热爱生命love of life-中英文故事集

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1、 1 热 爱 生 命 Love of Life 两个人沿着没有人迹的河岸行进,他们的目标是战胜饥饿,找到某个藏着食物的河边地窖,然后再继续前进到目的地。但是,现在的处境很不好,他们都背着沉重的东西,口袋里没有食物,枪里没有子弹,还受了伤。他们一前一后沉默地前进着,走进了一条冰冷的溪流。这时,走在后面的人扭伤了脚,他停下来叫了声“比尔” ,但是走在前面的比尔没有回头,伤脚的人眼睁睁地看着那位同伴越走越远,消失在溪对岸山坡的那一边。 太阳就要落山了,他在水中站了一会儿,眺望了一下远方,又环视了一眼周围,冷得直发抖。掉进水里的枪发出的响声将他惊醒,他捡起枪,摸索着上了岸,接着便急忙登上山坡,但没有看

2、见同伴的影子。他蹒跚地走向坡下潮湿的低谷。他仍抱着希望,相信比尔会在前方的地窖里等他,然后和他一起顺河而南下,穿过大熊湖,最后到达温暖富足的哈德逊湾公司码头。 他靠着太阳和自己的头脑,没有迷路;又靠着头脑中的希望,没有倒下,不断地从地上采些无味的浆果充饥。第二天,他虚弱地摔倒在地。他先生火烧水, 接着数了好几遍火柴, 这才把六十七根火柴分三个地方藏好;然后检查了自己的行李,再检查自己的身体,他的受伤的脚又疼又肿。 第三天一早, 他发现自己正前方站着一只驯鹿, 便拿着没有子弹的枪,吓跑了它。带着更疼痛的脚和更饥饿的胃,他查看了地形,再次检查了自己的行李,又数了火柴,犹豫着要不要把装着金子的皮袋子

3、丢下,但最终The Selected Short Stories of Jack London 2 杰克伦敦短篇 小说精选 还是带着金子出发了。他想用精神上的想象满足空虚的胃,但无济于事。 Love of Life 3 热 爱 生 命 浆果的怪味麻木了他的舌头,他来到一个满是松鸡的山谷,但一个也没能抓住。他又来到一个山谷,那里满是驯鹿。他想吃狐狸叼着的松鸡,也没能办到。傍晚时他发现一条河里满是灯芯草,便毫不犹豫地大嚼起来。他在水塘里寻找青蛙或蚯蚓,无功而返。他又想捕捉小鱼,但差不多把水塘舀干,连鱼的影子也没瞧见。他绝望地号啕大哭。但很快,他便开始生火烧水、检查行李,跟前一晚不一样的是,身体的痛

4、苦和天气的寒冷没有让他睡成觉。第四天一早就下起了大雪,他继续赶路。到处都是冰冷的水,这天夜里他醒了好几次。 他把毯子撕成细条包在脚上, 再次对着金子犹豫,终于又带着它们继续上路了。 这时,太阳出来了,他知道前两天他走偏了方向,现在要纠正回去。他在水塘里逮住两条小鱼,生吞了下去;傍晚他又找到三条小鱼,这让他感觉好了一点。这个陌生的地方到处都是驯鹿,也到处是狼。又一个早晨来临时,他丢下了一半的金子,拿着枪上了路。他绊倒在一个松鸡窝面前,在嚼完了里面的小松鸡后,他又跟在翅膀受伤的母松鸡后面追了很久,最终还是让它跑走了。这些活动耗完了他所剩无几的体力,他疲惫地倒地而睡。接下来又是一个雾天,他扔掉了剩下

