 transcend vt. 超出,超越(理性等)的范围 abolish 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custo prime 首要的,主要的 a matter of importancefoul a.令人不快的;恶臭的;邪恶的 v.弄脏 n.(体育等)犯规 fridge n.(refrigerator 的略语)冰箱 radiant a.(面容、目光)洋溢着幸福的,明亮照耀的 rap vt.急敲;突然厉声说出;训斥 n.急敲(声) thermal 热的,由热造成的 burns thirst 渴,口渴 The heat creates a in me l

7、ike Ive never had before trail 痕迹,足迹 a of destruction left by the violence tramp 步行,跋涉 He loves ing over the hills transfer 转移,调动 the company has transferred to an eastern locationfringe n.边缘;(窗帘)缘饰;额前垂发 vt.饰的边 fume n.(usu pl.)(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽 blur n.模糊不清的事物 vt.使模糊,使看不清楚 browse vi.随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等)吃草 prim

8、itive 原始的,上古的,早期的 a forest prior 在先的,在前的 Stop making public statements without their approval here privilege 特权,优惠,特免 In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a probe 探索,探查,调查 the roots of war absolute 纯粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb. Verge 边,边缘,边沿 the of a stream verify 证

9、明,证实 Subsequent events verified my suspicions vertical 垂直的,立式的 a engine veto 否决,否决权,否决权的行使 The rest of the committee could not accept the accustom 使习惯于 accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early acquaint 使认识,使了解 第第 3 天任务天任务trash n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,败类 vt.捣毁toxic a.有毒的,因中毒引起的 amaze 使惊愕,使惊异 I am amazed that

10、 he should get the post.breach n.违反,不履行;破裂 vt.冲破,攻破 briefcase n.手提箱,公事皮包 ambiguous 含糊不清的,模棱两可的 an ambiguous answerozone n. 臭氧;清新的空气pact n.合同,条约,公约 trace 痕迹,踪迹 The wound healed, leaving almost no of a scar track 足迹,踪迹s in the snow tragedy 悲剧 Hamlet is one of shakespeares best known tragediespaperback

11、 n.平装本,简装本 script n.剧本(原稿);手稿,原稿;笔迹,手迹 scrutiny n.周密的调查;仔细看;监视;选票复查 sculpture n.雕刻(术),雕塑(术);雕刻作品 tame 驯化的,驯服的,温顺的 animails tan 棕黄色,黄褐色 buy some shoes in tan tax 税(款)Half of his wages go in tax abrupt 突然的,意外的 an abrupt departure acute 尖锐的,敏锐的 an acute thinker versatile 多才多艺的 a man versus 诉讼,竞赛等中以为对手

12、The match tonight is China Japan blunt 钝的 The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive. blush (因害羞、激动、窘困)脸红 blush with(或 for) joyabide 遵循(by) ;容忍 The one thing she cannot abide is lying. delight 高兴,快乐:To the teachers great delight , all his students passed the examination. deliver 投递,传送,运输:d

13、eliver the mail demonstrate 论证,证明 :demonstrate a philosophical principle aaccelerate 加速,增速 accelerate ones steps thread 线,线状物 cotton thrill 使非常兴奋,使非常激动 Its a sight that never fails to me thrive 兴旺发达,繁荣 His business is thriving abuse 滥用 abuse ones authority(office) temper 心情,脾气 be in a good tempt 引诱,

14、诱惑 Nothing could me to do such a thing strain 拉紧,绷紧 If you the elastic any more, it will break strap 带,皮带 silks s stream 小河,溪流 on the banks of a stress 压力,紧张 Not all of us can cope with the es of modern life stretch 伸直,伸长 He yawned and ed himself stride 阔步前进,大踏步走 He strode to the platform strike 打击,

15、撞 A stone struck me on the head string 细绳,线,带 She took the parcel and started to undo the string strip 剥去,除去 The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves access 接近(或进入)的机会 have regular and immediate access to the President tip 末端,尖端 the tips of the fingers toast 烤面包,吐司 two slices of 】第第 4 天任务天任务token 表示,标志,象征 He did that as a of good faith torture 拷打,拷问 a co


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