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1、正面主流价值正面主流价值 Where There Is a Will There Is a Way(41112) 1坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。 2意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命, 3学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才中性争议话题中性争议话题 Certificate Craze(61106) 1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试 2.其目的各不相同 3.在我看来 Online Shopping (41106) My Views on University Ranking (61012) 现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班(60912)反面社会现象反面社会现象 Excessive pac

2、kaging (61206) 1. 目前很多商品存在过度包装现象 2. 出现这一现象的原因 3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议 Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling.(41006) 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为 2013 年年 12 月四六级文章结构预测月四六级文章结构预测 1 引入话题段(通杀)引入话题段(通杀) 2 主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因)主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因) 3 总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)出题形式预测出题

3、形式预测 个人模板制作个人模板制作 13 年作文预测年作文预测1 引入话题段(通杀)引入话题段(通杀) 2 主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因)主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因) 3 总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)1 引入话题段(通杀)引入话题段(通杀) 必死开头必死开头Nowadays, this question has arounsed a great social concern.雷锋叔叔雷锋叔叔These days, a relative hot spot that whether we ought to assist others in

4、return for payment or not evokes a widespread discussion among people, especially sociologists who are focused on it.电子图书电子图书These days, an influential phenomenon that whether traditional books will give way to E-books or not leads to a fierce debate among people, especially youngsters who are faced

5、 with the issue.电子图书电子图书Before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, an influential phenomenon that whether traditional books will give way to E-books or not leads to a fierce debate among people, especially youngsters who are faced with the issue even the representives of the

6、Communist Party .1 引入话题段(通杀)引入话题段(通杀) 2 主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因)主体段(好处、喜忧参半、分析原因) 3 总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)总结段(从我做起、我的观点、建议措施)效率、方便、经济、耐久(互联网 资料) 、安全、空间 健康、乐趣、成就、性格 、塑造、情感、交流、经验、他人 举例:坚强意志(41112)效率 Enhance the efficiency which saves a large amount of time. 方便 Provide us with numerous conveniences which enable

7、our life to become more wonderful. 经济 Stimulate the recovery of economy which promotes peoples living standard. 耐久(互联网 资料)Can be well preserved for a long time which sheds lights on the future scientific research. 安全 Secure us a sense of security which instills our life with passion 空间 Save an expan

8、sive space which is available for other purposes. 效率健康 Contribute our physical or psychological health which plays an indispensable role for any individuals. 乐趣 Amuse us a lot which enables our life to become more colorful 成就 Secure us a sense of achievements which realize our value. 性格 塑造 Shape our

9、 personality which determines our life. 情感 Enrich our spiritual world which assists us to behave properly. 交流 Enhance interpersonal skills which put us in a favorable position in the future job- hunting. 经验 Upgrade our social experiences which strengthen our integrated quality. 他人 Benefit from each

10、other which creates a win-win phenomenon以坚强为例:(41112)Apparently, the strong will grants us both of merits. For one thing, the strong will, to some extent, shapes our personnality which determines our fate. For another one, the persistance, a key element to success, will assist us tp overcome the dil

11、emmas.With regard to the issue in the theme of the writing, we should analyze it in various perspectives.On the one hand, smart phone not only provides us with numerous conveniences in terms of communicating with others including friends and family members.On the other hand, precious time will deple

12、te by manipulating the mobile phone in our daily life. The way I see it, both of major reasons can account for the prevalence of the fake products. For one thing, profit-seeking /profit-pursuing of businessmen can bring forth manufacture of fake commodities. For another one,the popularity of the fak

13、e products, one way or another, is due to the lack of ability/capability of distinguishing good products from bad ones.从我做起从我做起 每个人都有义务建造美好的未来。我们一起努力抗击这个现象是必要的。我相信我们所有 的人都能做出改变。就我来说,我会尽自己最大的努力用一切可能的方法培养 题目关键词题目关键词 的的 习惯并且成为这方面的一个模范。Each individual has a role in building a higher future.it is imperat

14、ive that all of us join in the effects to combat this phenomenon. All of us, I am convinced,could make changes.As to me,I would do my utmost to cultivate the habit of 题目关键词题目关键词 in every possible way and be a role model in this respect.我的观点我的观点 As for me, the merits of phone outweigh the demerits of

15、 the phone. Mobile phone, widespread in the whole world, can update the latest news simultaneously in anywhere建议措施建议措施 As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we should adopt measures to resolve the fake commodities illustrated in the outline. For one thing, the view of socialist honor and di

16、sgrace should be established in common people especially businessmen. For another one, people from all walks of life should make a concerted efforts to resist the fake products. Only in this way can we attain the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020.好处可考话题好处可考话题 1.讲诚信讲诚信/金钱至上金钱至上Honesty, money worship2.理性理性 reason 3.幸福幸福 Happiness 4.勤奋勤奋 diligence 5.动车和高铁动车和高铁 high speed railway 6.假日经济假日



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