(冀教新版)三年级上册英语上册教案 lesson23(1)

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1、 Lesson 23 Happy Birthday 教学目标:1. 知识与技能:掌握与生活有关的单词和对话,要求发音准确,语调自然流畅。2.过程与方法:创设情景,举行一个课堂生日宴会,学习与生日有关的单词和对话。4.情感、态度、价值观:联系生活实际,提高学生的语言交际能力。教学重点:birthday、birthday cake、 birthday party、birthday gifts.教学难点:理解第一部分的对话内容。以及单词 birthday、birthday cake、 birthday party、birthday gifts.教具使用:图片、录音机教学过程一、What is it?

2、1、Greeting and singT:“Hi! How are you today? Let us sing the song “I love you, you love me.“OK?“(Students do actions as they say.)2. Show pictures of a birthday cake(with candles),presents and a party.3. Write the word on the blackboard and ask individual students in Chinese,then in English.“What da

3、y is your birthday?“ “Do you have birthday cake,birthday presents ,a party?” “How do you feel in your birthday?”4.Practice and act.二、Today is my birthday1: look at the picture .listen to the radio2、Ask some questions.T:What are they doing?S:They are talking.T:Is Jenny happy?S:Yes.T:Why? Why is Jenny

4、 happy? Because is JennysS:Birthday.T: How old is Jenny?S: Ten.3、Practice in pairsOne students pretends to be Jenny ,the other pretends to be LiMing.三、Sing “Happy birthday !”song .四、Activity book :L23 N2五、Class closing.Lesson 23 Happy Birthday happy birthday 生日快乐birthday cake 生日蛋糕birthday gifts 生日礼物 birthday party 生日聚会



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