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1、巴西 , 圣多斯Brazilian Santos中等酸度 , 浓厚醇度 , 温和独特 , 口感顺滑 .Moderate acidity, rich and full body, mild , unique and smooth flavor哥伦比亚特级Colombian Supremo酸度适中 , 中等醇度 , 甘甜顺滑 , 香味凝重带坚果味. Good acidity, moderate body, really sweet, nutty aroma with smooth, rich flavor哥斯达黎加 , 特硬Costa Rican Tarrazu, SHB浓厚醇度 , 酸感强 ,

2、甘甜 , 果味浓郁 . Plenty of body & sweetness, lively acidity, terrific fruity high notes埃塞俄比亚“ 漠卡 “ “Mocha“ Yrgacheffe甘醇 , 有酸感 , 芬芳浓郁 , 带花香味 . Fine mellow body, light acidity, outstanding aroma, with extraordinary floral perfumes危地马拉 , 安提瓜Guatemalan Antigua浓醇度 , 芳香带浓厚果味, 有香料和烟的香气. Lots of a lively fruity

3、kind of acidity, distinctive aroma, spicy/smokey flavor, good body印度尼西亚 , 爪哇Java Estate甘醇 , 顺滑 , 甚具质感 , 酸度适中 , 浓香 , 带巧克力苦甜味. Smooth & Rich body, exquisite acid, deep & complex aroma, hints of chocolate印度尼西亚 , 苏门答腊曼德林Sumatran Mandheling极浓郁醇度 , 低酸度 , 带独特坚果香气. Uniquely heavy body, low acidity, pleasant

4、 nutty aroma, distinctive, syrupy, exotic flavor肯尼亚 AA级Kenya AA强烈酸度 , 浓厚醇度 , 口感顺滑 , 略带酒香 . Tangy sharp acidity, full body, smooth & mildly winey flavor, well balanced墨西哥Mexican Altura酸味浓 , 中等醇度 , 带坚果的芳香和味道, 自然而纯正 . Pleasantly sharp acidity, medium body, lightly nutty flavor & aroma巴布亚新几内亚Papua New G

5、uinea AA浓厚醇度 , 酸度适中 , 口味纯正 . Full body, nice acidity, clean taste波多黎各 , 雅克精选Yauco Selecto浓厚醇度 , 强烈而丰富香味, 有独特的令人愉悦而纯正的坚果余味 . Full body, highly concentrated rich flavor, pleasing nutty aftertaste.坦赞尼亚圆粒Tanzanian Peaberry强酸度 , 带花香 , 口味适中 . Strong acidity, floral aroma, big & round flavor, boasting a so

6、ft & slightly sweet finish夏威夷 , 科纳Kona Fancy中等酸度和醇度, 口感纯正 , 略带花香 . Pretty & floral aroma, clean taste, delicate nuances, mild acidity, well balance哥伦比亚无咖啡因SWP Decaf Colombia与哥伦比亚咖啡相同特质. The same wonderful characteristics of a Colombian coffee in the decaffeinated form拼 配 品 牌 (Blends)漠卡 - 爪哇配方Mocha-J

7、ava Blend古老配方 . 有漠卡咖啡的强烈香味和爪哇咖啡的甘醇. Oldest blend, combining richness of Java with exotic flavor of the European Beans古典配方Classic Blend醇度浓郁 , 口感丰厚 , 带香料和土味. High body, rich flavor, with some spice notes and with earthiness特种配方Special Blend口感丰富而和谐, 兼有美洲咖啡的坚果香味和东非咖啡的酸度 . Complex harmony, Nutty, flavorf

8、ul American coffees with wild, bright East Africans丹麦配方Danish Blend斯堪的那维亚流行拼配. 有沁心的香气和持久的香味. Very popular Scandinavian blend , pleasing aroma, full & long lasting flavor.早餐配方Breakfast Blend中等醇度 , 配有少许深度焙制成分, 提神而令人振奋. A medium bodied blend of American beans with a little dark roast added to wake you up.


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