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1、1换一个说法1. individuals / folks people /personsEg. Some folks are too shy to speak in front of people./ old folks/country folks/The rights of the individual in a free society are not unlimited.2. positive/favorable/rosy/promising/perfect/pleasurable/excellent/outstanding goodEg. Rosy views (乐观的看法/观点);r

2、osy future(光明的未来)3. dreadful/ unfavorable/ poor/ adverse bad/terrible(如果 bad 做表语,可用 be less impressive 代替。)Eg. Death is dreadful to everyone./ The weather was unfavorable for a picnic./ products of poor quality/We have to face to face with some adverse conditions.4. an army of/ an ocean of/ a sea of

3、/ a multitude of /many, if not most many.(用 many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that.同理可用 most, if not all, most。)Eg. We shall have to solve a sea of difficulties./ A multitude of problems arise. 5. a slice of/ quite a few / several someEg. It is th

4、e employers who have taken/gotten a large slice of the profits.6. harbor the idea that/ take the attitude that/ hold the view that/ it is widely shared that/ it is universally acknowledged that think (因为是书面语,所以要加 that)7. affair /business /matter thing8. shared commonEg. Today developed and developin

5、g countries have shared interests in many respects.9. reap huge fruits get much benefit10. for my part /from my own perspective in my opinion211. Increasing(ly)/growing more and more (increasing/growing 修饰名词;increasingly 修饰形容词/副词。)Eg. Comprehensive national strength has become an increasingly leadin

6、g factor to determine the future and fate of a country./become increasingly popular/attract a growing number of people/ Does television drain away the cinema audience?/The problems are worsening./ Problems have been aggravated.12. little, if anything/little or nothing hardlyEg. I know little or noth

7、ing about the event.13. be detrimental to do harm toEg. Smoking is detrimental to our health.14. beneficial/profitable/happy/valuable useful to/good forEg. Many bacteria are beneficial to human beings./profitable experience/wholesome surroundings/ make valuable contributions/ have a happy effect bot

8、h mentally and physically/ be of value to people15. shopper/ client/ consumer/ purchaser customer16. exceedingly/ extremely very17. hardly unnecessary/ hardly inevitable necessary/ inevitable18. sth appeals to sb/ sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb sb take interest in19. capture ones attentio

9、n attract ones attention.20. facet/ dimension/ sphere aspect21. be indicative of/be suggestive of/be fearful of indicate/ suggest/ fear22. give rise to/lead to/touch off/bring about/arouse/result in/trigger cause.23. There are several reasons behind sth reasons for sth24. desire want.25. pour attent

10、ion into pay attention to326. bear in mind that remember27. enjoy/ possess have28. interaction communication29. frown on sth be against/ disagree with sthEg. Teachers frown on/upon smoking and drinking on the campus.30. to name only a few/ as an example for example31. next to/virtually impossible ne

11、arly impossible 32. take pains to/make an effort(or efforts) to do sth/try ones utmost/make joint efforts/do everything possible to do/strive to/exert oneself to do try to doEg. We will strive to master modern technology./ The state and the local governments should do everything possible to increase

12、 production./ The relief workers exerted themselves to save the quake victims.33. be inclined to always34. prevalent popular35.triumphant successful36.abundant enough/much37. apparent(ly) obvious(ly)38. advantageous good39. rocket increase40. deteriorate worsen41. a boom rapid development42.a great

13、variety of all kinds of43. alleviate the pressure reduce the pressure44.be of + noun adjective45.be most happy to be willing to/would like to/be glad to46.make remarkable achievements make great achievements47.strike a balance betweenand keep a balance betweenand448.superior to better than49.be in a dilemma dont know how to make the choice50.be in unfavorable situations be in trouble51. commit oneself to sth. try ones best to52. be competent in be good at53.be confronted with be faced with54. astonishing surprising/shocking


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