BBC 一级式方程车

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《BBC 一级式方程车》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《BBC 一级式方程车(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1Sport: Formula One 运动:一级方程式赛车运动:一级方程式赛车 2Sport: Formula One 运动:一级方程式赛车运动:一级方程式赛车 F1 Dispute Settled F1 纠纷得以解决纠纷得以解决 It has been a turbulent year for Formula One with leading teams such as Honda withdrawing due to financial difficulties. It has also been touch and go over the past few months as to

2、whether the Formula One World Championship would continue as we know it. The Formula One Team Owners Association (FOTA), consisting of teams such as Ferrari, McLaren, Red Bull, Toro Rosso, Toyota, Renault, Brawn and BMW Sauber, had been campaigning for changes to the way Formula One is run. However,

3、 FOTAs threats to boycott the 2010 racing season and to form their own breakaway series are now a thing of the past. After months of strained negotiations with Formula Ones governing body, the Fdration Internationale de lAutomobile (FIA), an agreement has been reached. All of FOTAs members will now

4、participate in the 2010 Formula One World Championship. Max Mosely, the president of the FIA outlined the new agreement in which they have agreed to a drop plans to limit teams spending. They intend to get spending levels back to that of the early 1990s. He also announced that he will step aside as

5、president of the FIA in October. FOTA chairman, Luca di Montezemolo said that the FOTA teams had “asked for things which were fair and realistic“ and welcomed the breakthrough. Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone also showed relief that an agreement had been reached and said that he was “very happ

6、y common sense had prevailed“. 3Glossary 词汇表词汇表 turbulent - 动荡的,混乱的动荡的,混乱的 withdrawing 退出退出 touch and go 情况不稳定情况不稳定 as we know it 像我们知道的像我们知道的 campaigning 提倡提倡 boycott - 联合抵制,拒绝参加联合抵制,拒绝参加 breakaway 分离出来分离出来 thing of the past 已经过去了的事 情已经过去了的事 情 strained 紧张的紧张的 negotiations 谈判谈判 governing body 管理团体管理

7、团体 outlined 大概大概, 简要概括简要概括 drop plans 放弃计划放弃计划 step aside 退位退位 fair 公平公平 realistic 现实的现实的 breakthrough 突破突破 supremo 最高级人物最高级人物 common sense 常识常识 prevailed 获胜了获胜了 1. Reading Quiz 阅读测验阅读测验 Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer. 以下句子哪句是真以下句子哪句是真?哪句是假?请圈出正确答案。哪句是假?请圈出正确答案。 1. Hond

8、a withdrew from Formula One due to financial difficulties. True / False 2. Some of the leading Formula One teams had threatened to withdraw from the 2010 racing season. True / False 3. The Formula One Team Owners Association (FOTA) campaigned for changes to the way Formula One is run. True / False 4

9、. As part of the new agreement, the FIA will be pursuing their plans to limit teams spending. True / False 5. Max Mosely is the president of FOTA. True / False 42 Label the pictures 标注图片标注图片 Look at the pictures below. Do you know what these items are? Write the name of the object underneath the pic

10、ture. 请看下列图片。你知道这些是什么物品吗?请将物品名称写在图片下面。请看下列图片。你知道这些是什么物品吗?请将物品名称写在图片下面。 gearstick rear-view mirror tyre seatbelt fuel tank speedometer steering wheel keys 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 53. Error Correction 改错改错 Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Find the mistake and rewrite the se

11、ntence correctly. 下列句子中各有一个错误。找出错误并写出正确的句子。下列句子中各有一个错误。找出错误并写出正确的句子。 1. It is been a turbulent year for Formula One. _ 2. It has be touch and go over the past few months. _ 3. The teams was campaigning for changes to the way Formula One is run. _ 4. FOTA has been campaign for changes to the way Form

12、ula One is run. _ 5. The FIA be dropping plans to limit teams spending. _ 64.Wordsearch 单词搜索单词搜索 Try to find the words associated with this weeks topic in the puzzle below. There are ten words to find. Words can be written horizontally (?), vertically (? ?) or diagonally (? ?) 请找出和本周题目相关的英语单词。请找出和本周

13、题目相关的英语单词。 共有共有10个单词,其组成方式可能以水平的个单词,其组成方式可能以水平的(?)垂直的垂直的(? ?)或对角的或对角的(? ?)形式出现。形式出现。 c a s e e t e a m s s f h o s r a c i n g e e o a y m z e x d s z d r r m j j m b c e d x c i m p c a b o y c o t t e u i o b s d n a d e l s l o j l d g k s s d d e a n r r d d k s e e s s o s a g r e e m e n t e n

14、 h d s d d e s s a s s e i s p e n d i n g s e e p n e g o t i a t i o n teams racing formula one championship series agreement negotiation boycott spending common sense 7Answers 答案答案 1.Reading Quiz 阅读测验阅读测验 1. Honda withdrew from Formula One due to financial difficulties. True 2. Some of the leadin

15、g Formula One teams had threatened to withdraw from the 2010 racing season. True 3. The Formula One Team Owners Association (FOTA) campaigned for changes to the way Formula One is run. True 4. As part of the new agreement, the FIA will be pursuing their plans to limit teams spending. False 5. Max Mosely is the president of FOTA. False 2 Label the pictures 标注图片标注图片 1. gearstick 2. fuel tank 3.


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