2017届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版 必修1 unit1 lifestyles

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《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版 必修1 unit1 lifestyles》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版 必修1 unit1 lifestyles(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版此学案为此学案为 QQ1084591801 原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。Unit 1 Lifestyles 生活方式生活方式核心词汇核心词汇1Scientists _(猜想)that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.2Ive really got nothing to _(抱怨)of.3At the moment,he _(宁愿)not to think about the future.4The experiment is _(打算将用作)to test th

2、e new drug.5The old man entered the room _(支撑,支托,扶持)by his grandson.6She _(使放松)her mind by listening to some _(令人放松的)music.7Her father advised her to keep her _(冷淡,疏远)from that fellow and she should always be _(冷淡的)with him.1.supposed plain 3.preferred 4.designed5.supported 6.relaxed/relaxes;relaxin

3、g 7.distance;distant高频短语高频短语1_ 转换频道,转变2_ (爆竹、铃等)响3_ 占据4_ 充满着5_ 忍受,遭受6_ 此刻,目前7_ 换衣服8_ 追上,赶上,想出,找到9_ 盼望,期望(其中 to 是介词)10_ 除之外(还);既 又;和一样好11_ 数年间1.switch over 2.go off 3.take up 4.be filled with5.suffer from 6.at the moment 7.get changed e up with 9.look forward to 10.as well as 11.over the years重点句式重点句

4、式1_ I get good marks in my tests,it doesnt matter if I can speak English or not.只要考试能得高分,我会不会说英语就无所谓了。2I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall _ the dog walks round in a circle.我总是随身携带手提电视,坐在石墙上看,而小狗则在我身边绕圈。3I am always the first person_.我总是第一个到达办公室的人。 重点句式4Usually,its _crowded _ I

5、cant find anywhere to sit.通常车太拥挤,以至于我找不到座位。5We dont have _ work hours _ office workers in the city have.我们的工作时间与城里的办公室职员的工作时间不一样。6Hes on _ course _ me!他和我学习同样的课程。7_ that an English duchess Anna,the 7th Duchess of Bedford (17881861) first _ the idea of afternoon tea.据说是英国一个女公爵 Anna,也就是 Bedford 的第七位女公

6、爵(17881861)最早引进下午茶的。1.As long as 2.while 3.to get to the office 4.so;that5.the same;that 6.the same;as 7.People believe;introduced知识详解知识详解1. matter vi.& n 有关系,要紧;物质;问题;毛病(回归课本 P4)As long as I get good marks in my tests,it doesnt matter if I can speak English or not.只要考试能得高分,我会不会说英语就无关紧要了。 归纳拓展as a m

7、atter of fact 实际上to make matters worse 更糟糕的是no matter(后接疑问词)不管,无论Whats the matter with.?怎么啦?It doesnt matter.没关系。(朗文 P1271)Making matters worse,the family has received several death threats.更糟的是,这家人已接到了好几个死亡恐吓电话。It doesnt really matter to me if I can get the position.是否能得到那个职位对我来说无关紧要。(牛津 P1245)Its

8、a nice place.Weve stayed there ourselves,as a matter of fact.那个地方不错。其实,我们自己在那儿呆过。 例句探源1(2010 年高考四川卷)Im sorry.That wasnt of much help.Oh,_.As a matter of fact,it was most helpful.Asure it was Bit doesnt matterCof course not Dthanks anyway解析:选 A。句意:很抱歉,那对你没有多大帮助。噢,当然有帮助。实际上它很有帮助。根据后文,设空处是对上句的否定,故选 A 项

9、。sure it was 当然了;it doesnt matter 没关系;of course not 当然不;thanks anyway 不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。2. relaxing adj. 轻松的,放松的;令人放松的(所修饰的词常为物)(回归课本 P7)I think a shepherds life is peaceful and relaxingbut maybe its boring sometimes.我认为牧羊人的生活是平静而轻松的,但有时也可能令人厌烦。relaxed adj.放松的(常修饰人,有时也修饰 look,expression,eye,face 等名词)rela

10、x vt.& vi.(使)放松relaxation n.放松;娱乐归纳拓展(牛津 P1678)He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。Its not a relaxing task to take the space travel.太空旅行不是件轻松的任务。 例句探源2完成句子她轻松的表情说明这次面试是令人感到放松的。Her _ look indicated that the interview was _.答案:relaxed;relaxing3. suppose v认为;假设;应当,应该(回归课本 P1

11、14)Mmmm and my life is very stressful,I suppose.嗯,我认为我的生活很有压力。supposesb./sth.to do/adj./prep.phrasesupposethatclause 猜想,认为be supposed to do sth.理应做某事suppose/supposingthatclause 假定,假设 归纳拓展(2010 年高考四川卷)I realized that he didnt know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his safety.我意识到孩子不知道他应该

12、为他的安全而害怕担心。Suppose/Supposing(that) they cant finish the work in time,we will have to put off the date of the ceremony.假如他们没能及时完成工作,我们就得推迟典礼的日期。 例句探源3翻译句子你不应该在这座大楼内抽烟。_答案:You are not supposed to smoke in the building.4 .complain vi. 抱怨;投诉(回归课本 P9)I seldom have time for fun and other activities with m

13、y family.My family complains about it.我很少有时间陪家人休闲或参加其它活动。我的家人对这很有怨言。 归纳拓展(朗文 P401)We called up to complain about the potholes in the road.我们打电话投诉公路上有凹坑。Almost immediately he began to complain that例句探源4完成句子我向警方控诉邻居家的宠物。I complained _ the police _ my neighbors pets.答案:to;about/of5 .switch vt. 转换,切换(回归

14、课本 P8)Then I get up,go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.然后我起床、下楼并且打开起居室的电视。 归纳拓展switch on/off 开/关(电灯、机器等)switch(from A)to B(从 A)转换到 Bswitch through(to)将电话接通到switch over(to sth.)切换(到);转换频道;交换(2010 年高考上海卷)Even your decision to switch topics while prewriting is a type of revising.甚至是你写之前的变换标题也属于一种对作品的修改。(牛津 P2047)How do you switch this thing on?这东西怎么开? 例句探源5介词填空(1)You drive f


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