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1、Unbeatable fun无与伦比的快乐Most people prefer to stay in their comfort zones, doing things they are good at. But there is a group of gamers that takes the opposite path, choosing instead excruciatingly difficult some might say impossible games. 大多数人宁愿待在自己的舒适区,做他们擅长的事儿。 不过一群游戏爱好者偏偏背道而驰,他们选择挑战那些极度困难,甚至是不可能通

2、关的游戏。Recently, one of those games, a puzzle app called Unbeatable Game IQ, topped Apple iTunes list of most downloaded apps. And a few months ago, Mr. Jump a game that requires you to continuously tap your mobile screen like the original impossible game Flappy Bird reached more than 5 million downlo

3、ads within the first week of its release. 最近一款益智类游戏挑战IQ无与伦比的竞技,登上了苹果iTunes热门应用下载榜首位。几个月前,跳跳先生在发布的第一周就达到了500多万的下载量。这款需要不停触击手机屏幕的游戏和之前的不可能通关的游戏飞扬的小鸟类似。Jokingly referred to as a favorite for masochists, impossible games have gained in prominence. They have advanced beyond the simplistic format of Flapp

4、y Bird, to include endless running or complex puzzles. They also feature exasperating challenges and infinite-playing modes. 这种被戏称为受虐狂最爱的游戏,现在火了。 它们大大地超越了形式简单的飞扬的小鸟 ,加入了无尽头的奔跑和复杂的智力问题。它们的最大特点就是让人抓狂的挑战和无穷尽的游戏模式。The popularity of impossible games is propelled by gamers hunger for ever-greater challeng

5、es. Players measure their success not by completing missions, but by delaying failure. 这些虐心游戏风靡的原因来自于玩家们对更大挑战的渴望。他们并不以通关为胜利,而是以延迟失败来衡量成功。“What makes those tough games appealing is that glimmer of joy a player gets from even the smallest achievements,” Jamin Brophy -Warren wrote for the Japan-based n

6、ews website . “正因为这类游戏困难至极, 哪怕一丁点的进步都能让玩家感受到快乐,这也是它们吸引人的地方。”雅明?布罗菲-沃伦( Jamin Brophy-Warren)在日本新闻网站 上写道。Constant failure can be dispiriting, but even small improvements in a players performance can encourage perseverance. 持续的失败确实很让人沮丧,不过小小的进步却能鼓励玩家坚持下去。In Mr. Jump, for example, each failure can teach

7、 gamers to beware of certain ambushes and keep the right pace to progress further in the game. 以跳跳先生为例,每次失败都能提醒玩家注意某些地方有埋伏,让他们知道安全的路径,一次比一次走得更远。At first, Flappy Bird seems easy, as it only requires players to pilot a bird past narrow pipe gaps. But the game suddenly challenges you with seemingly imp

8、assable obstacles. Most gamers end up frustrated, cursing their slow fingers as the bird flies out of control or the pipe moves faster than they expect. 飞扬的小鸟乍一看觉得很简单,因为玩家只需要控制一只小鸟躲避水管障碍。不过它会突然用看似无法逾越的障碍给你一个下马威。大部分玩家最后都是铩羽而归,在小鸟不受控制或者水管移动太快的时候咒骂自己反应迟钝的手指。“It s about the feeling of obstacle,” Jesper

9、Juul, videogame researcher from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), told The Wall Street Journal. “Y ou get stuck somewhere and feel stupid. That can lead to a sense of triumph if one does eventually succeed.”麻省理工大学的电子游戏研究员贾斯珀?尤尔(Jesper Juul ) 告诉 华尔街日报:“这和人对困难的感受有关。 你被困在某地, 觉得自己愚蠢至极。 如果最终成功

10、了,你就能体会到成功的快感了。”Some impossible games have also made use of “peer pressure” to foster popularity, noted Forbes reviewer Anthony Kosner. 还有一些不可能通关的游戏因为“同辈压力”火了,福布斯 杂志评论员安东尼 ?科斯纳说。Unbeatable Game IQ, for example, allows gamers to show off their high scores to friends, after they triumph over the apps

11、frustrating puzzles.以挑战 IQ无与伦比的竞技为例,当玩家完成了应用里的超级难题,他们就可以向朋友炫耀自己的高分了。However, after sharing their scores, players might find themselves in another infinite game, this time in the real world. They may feel the pressure to endlessly keep improving their scores, to prevent their friends from outperformi

12、ng them. 但是在秀完了分数之后, 玩家可能会发现自己陷入了另一场无穷尽的游戏,只不过这次是在现实世界里。 为了不被朋友反超, 他们将面对不断提升自己得分的压力。unbeatable,?nbi:t ?bl videoadj. 无敌的;无以伦比的excruciatinglyikskru:?i,eiti?livideoadv. 极其痛苦地;难以忍受地puzzlep ?zl videovt. 使困惑;使 为难;苦思而得出vi. 迷惑;冥思苦想n. 谜;难题;迷惑prominencepr ?min ?ns videon. 突出;显著;突出物;卓越perseverance,p ?:si:vi ?r?ns videon. 坚持不懈;不屈不挠



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