高中牛津高中英语模块1 unit3 Reading教学案 教师版教案

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1、Unit Three (Language points)编写:孟永兵 审核: 吉益芹 No.011 一、短语翻译1.保持苗条 keep/stay slim2.节食 go on diets 3.体重增加 put on weight4.对感到羞愧 be ashamed of 5 极想/渴望做be dying to do sth.6.副作用 side effect 7.(头发等)脱落 fall out8.事实上 as a matter of fact 9.顺便说一下 by the way 10.和很匹配 be a good match for 11.从长远角度看 in the long term 1

2、2.立刻 in no time 13.连同,随同 along with 14.听从某人的建议 follow ones advice 15.in secret 秘密地 16.build up ones strength 增进体力 e across 偶遇 18.be responsible for 对负责任 19.make the most of 充分利用20.live a busy life 过着忙碌的生活 21.take in 吸收,欺骗,留宿 22.on ones own 独自 23.work out 锻炼身体;“计算出(总额等) ;制定出,想出(办法) ;解决 (问题) ;理解,看出;结果

3、是,产生某种结果,有预期的结果,证 明有效/有用 二、重点语句二、重点语句: 1. Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body. (P42, L6)lose weight:减肥;减轻体重. 拓展:put on weight or gain weight 发福;体重增加Dont eat too much fat, or youll put on weight.(你会发胖的)She looks a bit thinner. Is she losing weight?(减肥) be/feelbe/feel ashamedasha

4、med ofof 感到难为情的,感到羞耻的拓展: be/feelbe/feel ashamedashamed toto dodo sthsth bebe ashamedashamed thatthat Being unable to answer a teachers questions in class is nothing to be ashamed of. 上课回答不了老师的提问没什么难为情的。 麻烦你这么多次,我不好意思。Im quite ashamed to have troubled you so many times. 2. They contain a harmful chem

5、ical that caused my liver to fail. (P42,L19 )cause (vt.) 引起,造成,带来; 使得:cause sth. cause sb. sth. ( =cause sth. to sb.) cause sb./sth. to do (sth.) cause sth to be doneToo much rubbish can cause pollution. 垃圾太多造成污染。He caused his parents much trouble. = He caused much trouble to his parents. 他给父母带来很多烦恼

6、。The heavy rain caused the river to rise by one meter so far. 到目前为止,这场大雨已经导致河水上涨了一米。You can touch a hibernating animal, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up. 你可以触摸冬眠的动物,甚至拉它的尾巴,也不会使它 动一动或醒来。 他的粗心造成这次交通事故。 His carelessness caused the traffic accident. 寒流(cold wave)使得温度急剧下降。 Th

7、e cold wave caused the temperature to fall rapidly.harmful(adj.) 有害的 反义词:harmless 名词:harmSmoking can be harmful to your health.Some bacteria are harmless and they are necessary for us.Im sorry if I upset you-I didnt mean any harm.3. We shouldnt be embarrassed about our weight.(P43,L38) embarrassed (

8、adj.) 尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的 拓展:拓展:embarrass(vt.)使难堪使难堪 embarrassing (adj.)令人尴尬的令人尴尬的 embarrassment (n.)尴尬尴尬. They embarrassed me by telling everyone my secret. He could not hide his embarrassment. . This is quite an embarrassing experience. . There was an embarrassed look on his face.4.Its th

9、e same in China many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous. (P 43,L 42 43) 当与频度副词如 always,forever, continually, constantly 等连用时,现在 进行时常表达 赞扬赞扬, 责备责备, 厌恶厌恶 , 恼怒恼怒, 愤怒愤怒 等 。 翻译: Shirley, you misspelled this word

10、 again. Why are you always making the same mistake? (责备) The couple are always quarrelling. I really dont know why. You are always doing well.(夸奖)Youre always thinking of others. 你总是想着别人。He was always ringing me up. 他老是给我打电话。 (令人烦)He was always coming home late. (埋怨) diet (n.) 节食,日常饮食 (vi) 节食控制饮食Die

11、ts (节食)are not the best way to lose weight(减肥).It is important to eat a balanced diet (均衡饮食) Id love some chips, but Im (going) on a diet (在节食).归纳归纳:diet 是可数名词,可用单数也可用复数。常与 on 连用,常用搭配为 be/go on diets/a diet,意为节食节食。 5. Healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to become fit.(P58) alo

12、ng with 连同,随同连同,随同 翻译: For my lunch at school, Mum often prepares some sandwiches, along with an apple or a banana. ( C )Professor Smiths, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working 拓展:拓展:along with 短语加在主语后面不影响谓语的单复

13、数形式,类似的还有:短语加在主语后面不影响谓语的单复数形式,类似的还有:; “with”, “together with”, “including”, “as well as”, “in addition to” , “rather than”, “but, except, like” etc. ( A ) 1. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck. (2004 北京北京)A. was B. were C. had been D. wo

14、uld be ( C )2.Bob, together with John and Joan _ to the exhibition in the morning. A. are going B. have gone C. has gone D. were going ( A )3.E mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 6. Walking and riding your bike

15、 count, and so do school sports. (P 58) count (vi.) 算数,有效,有重要意义,起作用,应予重视 翻译:Hurry up! Every minute now counts. 快点!现在分秒必争。It is not quantity but quality that counts. 重要的不是数量,而是质量。Some people think that honesty doesnt seem to count much in these days. 有些人认为当今诚实似乎不怎么重要了。I believe that happiness counts more than making money. 随堂检测随堂


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