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1、The Twentieth-Century Black American Literature 二十世纪黑人文学I. The Rise of Black American Literature The literary achievement of African-Americans was one of the most striking literary developments of the post-Civil War era. In the writing of Booker T. Washington, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Paul Laurence

2、 Dunbar, and others, the roots of black American writing took hold, notably in the forms of autobiography, protest literature, sermons, poetry, and song. 1. 华盛顿B.T. Washington Profile (1856.4.5,美国弗吉尼亚州富兰克林县 1915.11.14,亚拉巴马州塔斯基吉 ) born April 5, 1856, Franklin county, Va., U.S. died Nov. 14, 1915, Tus

3、kegee, Ala. U.S. educator and reformer. 美国教育家和黑人领袖。出生于一个奴隶家庭,在黑奴解放后举家迁往西弗吉尼亚州。9 岁起即开始工作,后就学于弗吉尼亚州汉普顿师范和农业技术专科学校(18721875),并在该校工作过。 1881 年获选担任塔斯基吉师范学校校长,这是一所新设的黑人师范学校。他成功地使该校成为著名的学院(参阅 塔斯基吉大学Tuskegee University) 。在当时他可能是最突出的黑人领袖。 他认为其黑人同胞借由受教育以改善经济状况,比争取全面公民权及政治力量更能替黑人赢得平等的公民待遇。这个颇受争议的论点即著名的亚特兰大种族和解声

4、明。他的著作有自传出身奴隶(1901)。Born into slavery, he moved with his family to West Virginia after emancipation. He worked from age nine, then attended (1872 75) and joined the staff of the Hampton (Va.) Normal and Agricultural Institute. In 1881 he was selected to head the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Instit

5、ute, a new teacher-training school for African Americans, and he successfully transformed it into a thriving institution (later Tuskegee University). He became perhaps the most prominent African American leader of his time. His controversial conviction that African Americans could best gain equality

6、 in the U.S. by improving their economic situation through education rather than by demanding equal rights was termed the Atlanta Compromise . His books include Up from Slavery (1901).Major Works Up from Slavery (1901)出身奴隶, autobiography2. 杜波伊斯W.E.B. Du Bois (1868.2.23,美国 马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿1963.8.27,加纳 阿克拉)

7、born Feb. 23, 1868, Great Barrington, Mass., U.S. died Aug. 27, 1963, Accra, Ghana U.S. sociologist and civil-rights leader. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1895. Two years later he accepted a professorship at Atlanta University, where he conducted empirical studies on the social situ

8、ation of African Americans (1897 1910). He concluded that change could be attained only through agitation and protest, a view that clashed with that of Booker T. Washington . His famous book The Souls of Black Folkappeared in 1903. In 1905 Du Bois founded the Niagara Movement, the forerunner of the

9、NAACP. In 1910 he left teaching to become the NAACPs director of research and editor of its magazine, Crisis (1910 34). He returned to Atlanta University in 1934 and devoted the next 10 years to teaching and scholarship. After a second research position with the NAACP (1944 48), he moved steadily le

10、ftward politically. In 1951 he was indicted as an unregistered agent of a foreign power (the Soviet Union); though a federal judge directed his acquittal, he was by then completely disillusioned with the U.S. In 1961 he joined the Communist Party, moved to Ghana, and renounced his U.S. citizenship.

11、美国社会学家和黑人民权领袖。获哈佛大学博士学位后,开始深入美国黑人环境领导实地的调查工作。 他认为社会改革只能通过鼓动和反抗来实现,这和当时黑人领袖华盛顿 的理论相冲突。其名著黑人的灵魂于1903 年出版。 1905 年杜波伊斯发起组织尼加拉瓜运动,即全国有色人种促进协会(NAACP)的前身。后担任NAACP 的研究主任和会刊危机的主编(19101934)。曾在亚特兰大大学教书,并写了数部著作。从20 世纪 40 年代起支持亲苏联 的运动,对美国彻底绝望。1961 年加入共产党,移居加纳,并放弃他的美国国籍。The Souls of Black Folk (1903)黑人的灵魂II. Harl

12、em Renaissance and Black Writers before WWII Harlem Renaissance 哈勒姆文艺复兴又称新黑人运动(New Negro Movement)。Period of outstanding vigour and creativity centred in New Yorks black ghetto of Harlem in the 1920s. Its leading literary figures included Alain Locke (1886 1954), James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay,

13、Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston , Jessie Redmon Fauset , Jean Toomer, Wallace Thurman (1902 34), and Arna Bontemps. The literary movement, which both fed and took inspiration from the great creative and commercial growth of jazz and a concurrent burgeoning of the visual arts ( se

14、eAaron Douglas)in Harlem as well as in Paris, Chicago, Washington, D.C., London, and the Caribbean altered the character of much African American literature. Increasingly, this literature reflected a newfound confidence in self-expression and examined the African American experience in all its varie

15、ty. 是 20 世纪 20 年代黑人文学充满活力和创造力的时期,其中心在纽约市哈勒姆黑人聚居区。领导人物有A. 洛克 (1886 1954)、J.W. 约翰逊、 C.麦凯、 C.卡伦、 L.休斯、 Z.N. 赫斯顿、J.R. 福塞特、 J.图默 (18941967) 、W. 瑟曼 (19021934) 和 A. 邦当。这个运动与爵士乐的蓬勃创作和商业成长同期发生,改变了美国黑人文学的许多特性,把它从方言作品和习惯模仿白人作家之中解脱出来,转向认真探讨黑人的生活和文化,显示并激励黑人重拾自信和种族自豪感。3. 休斯Langston Hughes (1902.2.1,美国密苏里州乔普林 1967

16、.5.22,纽约州纽约市 ) born Feb. 1, 1902, Joplin, Mo., U.S. died May 22, 1967, New York, N.Y. U.S. poet and writer. He published the poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers when he was 19, briefly attended Columbia University, and worked on an Africa-bound freighter. His literary career was launched when Hughes, working as a busboy, presented his poems to Vachel Lindsay as he dined. Hughess poetry collections include The Weary Blues (1926) and Montage of a Dream Deferred (1


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