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1、 2016 年考研复试英语口语的备考方法与口语资料2016 年硕士研究生考试现已进入复试准备阶段。文都网校小编为此专门准备了关于复试英语口语的备考信息,供考生们参考。要提高英语口头表达能力,就要采取相应的训练方法,考生可以尝试从以下几个方面突击训练自己的英语口语:准备好相应的口语材料如果确定了参加哪种英语口试,又了解其口语考试的形式与内容,进而选择有针对性的口语材料自然对复习成绩会起到不错的效果。这些信息可以通过目标院校的师兄师姐或是专业的辅导机构来了解。制定复习计划在搜集了目标院校的相关复试信息后,可以自己预先拟定复试中可能出现的热点话题,这些热点平时多关注新闻就都会知道,这也是很多考试写作


3、。放平心态,保持自信要想说一口流利的英语,首先要自信,要敢于说,不怕犯错,这是建立在平时大量练习的基础之上,这是每一个英语学习者的必经历程。复试的时候也同样要保持自信,比起一些细节上的错误,唯唯诺诺可能更会招致导师的不满。很多考生应该都听过一个词叫“哑巴英语”,意思就是英语卷子分数高,但却说不出来,但英语口语能力的提高既是英语学习的必然要求,也是各高校在英语复试中衡量人才合格的重要标准。所以,复试成绩要想不难看,切不可忽视英语口语的复习。下面为大家准备了一些可能在 2016 考研复试中会用到的句子,希望能给大家带去一些帮助!1. There are several reasons for th

4、e marked increase in Chinas crime ratethe dramatic influx of itinerant workers in urban areas ;declining social values ;and widening disparities between the haves and have-nots .中国的犯罪率显着升高有很多原因城区大量流动工人的涌入;社会价值的贬低以及贫富之间日益扩大的差距。2. Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart fr

5、om their children? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation. Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly. Perhaps the main reason, however, centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts.为什么越来越多的中国老人不和他们的孩子住在一起?原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。另一个原因是社会上老人的机会增加了。然而,主要

6、的原因可能是传统观念发生了巨大变化。3. What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise? For one thing, people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness. For another, the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues

7、. The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides.什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣?一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康的必要性。另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加的娱乐支出。最主要的可能在于锻炼带来的保健和心理上的好处。4. The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp divergence from the traditional Chine

8、se practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs.老人疗养院的迅速出现体现了与中国传统的不惜一切代价维持核心家庭的做法的显着分歧。5. Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss . The valuable lessons learned therefore should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be t

9、reasured .参加对所有人都有益的互动式体验是任何一个人都不应该错过的。从中获得的宝贵经验不应该任意抛弃,而应该倍加珍惜。6.The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered.明显的事实是人经常是以自我为中心的。7.Theres little wonder why young people often find it difficult to find an appropriate role model. No wonder they drink, smoke, fright, carouse and otherwis

10、e engage in inappropriate social behavior.年轻人发现很难找到合适的榜样并不奇怪。难怪他们喝酒、抽烟、打架、狂欢作乐或者做出不当的社会举动。8.It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life.发现很多受虐待的儿童后来虐待别人不应该感到奇怪。9.There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are s

11、alivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market.断言不道德的经纪人想到没有经验的投资者进入股票市场就垂涎三尺可能有一定的道理。10.Theres little doubt that China has spawned a new generation of Little Emperors, but the truth is that the fault rests with parents who spare the rod to spoil the child and n

12、ot with children themselves.毫无疑问,中国产生了新一代“小皇帝”,但事实是责任在于“闲了棍子,惯了孩子”的家长,而不是孩子自己。11.Large and small enterprises differ in that the former usually involves conglomerates and the latter private individuals.大企业和小企业的区别在于前者通常涉及联合大企业,后者涉及私营的个人。12.Both automobiles and bicycles offer a convenient means of publ

13、ic conveyance, with one of the marked differences between the two centered on pollution caused by the former.汽车和自行车都提供公共运输的便利方式,两者的显着区别之一在于前者引起污染。13.Alcohol and tobacco are both highly addictive substances. However, unlike tobacco, which is known to cause cancer, studies indicate that alcohol does offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation.酒和烟都是很容易上瘾的东西。但是,研究显示,与公认为引起癌症的烟不同,酒如果适量饮用确实对健康有益。14.One mans treasure is another mans junk.一个人的宝贝对于另一个人来说是垃圾。15.AIDS is no longer one of the Top 10 American killers, but the same cannot be said for many countries.艾滋病不再是美国的十大杀手之一,但许多国家的情况并非如此。


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