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1、1LCP、锁钉及多针固定中老年肱骨外科颈 骨折的对比研究作者:任民,文益民,王世勇,张军华【摘要】 目的 探讨锁定加压钢板(LCP)、带锁髓内钉和多枚克氏针应用在中老年肱骨外科颈复杂性骨折治疗中的临床疗效。方法 对本院 2002 年 10 月2007 年3 月手术治疗并获得 1 年随访的肱骨外科颈骨折 58 例,年龄 3965 岁,Neer型骨折 33 例,型骨折 25 例,按手术方式不同分为:LCP 组 36 例,带锁髓内钉治疗组(A 组)11 例,多枚克氏针治疗组(B 组)11 例,各组均采用手法复位。术后就术中出血量、切口总长度、伤口延迟愈合率、8 周骨折愈合率、术后肩关节外展活动度方面

2、,将 LCP 组分别与 A 组、B 组进行统计学分析,肩关节功能按Constant Murley 绝对值标准评分。结果 LCP 组和 A 组比较切口总长度、伤口延迟愈合率、8 周骨折愈合率无统计学意义(P0.05),两组术中出血量、肩关节最大外展度数有统计学意义(P0.05)。LCP 组和 B 组比较术中出血量、伤口延迟愈合率无统计学意义(P0.05),两组切口总长度、8 周骨折愈合率、肩关节最大外展度数有统计学意义(P0.05)。肩关节功能 Constant Murley 绝对值评分结果:治疗型骨折 LCP 组优良率 90.9%,型骨折 LCP 组优良率 85.7%。A 组优良率 45.5%

3、,B 组优良率 36.4%。结论 治疗中老年肱骨外科颈复杂性骨折首选应用锁定加压钢板技术固定,其临床疗效优于带锁髓内钉和多枚克氏针固定技术。 【关键词】 钉加压钢板;带锁髓内钉;克氏针;肱骨外科颈骨折Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical efftects of aged patients with complicated surgical neck fractures of humerus treated by locking compression plate 2(LCP), interlocking intramedullary nail

4、and multi Kirschner wire.Methods We retrospectively studied surgically treated 58 cases (during October 2002 March 2007, in Lanzhou General Hospita1) of surgical neck fractures of humerus and trailed over 1 year, age 39-65. Among 58 cases,33 cases were type fractures and 25 cases were type fractures

5、 based on Neer classification; 36 cases were treated with locking compression plate (group LCP), 11 cases were treated with interlocking intramedullary nail (group A) and 11 cases were treated with multi Kirschner wire (group B) based on different operations. After operation, group LCP statistically

6、 compared with group A or group B in regard to intraoperative bleed volume, sum of operative incision length, delayed union rate of operative incision, fracture union rate of 8 weeks and postoperative abducens range of shoulder joint motion. All groups suffered manipulative reduction. Selecting Cons

7、tant murley System as a assessment standard to evaluate shoulder joint function.Results Between group LCP and group A, there were no significant difference in regard to sum of operative incision length, delayed union rate of operative incision and fracture union rate of 8 weeks (P0.05), there were s

8、ignificant difference in regard to bleed volume and abducens range of shoulder joint motion(P0.05). Between group LCP and group B, there were no significant difference in regard to bleed volume and delayed union rate of operative incision(P0.05), there were significant difference in regard to sum of

9、 operative incision length, fracture union rate of 8 weeks and abducens range of shoulder joint motion(P0.05). According to the standard of Constant-murley System for the shoulder joint function evaluation, rates about 90.9% or 85.7% were perfect for type or type fractures in group LCP, rates about

10、45.5% were perfect in group A and rates about 36.4% were perfect in group B. Conclusion A therapy of locking compression plate (LCP) should be seleced as the prime indicationof treatment on complicate humerus surgical neck fractures for aged patients. Therapeutic effect treated with LCP was better t

11、han interlocking intramedullary nail and multi Kirschner wire.Key words: locking compression plate;intramedullary nail;kirschner wire;surgical neck fractures of humerus锁定加压钢板(locking compression plate, LCP)是近年来活跃于临床的新兴产物,其钢板钉孔与螺钉钉帽采用丝扣锁定,钢板贴覆骨膜固定但不压迫骨面,如果不切开骨膜行骨折手法闭合复位,则可最大限程度地保留了骨折局部的血运。我科运用手法复位,LC

