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1、Chapter 14 EFFECTS DEMONSTRATED BY PARTICLES WITHIN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 第 14 章 电磁区域里粒子的效果展示28. I will now discuss another EMBODIMET of my Pioneering Invention. 28. 我将讨论另一个我的开创性发明的实现。A. The following is a DECLARATION by Dr. Roger Hastings (who deserves t he reader s respect):A.下面是 Roger Hastings博士

2、的宣言(值得读者尊重):DECLARATION April 29, 1982 Mr. J.W. Newman has shown me a demonstration in which lead powder placed gingerly onto the surface of water exhibits a most interesting property. Nearly microscopic streamers of lead immediately flow down into the water from the lead dust on the surface. Viewed

3、 under the microscope, the particles in the streamers appear as brilliant sparks of light. The streamers swirl in a vortex motion. Having believed that lead is inert to water, this demonstration gave me considerable surprise, and markedly raised my opinion of Mr. Newman as a Scientist. My graduate a

4、nd postdoctoral training was in the field of condensed matter (solids and liquids), and I am quite certain that Mr. Newman s discovery would generate considerable excitement in this community of scientists. Applications of this discovery are very likely to be forthcoming. (Mr. Newman has already des

5、cribed an application in his declaration witnessed by his patent attorney, Mc. Pugh, on Aug.1, 1979.) 纽曼先生已经让我看了一个示范,将铅粉轻轻放到水表面,展示出许多有趣的性质。铅的微小彩带马上从水面的铅粉流入水中。在显微镜下,彩带中的粒子呈现出明亮的火花。彩带做涡旋运动旋转。已经相信铅是不与水反应的,这个展示让我相当吃惊,让我明显的认识到作为科学家的纽曼。我研究生和博士后研究的是浓缩物质(固体和液体)领域,这非常确信纽曼先生的发现在这个科学团体将相当令人振奋。这项发明的应用似乎马上会来临。(纽

6、曼先生已经在这份声明里描述一个应用,1979 年 8 月 1 号由他的专利代理人Mc. Pugh 见证。)B. The reader should realize that chronologically, the technological development of my Pioneering Invention occurred in the following sequence: B. 读者应该认识到我开创性发明技术发展的时间顺序,顺序如下:(1) The GAS EMBODIMENT (described in Section 28-F) 气体实现(2) The STATIC-EM

7、BODIMENT (described in Section 27A-I) 静态实现(3) The CONDUCTING-COIL EMBODIMENT (described in Sections 15 - 22) 导体线圈实体The fact that I have developed three different EBODIMENTS of my Pioneering Invention proves that I have more clearly understood the “mechanical”essence of the gyroscopic-action-entity (

8、acting in accordance with Einsteins equation of E = MC2), the nature of matter, and the nature of a magnetic field than those who utilize concepts taught by the Prior Art. Such is true because the facts clearly verify the validity of the “Mechanical,” Technical Process which l teach - a process whic

9、h adheres to the established Scientific Method. Let the facts verify my predictions; the result is a “Pioneering Invention.”事实上,我已经演化出三种不同的我的开创性发明实现,证明我已经更清楚理解陀螺效应子的“力”的本质(遵守爱因斯坦E = MC2方程),物质理论,磁场理论。这是如此真实,事实清楚证明我教授的“力学”、科技过程的正确性-遵守已经建立的科学方法的过程。让事实证明我的预测;结果是一个“开创性发明”。C. I will now insert my technica

10、l papers referring to the process described by Dr. Roger Hastings in Section 28-A. These papers were witnessed by Mr. Emmett Pugh (my Patent Attorney with a physics background) on August 1, 1979 and were forwarded by Mr. Pugh to the U.S. Patent Office. 我将插入我的关于这个过程的技术论文,Roger Hastings 博士在 28-A 部分有描述

11、。 1979 年 8 月 1 号,这些论文被Emmett Pugh 先生记录(我的专利代理人,有物理学背景),由 Pugh 先生转寄给美国专利局。PROTOTYPE PROOF OF MY PATENT APPLICATIONS PENDING ON AN UNLIMITED SOURCE OF ENERGY. 原型证明我在申请中的关于无限能源的专利。Attached with my Energy Patents Pending, there is a Scientific Document that I have written. Pages 6 through 12 of that Doc

12、ument state that gravity is the unobvious effects of electromagnetic energy and that matter is held together and attracts and repels other matter electromagnetically. 附加我的能源专利,有我写的科学文档。第6 页到第 12 页说明重力是电磁能量不可见的效果,物质被电磁结合在一起,电磁产生吸引、排斥和其它现象。Pages 12 through 21 explain electric charge, magnetism and ele

13、ctricity and in conjunction with my Energy Patent Applications explain and disclose how an Unlimited Source of Energy can be released from electromagnetic fields of force. 第 12 页到第 21 页解释电荷、磁性、电力和和能源专利应用的交互,解释揭露从力的电磁区域怎样释放无限的能量。The Patent Examiners have recently turned down my Energy Patent Applicat

14、ions on the basis of wanting to see a working model. 专利审查人已经驳回我的能源专利,因为想看到工作模型。The following disclosure demonstrates this working model: 下面的公开说明这工作模型:It is presently stated in physics that it is virtually impossible to see any details of particles in suspension without an electron microscope. 当前物理学声

15、称没有电子显微镜不可能看到悬浮粒子的任何细节。It is also presently stated the only movement observable of particles suspended in water is in accordance with Brownian Movement which uses microscope of 500 to 1,000 times enlargement with drop of water on a slide, and any-movement observed is so slight, it is doubted by some

16、 observers. 同样声称悬浮在水中的粒子的可见运动符合布朗运动,用 500 到 1000 倍的显微镜的玻片上的一滴水,观察到的任何运动是如此微波,被一些观察者怀疑。As a result of my many years of work and in accordance with my Energy Patent Applications Pending, I concluded the following: 作为许多年的工作结果和我申请中的能源专利一致,我总结如下:I know the only way I was likely to easily and inexpensively get material movement as a result of interaction with the gyroscopic particles moving in electromagnetic fields of force was to get particles of minute size. Thereby, when the proper material mi



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