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1、摘 要时间就是效率,随着时代的发展,从人们的日常生活到工厂的自动控制,从民用时钟到科学发展所需的时钟,现代人对时间的精度和观察时间的方便有了越来越多的需求。人们要求随时随地都能快速准确的知道时间,并且要求时钟能够更直观、更可靠、价格更便宜。这种要求催生了新型时钟的产生。本文设计了一款多功能数字时钟,其核心主要是硬件设计和软件编程两个大的方面。硬件设计主要以单片机 AT89S52 为核心,结合相关的外围电路如时钟芯片 DS1302 电路、温度测量电路、显示液晶 12864 电路、键盘扫描电路、报警电路。软件用汇编语言及 C语言来实现,主要包括主程序、时间设置子程序、温度测量子程序、键盘扫描子程序

2、、报警电路子程序等软件模块。电路实现了显示时间、节日信息、调整时间、测量并显示温度、报警、闹钟定时等功能,实际测试该系统达到了设计的要求和目的。关键词:单片机 温度测量 时钟电路 The Multi-functional Clock Design based on MCUWang Xinsheng (College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China) Abstract :Time is efficiency. With the development of the era,

3、the demand for the accuracy of clock time and the convenience of observing time has kept rising, not only from peoples daily life to factorys automatic control but also from civil use to scientific development. The demand for clocks accuracy at anytime and anywhere, as well as more directly, more re

4、liable and cheaper is required, which prompts to the emergence of a new type of clock. The core of this paper is mainly two major aspects including of hardware design and software programming. The hardware design based on MCU of AT89S52 as the core is combined with the related peripheral circuits su

5、ch as a clock, temperature measurement, alarm circuit, keyboard scan circuit. The software uses assembly language and c language,including software modules of the main program, the time setting subroutine, temperature measurement subroutine, keyboard scanning subroutine and the alarm circuit subrout

6、ine. The electric circuit realizes the time display, the festival information, the time adjusting, measure and display the temperature, alarm and the alarm clock to achieve the design requirements and purpose.Key words: MCU Temperature measurement Clock circuitI目 录1 前言 .11.1 课题的背景与意义 .11.2 课题任务与设计思路

7、 .22 总体方案的确定 .22.1 时钟计时的方案选择 .32.2 时钟显示的方案选择 .42.3 温度测试 .53 系统硬件设计 .53.1 系统硬件的整体设计 .63.2 主控制模块的方案选择与设计 .63.2.1 单片机 AT89S52 简介.73.2.2 主控制模块电路 .73.3 时钟电路的芯片介绍及电路设计 .93.3.1 DS1302 简介.93.3.2 时钟电路的设计 .123.4 温度测量芯片介绍及电路设计 .133.4.1 DS18B20 简介.133.4.2 温度测量电路的设计 .133.5 按键电路的设计 .143.6 显示模块电路设计 .153.6.1 图形点阵液晶显示器 12864 简介 .153.6.2 显示模块电路 .174 系统软件设计 .184.1 编程语言的选择 .184.2 系统主程序及流程图 .194.3 DS1302 时钟芯片的读操作流程图.



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