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1、不定代词some “一些” ,后接可数复数名词和不可数名词 (一般用于肯定句),用于“提建议或请求”时,可用于疑问句There are some big apples in the box.There is some water in the bottle.Would you like some tea ?any “ 一些”,用在疑问句与否定句,用于“任何”时, 可用于肯定句There arent any persons in the room.Is there a dog in your room?one 代表单数可数名词 The new house is much bigger than

2、that one.ones 代表复数可数名词 These books arent new, let me give you those ones.all 表示三者或三者以上的人或物;both 只能表示两者。如:Copper and silver are both metals. 铜和银都是金属。Not all women like the word Ms. 并非所有的女性都喜欢 Ms 这个词。neither 和 either 均用于指两者,neither 意为“两者都不”,either 意为“两者之一”、“任意一方”。如:Neither of us enjoy getting up early

3、. 我们俩谁也不喜欢早起。There are trees on either side (=on both sides). 两边都有树。只用于指两者,指三者或多者要用 none 和 any。other, the other, others, the others(1) 带定冠词的 the other, the others 表特指,而不带定冠词的 other, others 表泛指。如:Dont cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。Only Jim was there. The others had left. 只有吉姆在那儿,其余的人都离开了。(

4、2) other 和 the other 后可修饰名词,也可单独使用;而 others 和 the others 则只能单独使用,不能修饰名词。如可说 the other people,但不能说 the others people。(3) other 和 the other 既可表示单数也可表示复数,具体视它所表代替或修饰名词的单复数而定,而 others 和 the others 则永远表示复数。another 指另外的一个,表泛指。如:few 形式上肯定,意义上是否定,其意为“很少”、“几乎没有”;a few 表示肯定意义,其意为“几个”、“一些”。两者都必须修饰或代替复数可数名词,在句子

5、中可用作主语、宾语、定语等。如:Few apples remained on the tree. 树上没什么苹果了。A few apples remained on the tree. 树上还剩有几个苹果。(2) few 前若使用了定冠词、物主代词或其他限定词,则不表否定意义。如:He was among the few who have read it. 他是少数读过它的人之一。Her few possessions were sold after her death. 她那点儿财产死后就被卖掉了。little 和 a littlelittle 形式上肯定而意义上是否定,其意为“很少”、“几

6、乎没有”;a little 表示肯定意义,其意为“一些”、“一点”。两者均只用于修饰不可数名词,在句子中可做主语、宾语、定语及状语等。如:I have little spare time. 我很少有空余时间。I have a little spare time. 我有一点点空余时间。We know little about his life. 我们对他的生世几乎一无所知。We know a little about his life. 我们对他的生世知道一点点。一 教学练习选择1. _ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secr

7、et. A. Each B. Any C. No one D. None2.We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of us had _ money on us. A. all ; no B. any ; no C. none ; any D. no one ; any3.There is a tree on _ side of the street.A. every B. all C. either D. both4.There is a desk on _ side of the room.A. both B. either C. all D.

8、every5. Which side can I sit on the boat? If you sit still, you can sit on _.A. every side B. all sides C. both sides D. either side6. It is said that _ of his parents have gone to Beijing.A. all B. every C. both D. either7.Some of the students are absent-minded, _ of them heard what the teacher sai

9、d.A. all B. none C. every D. not all8. Is _ here? No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody9.These boys were all very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. any B. some C. none D. neither10. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid _ day is p

10、ossible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any11. If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay _5.A. another B. other C. more D. each12. Which of the two books do you want? I want _. Please show me _. A. none ; another B. all ; the otherC. neither ; the other D. neither ; another二 作业布置选择1

11、._ side of the street is lined with different shops,_ of which sell electronic products.A. Both ; both B. Either ; all C. Neither ; either D. Either ; both2. Do you need anything else? Yes, we still need _ aircraft.A. more two B. two more C. other two pieces of D. two other pieces of3. I had no idea

12、 which was better, so I took _ of them.A. any B. every C. none D. both4. The examination was easy, wasnt it? Yes, but I dont think _ could pass it.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody5. Is there anyone who can do the job? .A. None B. No one C. Not one D. Not many ones6. I wanted some water,

13、 but there was in the bottle.A. none B. no C. any D. nothing7. Tom and Mary have arrived, but students in your class arent here yet.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others8. Do September and April have thirty days ?A. every B. neither C. each D. all9. of us is active in English class.A. Every B. Every one C. Everyone D. Anybody10. We have English classes day, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.A. each other B. every other C. this and other D. all other



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