5、的金子。他不断地怀疑枪里还有子弹,带着这种幻想走了很久,突然发现眼前站着一头大棕熊。他清醒过来,摆出最强壮的姿势,握着猎刀一动不动地站在那里,吓跑了棕熊。 他一下子倒在地上,害怕自己在没有饿死之前被其他东西残暴杀死。因为,不断有狼从这里经过。傍晚,他发现了狼群吃剩的骨头,没等自己联想完自己也可能很快变成白骨,他便啃起了那些带有血迹的骨头,还把砸碎的骨头粉末吞进肚里;然后,便带着剩下的骨头上路了。接下来的几天,他都靠着这些骨头和心中的求生信念,维系着如同游丝的生命。 一天,他终于清醒过来,发现自己在一条大河边,远方的入海口还停泊着轮船。他看到自己的旁边有一条病狼,才确认这不是幻觉,知道自己走错了

6、路,他已经快来到北冰洋了,停着的是一搜捕鲸船。他跌跌撞撞地朝着船的方向出发。每走一会儿都要停下一阵,与此同时,那头病狼也歪歪斜斜地跟着他。第二天下午时,他发现了比尔的残骸,旁边是一只跟他的一样的装金子的鹿皮袋。他想吃小鱼,又怕自己太虚弱而掉进水里,只能作罢。他与船的距离越来越近,身体也越来越弱。他不停地向前爬,后面尾随着病狼,舔食着他的血迹。他知道狼正伺机将他咬死,他也要伺机咬死狼,这两个垂死的生命一前一后,忍耐了很久。终于,狼潜伏上来,The Selected Short Stories of Jack London 4 杰克伦敦短篇 小说精选 他和狼扭打在一起,他咬住狼的脖子。半小时后,他

7、喝到了暖和的狼血,随后,翻身睡着了。 捕鲸船上的人发现了他,救了他。开始的时候,船上的人发现他不断地搜集陈面包,但这只是心理上害怕饥饿的行为表现。没过多久,他便恢复正常了。 his out of all will remain They have lived and have tossed: So much of the game will be gain, Though the gold of the dice has been lost.” They limped painfully down the bank, and once the foremost of the two men s

8、taggered among the rough-strewn rocks. They were tired and weak, and their faces had the drawn expression of patience which comes of hardship long endured. They were heavily burdened with blanket packs which were strapped to their shoulders. Head-straps, passing across the forehead, helped support t

9、hese packs. Each man carried a rifle. They walked in a stooped posture, the shoulders well forward, the head still farther forward, the eyes bent upon the ground. “I wish we had just about two of them cartridges thats layin in that cache of ourn,” said the second man. His voice was utterly and drear

10、ily expressionless. He spoke without enthusiasm; and the first man, limping into the milky stream that foamed over the rocks, vouchsafed no reply. The other man followed at his heels. They did not remove their foot-gear, though the water was icy coldso cold that their ankles ached and their feet wen

11、t numb. In places the water dashed against their knees, and both men staggered for footing. The man who followed slipped on a smooth boulder, nearly fell, but recovered himself with a violent effort, at the same time uttering a sharp exclamation of pain. He seemed faint and dizzy and put out his fre

12、e hand while he reeled, as though seeking support against the air. When he had steadied himself he stepped forward, but reeled again and nearly fell. Then he stood still “T Love of Life 5 热 爱 生 命 and looked at the other man, who had never turned his head. The man stood still for fully a minute, as t

13、hough debating with himself. Then he called out: “I say, Bill, Ive sprained my ankle.” Bill staggered on through the milky water. He did not look around. The man watched him go, and though his face was expressionless as ever, his eyes were like the eyes of a wounded deer. The other man limped up the

14、 farther bank and continued straight on without looking back. The man in the stream watched him. His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated. His tongue even strayed out to moisten them. “Bill!” he cried out. It was the pleading cry of a

15、 strong man in distress, but Bills head did not turn. The man watched him go, limping grotesquely and lurching forward with stammering gait up the slow slope toward the soft sky-line of the low-lying hill. He watched him go till he passed over the crest and disappeared. Then he turned his gaze and s

16、lowly took in the circle of the world that remained to him now that Bill was gone. Near the horizon the sun was smouldering dimly, almost obscured by formless mists and vapors, which gave an impression of mass and density without outline or tangibility. The man pulled out his watch, the while resting his weight on one leg. It was four oclock, and as the season was near the last of July or first of August,he did not know


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