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1、本本科科毕毕业业论论文文论论*展展LLLLLLLLLLLL201030880111201030880111指导教师 白海英副教授白海英副教授学院名称人文与法学学院人文与法学学院专业名称汉语言文学汉语言文学论文提交日期201*年 5 月 1 日论文答辩日期201*年 5 月*日摘 要广东省韶关市乳源瑶族自治县始置南宋乾道三年(公元 1167 年),是一个有着 800余年历史的县城,文化底蕴深厚的城市。其瑶族盘王节被列为第一批国家非物质文化遗产。每年的农历十月十六日,瑶族男女老少都要欢度盘王节,祭盘王、唱盘王、跳盘王等都是庆祝盘王节的重要组成部分,具有巨大的非物质文化遗产意义。由于非物质文化遗产主

2、要是依靠口头相传、世代相授而保存下来,在当今商业背景下,珍贵的非物质文化遗产仍面临严峻的生存与发展的时代考验。针对乳源盘王节在非物质文化保护上存在的种种问题,政府抢救保护是前提,继承传统是根本,创新发展是关键。本文以乳源瑶族盘王节非物质文化遗产盘王节为切入点,深入分析和探讨盘王节中祭盘王、唱盘王、跳盘王等非物质文化遗产的传承与发展现状,重点分析盘王节庆祝仪式形式的续存现状,以保护乳源少数民族非物质文化遗产的特殊性为出发点,力求找到一条适合乳源瑶族盘王节民族民间文化传承与利用的道路。关键词:瑶族 盘王节 存续现状 传承On the tradition and development of Pan

3、 Wang Festival in YaoLi Sihui(College of Humanities and Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642,China)Abstract:Yao in Ruyuan, Shaoguan, Guangdong began from Song the 3rd year(AD 1167), is acity with 800year history, full of culture. Yaos Pan Wang festival was listed as the fir

4、st batch of national intangible cultural heritage.Every Oct. 16th in lunar year, men and women, old and young, would celebrate Pan Wang festival. Sacrificing, singing and dancing are important partsin celebrating Pan Wang festival, which has great meaning of intangible culture. In todays business ba

5、ckground, the valuable intangible cultural heritage is facing a serious test of survival and development, cause the culture was passed by word of mouth from generation to generation.For there are so many problems in the protection of the intangible culture, governments protection is a prerequisite,

6、inheriting the tradition is the fundamental, innovation is the key. This thesis is going to give a deep analysis and discussion the present tradition and development of the sacrificing, singing and dancing in the Pan Wang festival, especially the present celebration ways in Pan Wan festival, from th

7、e intangible cultural Pan Wan festival. This thesis is to try to find a suitable road for the inherit and use of the Ruyuan Pan Wang festivals culture in order to protect the special of the intangible cultural heritage.Key Words: Yao Pan Wang Festival existing situation tradition目目 录录1 引言12 文献综述13 乳源瑶族盘王节的渊源及传承23.1 乳源的地理人文环境23.2 乳源瑶族的起源33.3 瑶族盘王节的历史44 盘王节祭祀仪式54.1 盘王节祭祀的历史传承54.2 盘王节祭祀仪式过程64.2.1 前期准备64.2.2 祭祀礼仪74.3 瑶族祭祀盘王意义85 乳源瑶族盘王节变迁95.1 仪式类型95.2 仪式程序95.3 组织参与者116 保护瑶族乡村盘王节的策略初探126.1 关注当下126.2 继承传统126.3 紧跟时代137 结语13参考文献


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