EPA 確保人人享有環境公正

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《EPA 確保人人享有環境公正》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《EPA 確保人人享有環境公正(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、環境公正辦公室資料來源 欲瞭解關於環境公正的一般資訊,請電環境公正熱線, 號碼是 800-962-6215 欲透過電子郵件定期接收關於環境公正的最新資訊, 請登記加入環境公正電郵目錄,網址是 www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/listserv.html 欲獲得網上出版物及其他資料,請查閱環境公正辦公室網站, 網址是 www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice 亦可在以下網站查閱有關 EPA 環境公正撥款及合作協議計劃的 資訊 www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/gra

2、nts For general environmental justice inquiries, call the Environmental Justice Hotline at (800) 962-6215 To receive regular environmental justice updates via e-mail, sign up on the Environmental Justice list server at www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/listserv.html For online publications and other

3、information resources, visit the Office of Environmental Justice Web site at www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice Information on EPAs Environmental Justice grant and cooperative agreement programs is also available online at: www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/grantsUnited States Env

4、ironmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. (2201A) Washington, DC 20460Asunto oficial Multa por uso privado $300EPA-300-F-06-006 August 2006Recycled/RecyclablePrinted with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on 100% Postconsumer, Process Chlorine Free Recycled Paper.確保人人享有環境公正 Environmental Jus

5、tice for AllOFFICE OF EnVIROnmEnTAl JusTICE REsOuRCEsEPA 深信,人人都應當能夠在清潔與健康的 環境中生活。其核心使命是保護公眾健康及 我們賴以生存、學習與工作的自然環境。EPA 對環境公正所下的定義是:在制訂、實施、執行環境法律、規章與政策 時,確保人人享受公正的待遇並且能夠 有意義地參與,而不分種族、膚色、 原國籍或收入水平。確保人人享有環境保護。 這是美國環保署 (EPA) 的宗旨,也是環境 公正的核心內容。公正待遇意味著任何一個群組(包括種族、民族或 按照社會經濟條件劃分的群組)都不應當不合比例 地承受工業、市政或商業活動所產生的不

6、良環境影 響,也不應當不合比例地受到聯邦、州、地方政府 和部落的計劃與政策的影響。有意義地參與表示: 可能受到環境影響的居民有適當機會參與決 定對環境或健康有影響的計劃。 公眾意見能夠影響監管部門的決定。 決策程序尊重所有參與者的意見。 決策者主動徵求可能受影響者的意見並促進 其參與。總之,我們的目標是確保美國的所有社區和個人享 有環境公正。環境公正的實現在於人人面臨環境危 害和健康風險時都享有同樣的保護,並能夠平等地 參與決策程序。解除對環境公正的憂慮EPA 的任務是確保環境法律得到執行,以保護 所有人的健康和環境,包括少數民族、低收入 和部落社區的居民。在執行法律的過程中, EPA 必須確

7、保所有社區享有環境公正。環境法提供了許多排除環境風險和危害的機 會。這些現行法律的實施是 EPA 防止上述社區 不合比例地遭受不利影響的一項重要努力。EPA 的環境公正使命涵蓋其各個工作領域,包 括制訂標準、頒發設施許可證、發放補助金、 頒發執照、監管以及審核聯邦各部門建議採 取的措施。環境公正辦公室環境公正辦公室 (OEJ) 是 EPA 內的一個實體, 其主要職責是協助 EPA 將環境公正的觀念納入 各項政策、計劃及活動。OEJ 領導一項長期戰 略計劃,協助將環境公正的觀念納入每一個 EPA 辦公室及地區戰略規劃與預算程序。OEJ 還與所有的利益相關者合作,積極從事及合 作解決環境公正問題。

8、Ensuring environmental protection for all. Thats what the u.s. Environmental Protection Agency stands for, and thats what environmental justice is all about.Fair treatment means that no group of people (includ- ing a racial, ethnic, or a socioeconomic group) should bear a disproportionate share of t

9、he negative environ- mental consequences resulting from industrial, munici- pal, and commercial operations or the execution of fed- eral, state, local, and tribal programs and policies. Meaningful involvement means that: Potentially affected community residents have an appropriate opportunity to par

10、ticipate in decisions about a proposed activity that will affect their environment and/or health; The publics contribution can influence the regulatory agencys decision; The concerns of all participants involved will be considered in the decision-making process; and The decision-makers seek out and

11、facilitate the involvement of those potentially affected.In sum, environmental justice is the goal to be achieved for all communities and persons across this nation. Environmental justice is achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental risks and health hazards and e

12、qual access to the decision-making process.Addressing Environmental Justice ConcernsEPA administers and enforces environmental laws to protect human health and the environment of all people, including residents living in minority, low-income or tribal communities. securing envi- ronmental justice fo

13、r all communities is a necessary part of the Agencys work to implement these laws. Environmental laws provide many opportunities to address environmental risks and hazards in affected communities. The application of these existing laws is an important part of the Agencys efforts to pre- vent those c

14、ommunities from being subjected to disproportionately high and adverse impacts.EPAs environmental justice mandate encompasses the breadth of the Agencys work, including setting standards, permitting facilities, awarding grants, issuing licenses or regulations, and reviewing proposed actions of the f

15、ederal agencies.Office of Environmental Justice The Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) is the entity within EPA with the primary responsibility for coordinating the Agencys efforts to integrate environmental justice consideration in all polices, programs, and activities. OEJ heads a long-term str

16、ategic initiative to incorporate environmental justice considerations into each EPA office and regions strategic planning and budgeting processes. OEJ also works with all stakeholders to constructively engage in and collaboratively address environmental justice issues and concerns.EPA strongly believes that all people should be able to live in a clean and



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