外研版初一英语上册Module 3 Unit3教学设计教案

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1、G7 M 3 U3教师教师陶志旭年级年级初一教教 材材初一上册时时 间间45 分钟教学目标教学目标教学内容教学内容Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use教材分析教材分析This unit is to check if the students master the new words they learned in this module, and to know if they can describe a picture or surroundings with “there be” in English.教学重点教学重点To consolidate structu

2、re “there be” To learn to use prepositions.知识知识 与能力与能力1.巩固前面所学句型。 2.通过 WORD MAP 练习词汇。 3.学会介词的使用(behind,in front of, next to)过程过程 与方法与方法1. 学生能用 there be 句型谈论周围的事物。 2. Group word and individual work combine together.情感、态情感、态 度与价值度与价值 观观通过谈论学校与教室,增加学生对学校的热爱。教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动1. Warming- upAsk the

3、 students to look around the classroom and talk about it. (Use: there be 句型)Its Try to describe the classroom .(注意句型 的单复数与介词的正确使用)2. In put1.Ask students to complete the sentences. Use prep. 2.Ask: what is the “word map”? 3. Present the cards and pictures to the students1.Complete the sentences. Use

4、 behind, in front of, next to. 2.Complete the word map with these words.(blackboard/classroom/) 3.First, match the cards with the pictures. Then, students read the words in the cards and write down the questions they want to ask. Carry out “ask and answer” activity between two groups.3.PracticePrese

5、nt a picture for students to describe. (bedroom /classroom.) Show them an example how to do it.Students describe the picture with different prepositions, others should pay attention if they are right or not.教教学学过过程程教教学学4.Out put1.Present a picture of a strange world. Ask students to talk about it wi

6、th “there be” 2.Ask to write a letter describing your school.1.Students find as many strange parts as possible. Talk about it with “there be” 2.Work in groups. Describe school. And show to the class.5.Feedback完成下面的情景对话, 每空一词。 A: Hello, Tony! (1) to our school. B: Thanks. (2) school is very big. A: Y

7、es. (3) (4) thirty-six classrooms and six science(5) . B: (6) there (7) dining halls? A: Yes, there are three dining halls B: How many students (8) (9) ? A: There are about three thousand(千). B: (10) are the teachers offices? A: Theyre behind the classrooms.6.Summing-upThe using of “there be” and pr

8、epositions .There is/there are Is there? Are there? (First, students think about and say,then the teacher does.)7.评价:过过程程8.Homework.1.Revise the using of “there be” and prep. 2.Write about your classroom and school.Teaching Reflection本节课的学习任务是学习 there be 与介词的应用,因此,我在备课中 先让学生回顾两个重点,然后逐步过渡到应用他们去介绍周围的事

9、 物,或描述图片,设计了一个介绍学校的任务。然后再针对 there be 句型与介词进行反馈练习。检测题一. A.1字典 2 正确的 3 图片 4 电脑 5 在后面 6 建筑物 7 科学 8 饭厅 9 在 旁边 10 任何(一个) 11 一个人;一个物 12 图 书馆B.写出下列数字1-20 _ 21 34 48 50 69 71 80 99 二 按要求变换句子 1 Can Betty and Tony play basketball?(否定回答) _,_. 2. Whats in your bag?(有三本书和一个铅笔盒) _. 3. Is there a pen in your bag?

10、(肯定回答) _, _. 4. Are the computers in the classroom? (否定回答)_,_ 5. There are some pictures on the wall(墙). (否定句)_ 6.There is an eraser under the desk. (一般疑问句)_ 7. Whats in front of the chair? (三本字典) _in front of it. 8. There are some girls behind Miss Li. (一般疑问句)_三 用 be 动词的适当形式填空1 Who _your parents? 2

11、 Our English teachers _at school. They _at home. 3 What _that over there? I think it _ a cat. 4 There _a kite in the sky. 5 These _my pencils. Where _your pencil? 6 What_ under the desk? There_some boxes ,but they _any rulers under it.7 There _any trees in the factory, but there_ a building in it. 8

12、 _there a bag and a table in your home? No, there_.四 选用适当的人称代词,在其下面划线 1.These are _(you, your) pens. 2._(I, my ) am 12 years old. Thats _(I, my)school. 3.Wheres _(his, he) bike? _(It, Its ) is over there. 4._(Their, They)are_(she, her)friends. 5._(we, our) English teacher is good. 五 汉译英。 1 在教室里有没有任何图片。_ 2. 李小姐的桌子上有一台电脑吗? 有。_ 3.教室在哪里? 他们在办公室的后面。_ 4.体育馆在图书馆的前面吗? 不是。_ 答案:一。略。二1.No,they cant. 2.There are three books and a pencil box.3.Yes, there is. 4.No,they arent.5.There arent any.6.Is there a


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