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1、目录摘要摘要.2 Abstract.3 绪论.4 一,资产减值的概述.4 (1)资产的定义及特征.4 (2)资产减值的定义 .5 二,资产减值损失的确认标准及分析哪种较好.5 (1)确认标准.5 (2)比较采用哪种标准较好.5 三,资产可能发生减值的迹象判断.5 四,资产减值会计存在的问题.6 (1)关于公允价值的公允性的问题.6 (2)关于折现率的选择的问题.7 (3)关于资产减值准备的转回的问题.8 (4)关于资产组、总部资产和商誉的规定的问题.8 五,解决资产减值会计问题的对策.9 (1)关于公允价值的公允性的对策.9 (2)关于折现率的选择的对策.10 (3)关于资产减值准备的转回的对

2、策.10 (4)关于资产组、总部资产和商誉的规定的对策.10 结束语.11 参考文献.11浅述资产减值会计的问题研究摘要摘要 随着我国市场经济的快速发展,技术的突飞猛进,产品的更新换代,资产价格的起伏不定, 经营中不确定因素的增加.这一切都预示着诱发资产减值的因素广泛存在且在不断增加。 资产减值会计的目的就是通过反映客观存在的资产价值的减少,全面,公允地反映企业资 产的现实价值状况,揭示潜在风险和披露企业经营业绩,为会计信息使用者进行正确抉策 提供相关信息。所以,对资产减值会计的相关问题进行探讨是很有必要的。 合理计提资产减值,对于企业规避风险,提高会计信息质量有着重要作用。而近年来我国 上市

3、公司,利用资产减值操纵利润的现象十分严重。因此,在实践中合理利用并不断完善 资产减值会计具有重大意义。本论文从资产减值会计的概述入手,首先对其相关定义和确 认标准进行表述,然后结合我国的资产减值会计执行情况,指出了资产减值会计在实施中 所存在的一些问题,最后分心这些问题,提出了健全资产减值会计的几点建议。关键词:资产减值,资产减值准则,潜在风险,资产减值会计,会计信息,决策Abstract With the rapid development of our market economy, technology make a spurt of progress, product upgradin

4、g, asset price fluctuations, the uncertain factors in the operation to increase .All of this indicates that induced impairment of assets of the factors are widespread and growing. Asset impairment accounting objective is reflected through the objective existence of the assets value decrease, compreh

5、ensive, fairly reflect the real value of enterprise assets, to reveal the potential risk and disclosure of enterprise operating performance, users of accounting information for the correct policy choice to provide relevant information. Therefore, accounting of impairment of assets related issues is

6、necessary. Asset impairment, for enterprises to avoid risk, improve the quality of accounting information plays an important role. While the listed companies in China in recent years, the phenomenon of profit manipulation by very serious. Therefore, in practice, and constantly improve the rational u

7、se of assets impairment accounting is of great significance. This paper from the start with an overview of the accounting for impairment of assets, the first of its related definitions and to confirm the standard formulation, and then combined with Chinas assets impairment accounting implementation,

8、 points out that the asset impairment accounting in the implementation of the existing problems, finally the distraction of these problems, put forward some suggestions of assets impairment accounting.Key words: impairment of assets, impairment of assets, the potential risk, asset impairment account

9、ing, accounting information, decision making绪论知识经济时代,信息技术在经济领域的广泛应用使得竞争加剧,企业生产经营 的不确定性加大,客观上促进了资产减值会计的发展。相对于西方国家,我国 的资产减值的会计的发展要晚得多。随着 2006 年 2 月我国新准则的颁布,使资 产减值会计在我国的发展进入了一个新的阶段。虽然在实施中面临一些问题和 挑战,但是总体来说,随着世界经济的一体化,我国企业制度进一步完善,经 济环境越来越规范,加之国家政策的大力支持,将为我国资产减值会计提供一 个广阔的空间。 企业对外披露的会计信息中应通过确认资产减值,可使利益相关者相信企业资 产已得到优化,对企业盈利能力和抵御风险能力更具有信心,也可将长期积累 的不良资产泡沫



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