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1、 量刑论文:量刑程序的独立化问题研究量刑论文:量刑程序的独立化问题研究【中文摘要】量刑程序的独立化是指在刑事诉讼中法官根据控辩双方的举证、质证、辩论以实现对被告人量刑的专门的庭审程序,或日“独立的量刑程序”,其以被告人有罪认定为前提,实现了定罪程序和量刑程序的分离。独立的量刑程序是我国近年来探讨刑事庭审改革的热门话题之一,因为其具有诸多优位价值而被学界为改革我国庭审程序建言献策时推崇。然而独立的量刑程序并不是每个现代法治国家正在实践的法律程序,因为目前它仅适用于英美法系国家。那么,构建独立的量刑程序是否能成为我国改革庭审程序而实现司法公正的必然路径呢?我国量刑程序的根本问题是什么?独立的量刑程



4、的庭审模式使得辩护律师处于尴尬与无奈的境地,正在积极试点的公诉机关量刑建议制度没有良好的实施空间等。第五部分,我国独立的量刑程序的构建。首先分析了构建我国独立的量刑程序必须考虑到的制度障碍:“案卷笔录式”审判,不完善的审前分流机制,审判委员会的设置,量刑事实的匮乏和审前的普遍羁押。然后提出构建独立的量刑辩论程序要遵循的三个原则:量刑个别化原则、合作性司法原则和及时性原则,提出构建独立的量刑程序的具体设想,建议我国量刑规范化活动以实体改革为主,程序改革为辅,最后着重提出使独立的量刑程序良好运行的相关配套措施。【英文摘要】The indepentence of sentencing procedu

5、re is the special trial procedure in which judges realize the sentencing of the accused according to both probatio, cross-examination and debate in the criminal proceedings,that is “the independent sentencing procedure”. It is based on the accuseds being accused of guilty, and it realizes the separa

6、tion of conviction procedure and sentencing debate procedure.The independent sentencing procedure is one of the hot topics our country has been holding about the reform of criminal trial,because it has so many overriding values the experts in academic circles canonize it when they provide advice for

7、 the reform of our criminal proceedings. However, the independent sentencing debate procedure is not carried out in every morden country under the rule of law, because it is only applied in common-law countries. So is it the inevitable way to construct independent sentencing debate procedure to real

8、ize judicial justice? What is the basic problem of our independent sentencing debate procedure? Can the independent sentencing debate procedure adapt to our traditional administration of justice?How to construct independent sentencing debate procedure that is suitable to our juridical practice? Thes

9、e questions are puzzling our theory circle and pragmatic circle.This article has five parts:Part:Summerise Independence of the sentencing procedure.Firstly,expound the meaning and characters of the sentencing procedure,and analyse the loss of the sentencing procedure in our country.Then introduce ex

10、hibition and character of independence on sentencing procedure,the background under which our country puts forward the independent sentencing procedure to realize the standard sentencing procedure. Finally expound three typical views about individual penalty procedure.Part:Analyse the capital value

11、function of independent sentencing procedure. The independent sentencing debate procedure has four capital functions:substantive justice function, procedure justice function, gurantee of human rights,and restriction of powers. Part III:Study comparatively oversees program-independent procedure of Se

12、ntence debating. Present legislation and justice of sentencing program schema in England and America. In these two countries, besides traditional justice concept which conforms to thire own nation,there are many other auxiliary syetem which are the key to operating sentencing procedure well.In civil

13、-law countries,though lacking independent sentencing procedure, they often add special court hearing to the common procedure to embody independent sentence debating procedure. Moreover, setting independent sentence debating is the tendency to sentencing refom.Part:Analyse the deficiency and the acad

14、emic and operational puzzledom of the adverary procedure:the concealment in the process of weighing of punishment; the extreme and unrestained discretionary power of judges; the absence of personality investigation system; the contridiction in the legislative and judicial postions of the victims. th

15、e academic and operational puzzledom also exists:the difficulties facing judges in the processof ruling caused by the confusion about proof standards, the failure to set the appiled scope of evidence rules and the confusion between conviction and sentence evidences, defense lawyers embarassing and h

16、elpless situation caused by the unitary mode of trial; the absence of great accassions where sentence proposing system of the prosecution organ can be executed, which is now in the experimental process.Part:The construction of the independent sentencing procedure in our country. First,the instituional handcaps in the independent sentencing procedure is to be analysed:trials in the form of making records and taking depositions; t



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