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1、Flannery O ConnorFlannery O Connor, in full Mary Flannery OConnor (born March 25, 1925, Savannah, Ga., U.S. died Aug. 3, 1964, Milledgeville, Ga.), American novelist and short-story writer whose works, usually set in the rural American South and often treating of alienation, are concerned with the r

2、elationship between the individual and God. O Connor grew up in a prominent Roman Catholic family in her native Georgia. She lived in Savannah until her adolescence, but the worsening of her fathers lupus erythematosus forced the family to relocate in 1938 to the home in rural Milledgeville where he

3、r mother had been raised. After graduating from Georgia State College for Women (now Georgia College film 1979), explored, in O Connor s own words, the “religious consciousness without a religion.” Wise Blood consists of a series of near-independent chaptersmany of which originated in previously pub

4、lished short stories that tell the tale of Hazel Motes, a man who returns home from military service and founds the Church Without Christ, which leads to a series of interactions with the grotesque inhabitants of his hometown. The work combines the keen ear for common speech, caustic religious imagi

5、nation, and flair for the absurd that were to characterize her subsequent work. With the publication of further short stories, first collected in A Good Man Is Hard to Find, and Other Stories (1955), she came to be regarded as a master of the form. The collections eponymous story has become possibly

6、 her best-known work. In it OConnor creates an unexpected agent of salvation in the character of an escaped convict called The Misfit, who kills a quarreling family on vacation in the Deep South. Her other works of fiction are a novel, The Violent Bear It Away (1960), and the short-story collection

7、Everything That Rises Must Converge(1965). A collection of occasional prose pieces, Mystery and Manners, appeared in 1969. The Complete Stories , published posthumously in 1971, contained several stories that had not previously appeared in book form; it won a National Book Award in 1972. Disabled fo

8、r more than a decade by the lupus erythematosus she inherited from her father, which eventually proved fatal, OConnor lived modestly, writing and raising peafowl on her mothers farm at Milledgeville. The posthumous publication of her letters, under the title The Habit of Being(1979), and her book re

9、views and correspondence with local diocesan newspapers, published as The Presence of Grace, and Other Book Reviews (1983), provided valuable insight into the life and mind of a writer whose works defy conventional categorization. OConnor s corpus is notable for the seeming incongruity of a devout C

10、atholic whose darkly comic works commonly feature startling acts of violence and unsympathetic, often depraved, characters. She explained the prevalence of brutality in her stories by noting that violence “is strangely capable of returning my characters to reality and preparing them to accept their

11、moment of grace.” It is this divine stripping of mans comforts and hubris, along with the attendant degradation of the corporeal, that stands as the most salient feature of OConnor s work. Flannery OConnor (弗兰纳里 ?奥康纳),1925_1964。当代美国南方女作家弗兰纳里奥康纳出生于佐治亚州。1945 年毕业于佐治亚州女子学院,之后,获得了研究生奖学金 ,进入著名的依阿华大学作家培训班。

12、 她被公认为是继福克纳之后美国南方最杰出的作家,在世界文学中影响巨大。39 岁时死于家族遗传的红斑狼疮。美国评论界称她的早逝是“自斯科特 ?菲茨杰拉尔德去世以来美国文坛最重大的损失 “。在其短暂的生命中, 她创作了两篇长篇小说和三十一篇短篇小说,她的主要作品有短篇小说集好人难寻 上升的一切必将汇合 ,长篇小说智血暴力夺取,散文书信集生存的习惯等。她经常因其作品常以突如其来的暴力与死亡结尾而倍受责难。人们普遍认为她冷漠无情,仇视人类。事实上,奥康纳试图揭示的是导致其人物悲惨遭遇的根本原因原罪。在传统原罪观的基础上, 奥康纳形成了细致入微的原罪观。她致力于表面骄傲、自私、冷酷等容易被人忽视的罪恶性

13、,其目的在于让世人承认其罪人身份、皈依上帝。奥康纳力图为二战后沉缅于享乐的美国人指出一条通往救赎的光明之路,其原罪观对恢复人们对精神生活的追求有着特别重要的意义。1957 年奥康纳获欧亨利短篇一等奖小说奖,并曾获美国国家图书奖 60 年最佳小说奖获奖图书。弗兰纳里 ?奥康纳被公认为是继福克纳之后美国南方最伟大的小说家。虽然她的作品不多,但是受到世界各地评论家的广泛关注,且引起诸多争议。 她以令人惊异的对人性阴暗面的剖析而着称于世。她的文字风格独树一帜,故事诡谲、阴郁到令人窒息,带有强烈的宗教意识。文笔阴郁冰冷、令人战栗,语言亦精准有力,常常在看似轻松幽默中抵达不测之深。对她的作品曾有人评价为“阴郁的令人发指”。


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