12、P、带锁髓内钉及多针技术治疗中老年肱骨外科颈复杂骨折58 例,现将结果报告如下。31 材料与方法1.1 一般资料 对象为本院 2002 年 10 月2007 年 3 月收治的 58 例肱骨外科颈闭合性复杂骨折。Neer 分型为型且骨折均未波及关节面。根据手术方式不同分为 3 组:锁定加压钢板治疗组(LCP 组);带锁髓内钉治疗组(A 组);多枚交叉克氏针治疗组(B 组)。3 组均以病案号编序、随机抽取序号组成样本进行统计。LCP 组 36 例,年龄 3965 岁,其中型骨折(伴明显移位)22 例,男 16 例,女 6例,型 14 例,男 10 例,女 4 例。A 组:带锁髓内钉治疗肱骨型骨折(

13、伴明显移位)11 例,男 9 例,女 2 例,年龄 4160 岁。B 组:多枚克氏针治疗肱骨型骨折 11 例,男 9 例,女 2 例,年龄 4563 岁。三组病例术后均随访 1 年以上。1.2 方法1.2.1 LCP 组 自三角肌和胸大肌间隙入路。不切开骨膜,C 臂机下将移位骨块手法复位,必要时辅助使用斯氏针撬拨复位,不强求解剖复位,但要纠正内外翻及旋转移位,保持正确对线。用巾钳或细克氏针经皮作临时固定。骨膜外置入LCP,远端位于三角肌止点前缘,近端位于结节间沟后方、大结节上缘向下 5 mm 处,C 臂机下确认钢板位于肱骨前外侧中心位置,其纵线与肱骨轴线平行,导向器导引下两端各拧入 2 枚锁定

14、螺钉,粉碎骨折段用普通螺钉或锁定钉固定。对合并肩袖损伤的,将肩袖残端用丝线系于钢板的缝合孔上。3 d 后行肩关节无痛性锻炼,逐渐加强幅度。1.2.2 A 组:依上述方法闭合复位、临时固定。沿肱骨大结节上缘作小切口暴露大结节,大结节近端开窗、扩髓,将髓内针缓慢插入髓腔,钉尾埋入皮质内,两端4上锁。肩关节功能锻炼方法同上组。1.2.3 B 组:依上法闭合复位、多枚克氏针固定,辅助支具外固定于肩关节外展90。3 周后去外固定行肩关节功能锻炼。1.2.4 三组每例均统计术中出血量;术后测量各切口长度并计算总和;伤口 14 d 拆线,超过 16 d 为延迟愈合;随访,术后 8 周拍片,骨折愈合标准为骨折

15、线模糊,连续骨痂通过骨折线;术后观察肩关节功能恢复情况,肩关节功能按照Constant Murley 绝对值评分标准,总分 100 分,其中疼痛占 15 分,日常生活能力占 20 分,三角肌肌力 25 分,肩关节活动度 40 分(90100 分为优,8089 分为良,7079 分为中,70 分以下为差),1 年后测量肩关节最大外展度数。1.3 统计学方法 用 SPSS11.0 软件对结果进行统计分析。计数资料采用四格表资料 Fisher 确切概率法或两独立样本 Wilcoxon 秩和检验。计量资料数据用(xs)表示,采用两样本 t 检验或单因素方差分析。检验水准 =0.05。 2 结果各组病例

16、性别构成比经 Fisher 确切概率法分析无统计学差异(P0.05),年龄段分布呈正态分布,经方差分析均数无统计学意义(P0.05)。术后,LCP 组型骨折 22 例中伤口按期愈合 20 例,延期愈合 2 例,A 组 11 例伤口按期愈合 10例,延期愈合 1 例;LCP 组型骨折 14 例中伤口按期愈合 13 例,延期愈合 1例,B 组 11 例中伤口按期愈合 11 例,延期愈合 0 例。术后 8 周,LCP 组型骨折22 例中愈合 18 例,未愈合 4 例;A 组 11 例骨折愈合 6 例,未愈合 5 例;LCP 组型骨折 14 例中愈合 12 例,未愈合 2 例;B 组 11 例中骨折愈合 3 例,未愈合 8 例。详见表 12。5表 1 LCP、A、B 各组手术出血量、切口长度总和、伤口延迟愈合率、骨折愈合率比较(略)与 A 组比较,P0.05,P0.05;与 B 组比较,P0.05,P0.05表 2 LCP、A、


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